Four Stories
LGBTQ Nation In my first bi-weekly column on religious liberty, I discuss how "Religious liberty is a progressive and liberatory value, over which theocratic factions, and the politicians who pander to them, have no claim."
The Public Eye Two presidents in a row have increasingly steered federal grants and contracts to conservative Christian groups--including houses of worship. It is hard to imagine the Obama administration steering grants and contracts to state affiliates of Focus on the Family -- and worse. But here we are.
Eyes Right I watched the extraordinary spectacle at the recent Values Voters Conference in Washington, DC -- of Glenn Beck and Mark Levin trying to quell the current Neo-Confederate trend on the Christian Right.
Eyes Right In "The Nullification of Religious Liberty" I write: It's true. Religious liberty is under sustained attack in America--but not in the way the Christian Right would have us believe. A theocratic (and sometimes Neo-Confederate) movement within the broader Christian Right is targeting the religious liberty of those they don't agree with. Marriage equality is currently on the front lines of this historic assault. And while it has not always been framed as an issue of religious liberty by LGBTQ activists and progressive allies, that is changing--even as advances in marriage equality in the courts and federal policy are causing some Christian Right leaders to discuss potential state-level nullification.
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Four Stories | 4 comments (4 topical, 0 hidden)