You Can Scrub, But You Can't Hide -- UPDATED
(Caner's lawyer, David C. Gibbs III, is best known for his role in the Terri Schiavo case.) Bob Allen of Associated Baptist Press writes:
A Christian blogger has reportedly filed an ethics complaint against a lawyer for claiming ownership of online video he says was obtained legally from the federal government. Allen reports, among other things, that Caner tells the about-to-be-deployed Marines in 2005: "We are taught from birth, you are the infidel. You are sons of Satan." "My madrassa (Muslim school) in Istanbul, Turkey; my madrassa in Cairo, Egypt, there's no question of what the doctrine of jihad was," he continued. "It is only when we come to America and hear westernized Islam we hear that `Oh, Islam means peace.'" As of this writing, you can still see the videos here. Update [2013-6-19 17:36:20 by Frederick Clarkson]: You Tube has now taken down the Marine videos featuring Caner's claims quoted above, due to Caner's copyright challenge. Update [2013-6-20 21:13:7 by Frederick Clarkson]: Bob Allen at Associated Baptist Press further reports that Caner has now filed a federal lawsuit against two bloggers who posted the videos. Allen reports: YouTube removed the videos after Caner filed a takedown notice pursuant to the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. Signed into law by President Clinton in 1998, the act made certain technical amendments to U.S. law to provide appropriate references and links to U.S. treaties. It also added two new prohibitions in Title 17 of the U.S. Code, one on circumvention of technological measures used by copyright owners to protect their works... Caner claims ownership of the videos, which he says are part of a series he titled, “Top Ten Things You Need to Know About Islam” that he delivered at the military’s invitation and for which he was paid as an independent contractor.
You Can Scrub, But You Can't Hide -- UPDATED | 4 comments (4 topical, 0 hidden)
You Can Scrub, But You Can't Hide -- UPDATED | 4 comments (4 topical, 0 hidden)