Ron Paul, the John Birch Society, and Fatima Center Founder Fr. Nicholas Gruner... in 1998! (Video)
The 30-minute John Birch Society film includes five of the speakers who will be participating in the Fatima Center conference this coming week: Ron Paul; Fr. Nicholas Gruner, founder of the Fatima Center; John McManus, president of JBS; William Jasper, editor of the JBS magazine New American; and Cornelia Ferreira. Ferreira is another radical traditionalist Catholic who writes and speaks about claimed takeover of the church by a Masonic conspiracy and "liberal churchmen" who are in league with a "Luciferian revolution." Additional speakers in the JBS film included: Aaron Zelman (now deceased) of Jews for Preservation of Firearms; William Norman Grigg, then senior editor of New American; and Dr. Michael Coffman. Coffman, a global warming sceptic, is CEO of Sovereignty International, Inc. and also leads Environmental Perspectives, Inc. Coffman was one of the early promoters of the claim that environmentalism is a competing religion with Christianity and is that "false environmental catastrophes like global warming are being used to justify the need for world government and a pantheistic-based (nature is god) religion." [Correction: This article previously identified Coffman as former secretary of state of Colorado and U.S. Congressman for Colorado's 6th district. This is a different Michael Coffman.] See references to Ferreira in a 2006 Anti-Defamation League report on anti-Semitism in Argentina at the end of the article. An 8:18 segment of the 30-minute video is embedded below. This is a poor quality copy posted by a second party and only shows a brief glimpse of Fr. Gruner. The entire video can be viewed at LibertyInOurTime Youtube page, but the embedding feature has been disabled to that copy. Link her to watch the full video. Fr. Gruner can be seen very briefly at about 28 seconds into this embedded clip.
William Jasper is first seen at 2:21 At 24:42 in the full length film there is a graphic of Catholic Family News with a headline reading "One-World Church Starts Up." The publication is edited by John Vennari, who is also speaking at the Fatima Center conference, Pathways to Peace. The film is strikingly similar to some of the apocalyptic "left behind" films produced by John Hagee and other marketers of end times prophecy fiction. Many of those narratives also parallel secular anti-Semitic conspiracy theories, with Jews leading a supernatural demonic agenda that culminates in the Antichrist. Scenes in the JBS film change to black and white when United Nations bullies in dark sunglasses come to snatch children from their homes and force them to go to public schools. Depictions of the United Nations` infiltration are interspersed with images invoking Nazi Germany. The close of the film reveals it's purpose as a message in support of the American Sovereign Restoration Act that Paul introduced in the U.S. Congress in 1997. It never went to a vote and Paul re-introduced it in 2009. The John Birch Society and it's brand of paleoconservatism has been making a comeback across the country. JBS media has been used extensively through Tea Party organizations and in concert with Ron Paul's "revolution." The reemergence of the popularity of the organization prompted author Claire Conner to publish her new book Wrapped in the Flag. Conner had a front row seat to the birth of the JBS - her parents were the first two JBS members in Chicago and Claire was signed up at the age of thirteen. Today she is a progressive who views with concern the growing popularity of the JBS' conspiratorial worldview and narratives. Fr. Gruner heads the Fatima Center, claimed to be the largest Fatima apostolate in the world. As noted in the previous articles on the conference, the schismatic priest is not recognized in his diocese but claims to have good standing with the Roman Catholic Church through an archbishop in India. Gruner's Fatima Crusaders believe that nations will soon be destroyed if mandates from the Virgin Mary are not soon fulfilled. These mandates are claimed to have been given to three Portuguese children in 1917. The Fatima Center's media is filled with New World Order conspiracy and overtly anti-Semitic conspiracy narratives, as documented by's Bruce Wilson in numerous articles. See quotes and transcripts here, here, and here. The Southern Poverty Law Center has made a distinction between traditionalist Catholics and twelve radical traditionalist groups that promote anti-Semitic conspiracy theories. One of the twelve is Gruner's Fatima apostolate. Gruner was questioned in reference to the controversy over Ron Paul's participation in the upcoming conference. Gruner denied being anti-Semitic, but then denied the Holocaust. Gruner continued, "A question that nobody has been able to answer for me, is how can you have six million die, and have 13 million left, when you only had 13 million to start with?" Following is reference to Cornelia Ferreira in the Anti-Defamation League Report on Anti-Semitism in Argentina 2006. On the other hand, the Bulletin of the Patriotic Civic Centre included a series of articles where it was described what is hidden behind the Masonry and which are its anti-Catholic goals. In an article by Cornelia Ferreira about the book “Blood on the Altar”, it was affirmed that an example of an attack against the Catholic Church was the celebration of the Vatican Council II, which would provoke “the Judaization of the Church on the part of the Order of the Eastern Templaries” (the highest secret society for the elite of the Masonry). Both the Massons and the Jews –through Kabalah, the Talmud and through their own “Jewish Masonry”, the B’nei B’rith”- were inculpated of “fomenting the adoration of Satan, the black magic, sexual depravations and paedophile”. All this system “would be supported by the Orwellian concept of the dual mind, encouraged by the Kabalah”.
Ron Paul, the John Birch Society, and Fatima Center Founder Fr. Nicholas Gruner... in 1998! (Video) | 154 comments (154 topical, 0 hidden)
Ron Paul, the John Birch Society, and Fatima Center Founder Fr. Nicholas Gruner... in 1998! (Video) | 154 comments (154 topical, 0 hidden)