Oregon GOP Party Chair Sells Pro-Slavery Novel, Tied To Theocratic Movement
Bruce Wilson printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Sat Oct 12, 2013 at 05:56:08 AM EST
This article examines - within the context of the religious right's increasing influence over state-level politics, especially since the 2010 election - racist content in Oregon GOP chairman Arthur B. Robinson's Christian fundamentalist home schooling curriculum, as well as his ties to top leaders in the movement on the theocratic Christian right known as Christian Reconstructionism.

On Saturday August 10, 2013, Oregon biochemist and global warming skeptic-turned Republican politician Art Robinson was elected head of the Oregon Republican Party.

Back in 2010, I wrote a story titled Oregon GOP Congressional Candidate Sells Racist Book Suggesting Africans Are Like Retarded Children. The issue was subsequently raised by a moderator in a debate between U.S. Rep. Pete DeFazio (D-OR) and Republican Arthur Robinson, who was running for DeFazio's congressional seat in the 2010 election.

Again vying for DeFazio's congressional seat in the 2012 election (and backed by the Koch brothers-funded group Americans For Prosperity) Robinson sought to rebut the suggestion o