Quotes on Dominionism From the Apostles and Prophets of the New Apostolic Reformation
Chip Berlet and Frederick Clarkson have written extensively about Dominionism and Dominion Theology and point out subtle but significant differences that should be taken into consideration when using the terminology. Berlet has written about the difference between Soft Dominionism or Christian Nationalism and Hard Dominionism, which is theocratic. Because the New Apostolic Reformation is evolving, it is difficult to know where to place its leadership in the spectrum of Dominionist ideologies. There have been significant trends among some of the leadership toward a more aggressive and political application of their Dominionist beliefs in the last few years, and some are more forthright about their intentions than others. Following are quotes on the mandate to take "dominion" from the leaders of the apostolic and prophetic movement, or New Apostolic Reformation, as it has been dubbed by C. Peter Wagner. Some of the quotes indicate how the apostles and prophets envision taking control over the institutions of society and government.
Wagner acknowledges that many evangelicals want nothing to do with Dominion Theology. Nevertheless, he is unapologetic about dominion as the goal of the New Apostolic Reformation in his 2008 book titled Dominion!. "The practical theology that best builds foundation under social transformation is dominion theology, sometimes called 'Kingdom now.' Its history can be traced to R.J. Rushdoony and Abraham Kuyper to John Calvin. Some of the notable attempts to apply it in our day have been made by Bob Weiner, Rice Broocks, Dennis Peacocke, and others. Unfortunately the term dominion theology has had to navigate some tough waters in the recent past. A number of my friends, in fact, attempted to dissuade me from using dominion in the title of this book, fearing that some might reject the whole book just because of the title. ![]() Note that Bob Weiner and Dennis Peacocke have been apostles in the International Coalition of Apostles (ICA). The list is no longer public (and Wagner has passed the role of Convening Apostle to John P. Kelly in Fort Worth, Texas), but Dennis Peacocke still serves on the ICA's Apostolic Council. In the graphic at right, Wagner illustrates the significance of taking the land from demons as part of "transformation" and also the anticipated "transfer of wealth" that he teaches will shift money from the ungodly to the godly. Wagner states in The Church and the Workplace,
"Now that we have social transformation on our evangelical agendas, it is time for action. I regard 'social transformation' as the concept term. However, the action term that will best set us on the road toward that goal is 'taking dominion.'" The apostles and prophets have a campaign that promotes dominionism through what is called the "Seven Mountains Mandate." This is about taking control over the "mountains" of: art and entertainment; business; education; family; government; media; and religion. The terms "spheres" or "gates" were used initially and then changed to mountains. Wagner has written that each of these seven areas should be seen as an "apostolic sphere." The apostles that are to lead the six mountains (other than religion) are called "workplace" or "marketplace" apostles.
"The Lord will have dominion over the kingdoms of this world - over government, business, education, arts and entertainment, media, religion, and families."In the book, Patterson describes the Democratic Party as controlled by a "demonic structure" and the source of racism in America. The Seven Mountains campaign has been promoted internationally. The linked video shows Cindy Jacobs, one of the prophets of the movement, promoting the Seven Mountains campaign in Indonesia. Apostle Lance Wallnau is recognized as one of the leading speakers promoting the mandate. In this video Wallnau is speaking about the Seven Mountain campaign at Wasilla Assembly of God. Wallnau begins at about the two minute mark, after he is introduced by Pastor Ed Kalnins.
In an interview about the Seven Mountains on Extreme Prophetic TV, Wallnau states, "The Seven Mountains are - it's almost like its a template for warfare. Because the church so frequently does not have a language for how it goes about taking territory...In a Seven Mountains training module, Wallnau states, "Satan has a vast hierarchy and infrastructure of influence under his control. That whole system is designed to keep you from utilizing your own advantages as a believer in Jesus. Nevertheless, if you're playing the game right, you can win every time. But you cannot afford to be less than 100% engaged. You don't displace a Level 10 devil with a Level 9 strategy!"
"Your body on Earth will crush Your enemies." Toronto-based Apostle Pat Francis echoed this language about ruling on earth, shouting "we put our foot on Hawaii" at a conference in 2009, which included Lt. Gov. Duke Aiona, who ran unsuccessfully for governor, and other candidates in the 2010 elections.
Che Ahn, the new chancellor of the Wagner Leadership Institute stated in an interview, "I just had the privilege of meeting with the president of South Korea who is an apostle on the government mountain. I have written previously about the phrase "We are the head and not the tail," a slight alteration of Deuteronomy 28:13, and the battle cry of the Seven Mountains Mandate. (1) (2)
"... to fulfill God's original mandate to subdue all things, to take dominion and fill the earth with a mankind race in God's own image and likeness..."
