Unholy Alliance for Bloomberg's Everytown for Gun Safety
Moore wanted fellow gun control advocates to know: Clearly, Moore and Everytown had been working with Schenck. Lucy McBath, Everytown's national spokesperson, was not only quoted in the piece, but later posted a pic on Twitter portraying her standing with Schenck at the anti-abortion demonstration in Washington, DC, March for Life. (Held on the anniversary of Roe vs. Wade.)
McBath describes herself this way: "National Spokesperson, Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America, Faith and Community Outreach Organizer, Everytown, Jordan's mom!" (McBath is the mother of Jordan Davis, who was murdered by a man who was offended by his loud music.) In his op-ed, Schenck argues that preventing gun violence is a life issue. Fair enough and many a prochoice person would welcome antichoice people to the cause, even though they may disagree on other things. But Schenck is a strange coalition partner, and does not even support gun safety legislation. He is an anti-abortion theocrat whose politics were forged in the heady days of Operation Rescue's mob violence against abortion clinics and he is a vocal supporter of one of America's most openly theocratic elected officials, Judge Roy Moore of Alabama. He is also a longtime and well known anti-marriage equality activist. In his USA Today op-ed, he makes a false equivalence between a few episodes of violence against antiabortion activists, and the three-decade campaign of arsons, bombings, assassinations and in a word, domestic terrorism, that has been waged against abortion providers. This in turn is at least a doubly false equivalence, as he compares this domestic terrorism to a woman's right to choose. Among other lowlights in Schenck's career, he was arrested for his involvement in trying to give a dead fetus to President Clinton. He was arrested during his support for Roy Moore, who was removed as Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court for defying a federal court order to take out of the state courthouse the monument to the Ten Commandments he had installed in the courthouse. While prochoice opponents of gun violence objected to Schenck's views and Everytown's alliance with him in social media, notably on Facebook, Schenck's op-ed also angered the Right over his apparent support for "gun control" -- as noted by Breitbart.com. This led Schenck to issue a statement in which he claimed he does not support gun control, but "self control."
"The recommendation I made at this week's pro-life event was not for government action, but for pro-life Christians to enter the discussion about how we can reduce incidents of murder, suicide, and accidental death due to the misuse of firearms... Schenck wants to have it both ways. Align himself and his anti-abortion agenda with opposition to gun violence while opposing governmental action to prevent gun violence. Everytown's unwise alliance with Rob Schenck is reminiscent of the Susan G. Komen Foundation's defunding Planned Parenthood's breast cancer prevention programs because some opportunistic Komen officials were antiabortion. Sometimes common sense just flies out the window.
Unholy Alliance for Bloomberg's Everytown for Gun Safety | 1 comment (1 topical, 0 hidden)
Unholy Alliance for Bloomberg's Everytown for Gun Safety | 1 comment (1 topical, 0 hidden)