Christian Right Voter Mobilization -- The Season Finale
A coalition of leading Christian Right groups has been mobilizing since at least March when the behind-the-scenes strategy group United in Purpose convened a national "Voter Mobilization Strategy Summit" in Dallas. The event was intended to " bring together leaders of conservative organizations from around the country to brainstorm and strategize on how to get out the vote for the 2014 midterm elections." This was followed by a traveling road show of top Christian Right leaders holding electoral mobilization conferences in key states. But the big public kick-off event was what they called Star Spangled Sunday which was web cast from a church in North Carolina. I was watching. It was on this program that the coalition rolled out its video urging pastors to take the lead in this effort - which features a new app for comparing church directories with voter registration lists. These events culminated in last weekend's Values Voter Summit, hosted by the Family Research Council, where the video was repeatedly plugged. (The task of mobilizing the Christian Right seems to have become a victim of its own success in promoting paranoid, anti-government Tea Partyism and Neo-Confederatism. Conference leaders were compelled to call on radio talk show host Mark Levin and broadcaster Glenn Beck to appeal to the group to keep it together. The Christian Right's campaign season finale event -- iPledge Sunday -- will be broadcast October 12th. Tony Perkins of the FRC recently wrote in a promotional e-mail:
If you think you're powerless to change the direction of our country, think again. Make plans now for your church to join me for a nationwide simulcast, Sunday night October 12. Together with David Barton, Jim Garlow, Kristan Hawkins, Sandy Rios, Lila Rose, Rick Scarborough, Mat Staver, and leaders from across the country, FRC will lead Americans in a call to faith, family, and freedom. Learn about what's at stake on religious liberty, life, marriage, family, and the economy before it's too late!
Christian Right Voter Mobilization -- The Season Finale | 2 comments (2 topical, 0 hidden)
Christian Right Voter Mobilization -- The Season Finale | 2 comments (2 topical, 0 hidden)