We Can Add New Teachings To The Bible, Says New Apostolic Reformation Leader Peter Wagner
One of the more benign examples of how this can work in practice can be seen in footage from the NAR's 2010 Convergence conference in Cedar Hills, TX, during which apostle Ed Silvoso--who convened the original 1999 meeting that led to the formation of what may be the movement's biggest apostolic network, the International Coalition of Apostles--released an "anointing for extraordinary miracles", so that movement members would be able to conduct miracles via their modern technological appliances, such as iPhones and cellphones. The main body in Wagner's movement that such divine revelation, which can allow for the introduction of new Christian scripture and practices, flows through is the elite Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders. One of Wagner's 26-odd ACPE prophets is The Call founder Lou Engle, known for his rhetoric against gay marriage (Engle staged a May 2010 Uganda rally featuring key figures promoting Uganda's so-called "kill the gays" bill) and legalized abortion. Engle, who has predicted that legalized abortion demands repayment in blood and will cause a second American civil war, rhetorically targeted late-term abortion doctor George Tiller shortly prior to Tiller's assassination. In 2007, at a Kansas City The Call rally, Lou Engle declared his "Doctrine of the Shedding of Innocent Blood", that Engle elaborated in a written document [PDF of document] originally published on The Call's website, which stated,
"Surely blood requires blood in God's judgment. God so highly values humanity that He protects it with His severe judgment. A day of reckoning is set if man does not obey Him... Where there is shedding of innocent blood, there is no atonement for the land. There is a blood pollution problem on America's soil. The most "dangerous terrorist" is not Islam, but God. One of God's names is "the Avenger of Blood." Have you worshipped [sic] that God yet?" Because of Engle's status as a prophet in ACPE, we can reasonably assume that Engle's teaching was considered within the NAR movement to have the force of Biblical scripture. Later, in a 2009 post, Engle compared late-term abortion doctor George Tiller to an Auschwitz death camp worker, writing,
"Tiller is being charged with 19 counts of illegal late-term abortions after he claimed ignorance of the Born Alive Infants Protection Act, a federal bill signed into law in 2002 that protects children born alive from infanticide by abortion doctors. Little more than two months later, Dr. Tiller was gunned down in the lobby of his church, by antiabortion activist Scott Roeder. In his Feb. 3, 2008 talk at Sonrise Chapel, during a question-and-answer period, Peter Wagner described how, although there is nothing in the Bible condemning abortion, the Holy Spirit tells Wagner's prophets that "abortion is murder":
Questioner, to C. Peter Wagner: I'm interested in knowing--coming from an intellectiual background, could you give us a little background as to how, when that intellectual background clashed with faith? I don't know if I'm getting across... Although Wagner's teaching breaks with centuries of established Christian teaching, the apostles and prophets of his NAR nonetheless have significant ties to national-level American politicians, such as Sarah Palin, Rick Perry, and Newt Gingrich, and they have prayed with, and appeared in public with, President Barack Obama and First Lady Michele Obama. This May 2012, Christianity Today featured one of the top female leaders of the NAR on the front cover of the magazine's print issue. [video, below: beginning roughly at 55:08, top New Apostolic Reformation theorist C. Peter Wagner, who has served as a top "convening apostle" in the NAR movement, describes how prophets in his movement can receive new revelation, from God, that can augment Biblical scripture.]
We Can Add New Teachings To The Bible, Says New Apostolic Reformation Leader Peter Wagner | 12 comments (12 topical, 0 hidden)
We Can Add New Teachings To The Bible, Says New Apostolic Reformation Leader Peter Wagner | 12 comments (12 topical, 0 hidden)