Rick Scarborough's America
Rick attended the East Texas school named Stephen F. Austin University. Nestled in the ultra-conservative region of the state, the University is hardly known as being on the cutting edge of radical politics. Rick boasts that he made it through the college, "unaffected by the liberal, anti-American gobbledygood I heard every day."1 I have heard a professor tell me that while Rick attended one of the Texas Baptist Universities he felt the same way about his Baptist school. Later on Rick would join forces with a Christian Reconstructionist to support the war in Viet Nam. Formal education for Rick was an attempt to lead him into amoral positions. The Texas pastor believes America is under attack by "The Un-American Civil Liberties Union." Each step backward in morality in the nation has been led by the ACLU. Scarborough views this organization as having an evil intent coming from its Communist founder. Lumped in with this group is Americans United for Separation of Church and State. Rick believes Americans United wants to destroy the nation our Founding Fathers established.2 The preacher also wrote that the ACLU loves pedophiles and hates unborn children. 3 Rick is not shy on his opinions about American court rulings. His view on the School Busing decision by the Supreme Court in, Everson v Board of Education, is that Hugo Black got it wrong by bringing up the Danbury Baptist letter about a wall of separation of church and state. Rick wrote that the Engel v. Vitale ruling was based on this faulty idea conceived by Klansman Hugo Black.4 In Rick's legal opinion separation of church is not found in the constitution. Thus no reasonable human being could agree that Judge Roy Moore was in violation of the Constitution by erecting the Ten Commandment monument at the court house. This comes from the faulty ruling in 1947. Speaking of the Supreme Court he wrote, "Our nation's morality isn't being destroyed by activist judges-it is being destroyed by atheist judges,"5 His disgust for Supreme Court Judges almost rivals his affection for Judge Moore. Rick believes the courts are doing what King George did to America, "perpetrating tyranny upon the states." Rick believes Judge Moore represents the true American jurists. He sees Moore's battle as not about the Ten Commandments, "but about whether or not the state will acknowledge God as God." Rick sees Judge Moore as being persecuted for exercising his faith in the public sector and seeking to stand up for the basis of American law....which is the Bible.6 The author also has an opinion on the current President. He wrote the President is "....eradicating the last vestiges of morality in the land, usurping power never vested in the Presidency by our Constitution, and spending our nation into bankruptcy to pay for his liberal socialist agenda, based on the belief that government can replace God."7 Summing up the famous preacher's concept on what is wrong with the nation can best be expressed by what he wrote. "The lie of separation of church and state ushered in the moral collapse that is now being illustrated statistically." Rick concludes his works by encouraging patriotic pastors to get involved to save the nation. One of the photos I have of Rick is his swearing in of a Congressman making the legislator pledge to uphold the Bible as the law of the land. Endnotes 1. Rick Scorborough, America Under Attack, Vision America, Lufkin, Tx. Pg. 23. 2. Rick Scorborough, Liberty Under Attack, Vision America, Lufkin, Tx. Pgs. 2-3. 3. Ibid. pgs. 15-16. 4. Ibid. pg. 10. 5. Mark Sutherland, Judicial Tyranny, Amerisearch, 2005, pgs. 82-83. 6. Ibid. pgs. 80-81. 7. America Under Attack pg. 24.
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