More aggressive proselytizing
She said that she thinks that the Dominionists in this area have gotten more aggressive since the election. The employee, a young man, was rather pushy from her description - right there in the store. She then said that an older man came up and handed her a Christian tract right after that. It bothers both of us. We think that Trump winning may have made them more bold and willing to break laws and violate rules in trying to push their religion on others. We're just waiting to see if this is more than a local phenomenon. They've been very aggressive in the past - like I told my wife, complaining to management does little good down here... at most the people tone down their aggressive approach a bit. It also makes me wonder if the state parks are going to have a lot more of what we experienced there the last time (or the time before that) when we were able to go there. There was a group with a big boom box blasting out a guy's preaching and preaching-music. You could hear it hundreds of feet away - very loud. When we complained that it was ruining our experience of the park (used to be very peaceful), the rangers said that they could do little about it except ask them to turn it down - that it was a freedom of speech and freedom of religion issue. As I remember, they DID ask them, and got complaints about "Persecuting Christians". I'm going to ask a couple of people I know how the jackleg preachers have been since the election (on my campus) - the next time I go over there. I wouldn't be surprised to learn that they got more disruptive and insulting.
More aggressive proselytizing | 168 comments (168 topical, 0 hidden)
More aggressive proselytizing | 168 comments (168 topical, 0 hidden)