I Stand Sunday Part 2
Mike Huckabee proclaimed the state is encroaching on the church. Christians are not to shut up but now stand up the Fox commentator reasoned. Mike did his voter emphasis noting that Christians are not going to the voting booth and this is why the nation suffers. The Alliance Defending Freedom leader claimed the Idaho ministers who refused to preform wedding services for homosexuals were threatened with fines. The implication was that in the near future ministers will be arrested for refusing to preform gay marriages. It was interesting that the Idaho ministers were husband and wife. Southern Baptist, who highlighted the evening, do not believe in woman pastors. Todd Starnes was introduced as a commentator for Fox News. Fox News drew a large round of applause from the crowd. Starnes mentioned President Obama in a negative light. He then reminded the listeners that the government is wanting to take our Bibles and guns from us. He claimed there is a war on religious liberty in America and chaplains in the military are not allowed to pray in Jesus name. Students in schools are under attack for believing in Jesus Christ. Todd spoke about a student who preached at a graduation exercise, even though he was warned not to by the principle. The student was praised as one who stood for his faith and religious liberty. A video was shown about a couple who lost their business and faced criminal charges for refusing to provide a wedding cake for a gay marriage. Tony Perkins told the crowd this meeting was about the City of Houston trying to silence pastors. This appeared to be the theme. Another theme was to just let the people vote. Pastors had demanded an election regarding the famous bathroom ordinance passed by the city. There was a sense of a political rally. Other speakers reminded the audience the answers were not found in politics but through prayer and being faithful in their calling as Christian ministers. Tony Perkins said Ronnie Floyd was attacked by an anti-Christian group because Floyd exercised his freedom of speech. (The event was Floyd's endorsement of President Bush for election from his pulpit.) Houston pastor Ed Young claimed our freedoms are being attacked by a humanistic culture. Ed has two prominent political members who are on record attacking traditional church-state separation values. He introduced his friend Ronnie Floyd who is current president of the Southern Baptist Convention. The host church's pastor is a graduate of Oral Roberts University. The same school that produced anti-separation of church and state leader David Barton. The pastor claimed the entire rally was about letting people vote. The group felt as if they had been denied the right to petition the city of Houston for an election. There was seldom any mentioning of homosexuals, the right to vote or the denial of the privilege to vote was emphasized by local pastors. Rick Scarborough provided the grand finale in the fireworks. Rick retold his story about how he rescued his former city not far from this church. Rick became in charge of the political process that elected candidates to city offices and school boards. The word was that going through Rick's office was a requirement for elected officials in Pearland. Later on his endorsement was a sure kiss of death in the regions voting districts. He did not mention this political activism led to a divided city and severed church. Several of these types of stories were left out at the gathering. The event reminded me of a book review I wrote about a manuscript on public education that came from a local lawyer. The book took several stories from around the nation and made these events appear as the norm in public education. The case was exaggerated in the book. There are thousands of school districts. You can do a little research and come up with some crazy things that happened and claim them as the norm for the nation. I saw the same type of mentality by what was presented from the platform.
I Stand Sunday Part 2 | 2 comments (2 topical, 0 hidden)
I Stand Sunday Part 2 | 2 comments (2 topical, 0 hidden)