Hamon refers to an "Army of the Lord Movement" in his writings, including Apostles, Prophets and the Coming Moves of God (1997) with a foreword by C. Peter Wagner. "God is preparing His Church to become an invincible, unstoppable, unconquerable, overcoming Army of the Lord that subdues everything under Christ's feet. There will be a sovereign restorational move of God to activate all that is needed for His army to be and do what He had eternally purposed.Hamon teaches that this Army of the Lord Movement is imminent. In Prophetic Scriptures Yet to be Fulfilled, he states, "In our generation, years ending with eight have been significant in restoration movements - in 1948, the Latter Rain Restoration Movement began, and Israel became a nation again; in 1988, the Prophetic Movement started; 1998 and 2008 marked the beginnings of the Apostolic Movement and the Third and Final Church Reformation, respectively. During the Third Reformation, the Eighth Kingdom - the Kingdom of God - will possess and rule over the kingdoms of this world. On the wall of our Christian International Family Church, we have a four by twelve foot colorful banner portraying the seven kingdoms of this world with the Church-Kingdom over all of them. If every decade on the eighth year continued to be on the pattern, then we might see the Army of the Lord Movement in 2018, and the second coming of Christ in 2038. The projected dates are only speculation, not prophetic revelation." Johnny Enlow, mentioned above, explains more about how this army of the Lord or Elijah Revolution will operate in his book The Seven Mountain Prophecy. "This will change as the Elijah Revolution is released upon the nations. Sons and daughters of the King who understand the call to take the seven mountains will rise to the mountaintops. More important than their confession of faith will be their understanding of Kingdom issues. Do they understand God’s redemptive plan for Israel in these last days? Do they understand that 'if you touch Israel, you touch the apple of His eye'? (Zechariah 2:8). Entire nations will be severely judged or highly blessed and favored based on this issue alone. Governing cannot be done by the flesh anymore, as the issues will be increasingly highly charged spiritual matters that God will directly address—often through devastating judgments (Isaiah 26:9).Rick Joyner, a leading prophet in the movement and founder of MorningStar Ministries and The Oak Initiative, describes that at first this kingdom process may seem like totalitarianism. The kingdom of God will not be socialism, but a freedom even greater than anyone on earth knows at this time. At first it may seem like totalitarianism, as the Lord will destroy the antichrist spirit now dominating the world with "the sword of His mouth" and will shatter many nations like pottery. However, fundamental to His rule is II Corinthians 3:17, "Now the Lord is the Spirit; and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty." Instead of taking away liberties and becoming more domineering, the kingdom will move from a point of necessary control while people are learning truth, integrity, honor, and how to make decisions, to increasing liberty so that they can.The Oak Initiative has several leading apostles on the board and also includes Lt. Gen. (Ret.) William Boykin and Lou Sheldon. Sheldon has claimed that Christian patriots are headed for a holocaust at the hands of a Marxist/Leftist/Homosexual/Islamic coalition. Prior to the 2010 elections, the Oak Initiative produced a video in which Boykin claimed that under Pres. Obama the nation is in the grips of a Marxist insurgency. The video was widely distributed, including by many Tea Party organizations. The Oak Initiative is partnering with Transformation Michigan and Lou Engle in the next The Call event in Detroit on 11/11/11, with the mission of fighting the demon of Islam. The apostles and prophets talk in terms of taking and possessing the land. For instance, in Cindy Jacobs 1991 book titled Possessing the Gates of the Enemy: A Training Manual for Militant Intercession, she states, "Today's praying Church is rising up in militant force to possess the promised land of our nations."Speaking at Wasilla Assembly of God earlier this year, Jacobs described a plan for mobilizing 500,000 intercessors or "prayer warriors" as they are often called, to impact the 2012 elections.
Cindy Jacobs and John Benefiel head prayer warrior networks that cover all 50 states. For instance, the South Carolina network is headed by a former Episcopal priest named Frank Seignious, who has been ordained by Apostle Chuck Pierce of Texas. Seignious serves as the state coordinator for the SC Apostolic Prayer Network and incorporated under the name Taking the Land. "a ministry of Spiritual Warfare to take/occupy/and establish God’s Kingdom rule in South Carolina and America."New Apostolic websites are already starting to be stripped of references to Dominionism. On August 22, Right Wing Watch listed quotes on from Os Hillman's "Theology of Reclaiming 7 Mountains" that have been removed from the page. I'll be writing more about how the apostles and prophets of the movement believe they will take control over the "Seven Mountains" and impact the 2012 elections.
Quotes on Dominionism From the Apostles and Prophets of the New Apostolic Reformation | 18 comments (18 topical, 0 hidden)
Quotes on Dominionism From the Apostles and Prophets of the New Apostolic Reformation | 18 comments (18 topical, 0 hidden)