Is Bannon Fifth-Columning the Pope?
On February 7, 2017 The New York Times published an article that suggests "Steve Bannon Carries Battles to Another Influential Hub: The Vatican." The story outlined how Bannon appears to be now engaging in a Fifth Column action within the Vatican in support of ultra-traditionalist forces who are unhappy with the Pope's social justice message. These forces take issue with Francis's more tolerant tone towards Syrian refugees, his call for economic fairness and his pro-environmental stances, particularly when it comes to climate change. This reactionary "Shadow Church" features some familiar names. First and foremost is the former Archbishop of St. Louis, Missouri, Cardinal Raymond Burke. And there is strong circumstantial evidence that the shadow church may include The Dignitatis Humanae Institute (Institute for Human Dignity); a Catholic lay organization led by Benjamin Harnwell, whom The Times describes as "a confidant of Cardinal Burke." Indeed, it was Harnwell who introduced Bannon to Burke. The Times reported that Harnwell invited Bannon to speak before the Institute's summer 2014 conference on poverty. Bannon, then-the editor of Breitbart News (not long before he joined the Trump presidential campaign), used the occasion to launch into a rallying call to culture war replete with broad allusions to what he believed is a coming clash of civilizations between the Christian West and Islam:
And we're at the very beginning stages of a very brutal and bloody conflict, of which if the people in this room, the people in the church, do not bind together and really form what I feel is an aspect of the church militant, to really be able to not just stand with our beliefs, but to fight for our beliefs against this new barbarity that's starting, that will completely eradicate everything that we've been bequeathed over the last 2,000, 2,500 years. Cardinal Burke is also on the record stating his belief that Christianity and Islam are incompatible. I think that in order to understand what may going on here we need to be aware of the idea of Fourth Generational Warfare (4GW for short). It is a term and a set of ideas that are likely to start getting more attention. What may look like a reign of confusion emanating from Bannon's perch in the White House is more likely a well-thought-out strategy. You might say there may be a method to the madness -- designed to "overwhelm, disorient and disrupt" progressives, moderates and even some centrist conservatives. The more confusion that is sown, the better. And it is not too difficult to understand why Pope Francis would be a target . It is all-too-common for Catholics such as Bannon who have no true grasp of Catholic social justice teachings to confuse Marxism with the Church's economic teachings. As sociologist Dr. James Scaminaci noted:
A sub-component of 4GW is William Lind's conspiracy theory of the internal war for supremacy between what he called "cultural Marxists" and their ideology of "Political Correctness" or "multiculturalism" and the "traditional American culture" or "Judeo-Christian culture." Lind argued that "cultural Marxists" hate America's "Judeo-Christian culture" and were seeking to destroy it. The losers were to be rich, white, conservative, Christian, heterosexual men. Nevertheless, some have pooh-poohed the idea of a possible "rad-trad" alliance against Pope Francis. However, as one article from NPR has pointed out, Breitbart News has made it quite clear where they come down in the battle between Pope Francis and the clique of radical traditionalists:
A year ago, Francis criticized candidate Donald Trump for wanting to build a wall along the border with Mexico, saying, "A person who thinks only about building walls ... and not building bridges is not Christian." Perhaps Charles Pierce put it best. Writing in Esquire :
This isn't just a matter of the cafeteria having a few new and unfamiliar faces in the buffet line. This is dragging elements of the Church into alliances with white supremacists all over the world, lining up parts of the Church with the likes of Marine Le Pen in France. This is entering into an alliance with forces so completely contrary to the Church's stated mission that they might as well give Cardinal Burke an army and let him march against the Languedoc. It may well turn out that Bannon is less of a racist at all -- but something worse; a political opportunist. The presidential advisor is playing a dangerous game using previously marginalized political movements in order to advance his own agenda -- with possibly unintended but entirely foreseeable consequences.
Is Bannon Fifth-Columning the Pope? | 252 comments (252 topical, 0 hidden)
Is Bannon Fifth-Columning the Pope? | 252 comments (252 topical, 0 hidden)