Truth Wins Out Reports on Exodus International's Attempt at Rebranding
From the report, Damning evidence uncovered by Truth Wins Out incontrovertibly proves that Exodus has not altered its message and may be involved in a strategic campaign of subterfuge to trick news reporters and gullible LGBT activists into believing it has moderated its message.I have a short footnote to add about a reference in the report that will be of interest to regular readers. Andrew Comiskey, mentioned in the report, is the former president of Exodus International and heads Desert Streams Ministries. In 2005, Comiskey moved his ministry to Kansas City to join forces with Mike Bickle's International House of Prayer.
In a ministry newsletter Comiskey wrote, Desert Stream is in the midst of its own adventure. We are journeying into unknown territories. In June of 2005, we shall relocate to Kansas City, Missouri. There we shall partner with Mike Bickle and his Forerunner and International House of Prayer (IHOP) Communities.Comiskey explains the problems that he was confronting included leaving the Vineyard network and encountering objections for partnering with Bickle, the controversial IHOP founder. But the most pressing issue Comiskey revealed was about cases against Desert Streams. Another painful chapter involves the alleged abuses of a former staff person that occurred in the mid nineties. (For legal reasons, I must be vague but I want you to know some of what we have been facing this year.) Several years ago, we settled a civil lawsuit related to these allegations. At the end of 2003, another victim filed a lawsuit against Desert Stream, citing the same perpetrator. Throughout 2004 we have been engaging in a costly and sorrowful legal process. It has been costly because we used up the limited funds available to us through our insurance on the previous allegation; all the monies we have needed for legal counsel and the costs of litigation come from our account, not from insurance proceeds. Box Turtle Bulletin also reported on Desert Streams and its Living Waters Program in November 2011, in an article about protests against a Living Waters seminar in Toulouse, France. Comiskey is a graduate of Fuller Theological Seminary and wrote Pursuing Sexual Wholeness and The Kingdom of God and the Homosexual. Another TWO article references Comiskey's claims in his writing that homosexuality is demonic. TWO has featured a number of reports on the sexual abuse charges against Desert Streams Ministries. Exodus International continues to show Desert Streams as an affiliate ministry on its website. Andrew Comiskey is the brother of Jay Comiskey, also a Fuller Theological Seminary graduate and a vice president of Christian Broadcast Network, and of Joel Comiskey, another Fuller graduate and expert on cell churches. The Joel Comiskey groups coaches pastors from "various denominations and apostolic networks."
Truth Wins Out Reports on Exodus International's Attempt at Rebranding | 2 comments (2 topical, 0 hidden)
Truth Wins Out Reports on Exodus International's Attempt at Rebranding | 2 comments (2 topical, 0 hidden)