Neo-Confederate Tweets 'Kill the Jews' After Exposure of League of the South Political Candidates
Clarkson's articles also drew a response from Whitney in the form of a denial that he wants the nation to be a theocracy. See Clarkson's response, including the following 2013 quote from Whitney. "When you talk to people about God's Law being restored in America, they say, 'Awww, you're some ayatollah. Awww, you want a theocracy.' Well yes, I want obedience to God's Law because that is where liberty comes from. Liberty comes from God's Law. Tyranny comes when God's law is rejected by a society as it has been rejected in our day. Indeed, any law made that contradicts God's Law, what is it? It's not law at all. You could call it unlaw or you could call it, as our founders did, pretended law. But it is not law if it violates God's Law." Peroutka's appearance at the 2012 League conference was one of many since 2004 when he was the presidential candidate of the Constitution Party. He has also written for League publications and was elected to the organization's national board in 2013. Whitney is the chaplain of the Maryland chapter of the League.
The video below is a clip from the introduction of Michael Peroutka's speech at the League's 2012 conference. (The longer video including the introduction and Peroutka's speech is here.)
Maryland may not be at the top of most people's list of bastions of neo-Confederate sentiment. However, a member of the Maryland chapter of the League (which David Whitney serves as chaplain) drew national press attention last year for his white supremacist antics at the annual Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in Washington, DC. Maryland League member Matthew Heimbach, and a member of the White Student Union which Heimbach also led, shouted out in defense of slavery and against Martin Luther King, Jr. during a session on conservative outreach to minorities.
Peroutka founded and leads the Institute on the Constitution (IOTC), a training program for which Whitney is the senior instructor. The courses are advertised as, Today, many Americans are surprised but delighted to learn that we were founded as a Constitutional Republic of Sovereign States with a central government of purposely limited powers based on Biblical principles. The recovery and application of these principles is necessary for the reclamation of the Republic. Whitney is also the Maryland delegation chairman in the Southern National Congress. The SNG includes representatives from the states of the former Confederacy plus Maryland, has been meeting regularly since 2008 and held its sixth session in November 2013. Whitney is also a signer of the SNG's Southern National Covenant. I'll write more about the SNG and the other activities of Whitney and Peroutka in my next article on this topic. The graphic below is a screen grab of the League of the South website on October 21, 2013, showing Michael Peroutka on the board of directors.
Neo-Confederate Tweets 'Kill the Jews' After Exposure of League of the South Political Candidates | 5 comments (5 topical, 0 hidden)
Neo-Confederate Tweets 'Kill the Jews' After Exposure of League of the South Political Candidates | 5 comments (5 topical, 0 hidden)