Cop Who Shoved CNN Host Don Lemon Lassoed in Another Conspiracy Rodeo
Tabachnick reported: St. Louis County police officer Dan Page is best known for shoving CNN host Don Lemon while the journalist was covering the Michael Brown protests in Ferguson, Missouri. Page has since been suspended after video of his speech to a right-wing militia group, Oath Keepers of St. Louis and St. Charles, was brought to the attention of his superiors. In his speech Page claims to inside knowledge of a grand conspiracy against "Caucasian Christians." However this is not the only time Page has expressed such views, as PRA has learned, he forcefully touted his claims on the TruNews radio show with Rick Wiles on July 10, 2014. In the interview, Page emphasizes an undoubtedly padded military resume and makes no mention of his job with the county police force.
The TruNews radio show starts with a dramatic opening introducing, "Trunews, the only newscast reporting the countdown to the second coming of Jesus Christ, and now for the most powerful hour on radio, here is the end time newsman, Rick Wiles." Following the introduction, Wiles launches into an introduction of Page as being in charge of U.S. Army special forces in Africa and having inside knowledge of a plot to create a global regime. Page claims that the Department of Homeland Security has redefined terrorism (basically to target people like him.)
"It is a Caucasian male 18-65, one who supports the second amendment, one who believes in the second coming of Jesus Christ, one that is against illegal immigration and is against homosexuality and has a definition of traditional marriage. That is their definition of a terrorist." Page goes on to claim that Obama is purging senior military officers who supposedly oppose his secret plan for military interventions in domestic affairs and to further create havoc to justify military intervention including everything from nuclear suitcase bombs to the clever importation of children from Central America. Its a rich stew of koo koo. And it would be hard to take seriously, except this is the kind of hate-filled conspiracy mindedness that is sufficiently unmoored from reality and going sufficiently viral on the farther reaches of the Right, that it raises fair concern that their prophesy of violence may very well be self-fulfilling. And it appears to be part of a wider trend.
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