Kimberly Daniels' Prayers Against Homosexuality
Bruce Wilson printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Tue May 10, 2011 at 04:37:49 PM EST
"I no longer conform to and subject myself under the words and authority of the homosexual agenda... I repent for all the people I have recruited to join this army of darkness... I come against the vision of the rainbow that represented a covenant between the devil and me... We curse gay pride to the root and declare that is is nothing to be proud of; it is an abomination in the eyes of the Lord... We come against the witchcraft that is working behind the scenes of the homosexual agenda." --- Kimberly Daniels, prayer/confession "To Come Out of Homosexuality/Lesbianism", from her 2009 book Prayers That Bring Change, pages 133-135
On May 17, Jacksonville, FL residents will vote in a special runoff election. One of the candidates for Jacksonville City Council is pastor Kimberly Daniels, whose derogatory statements concerning Jews ("The Jews own everything!", she said in an October 2008 sermon), slavery and Africans ("tree worshipers" according to Daniels) have attracted considerable media scrutiny as well as criticism from human rights groups.

Kimberly Daniels has over the past decade written a series of books with a wide range of theological vilification, which I've covered in two consecutive Talk To Action posts (1, 2.) Although I've noted that Daniels claims to cast out "gay demons", so far I have neglected Daniels' elaborate vilification of homosexuality in her books.

[from Prayers That Bring Change, Kimberly Daniels, 2009 (Strang), pages 133-135. Emphasis is mine.]


Father God, I have made the decision to come out of the lifestyle that I know is an abomination in Your sight.

 I repent for allowing the devil to convince me to choose this lifestyle over one that is holy and acceptable to You. I repent for allowing the wicked desires of my flesh to have rule over me. I renounce every soul tie of every person that I have lain in sin with. I renounce the perversity of  the lifestyle. I declare that I hate it, because I cannot be delivered from what I love. I love the people who are bound in homosexuality, but I hate the lifestyle. It is an abomination before the Lord.


I renounce the witchcraft that comes with homosexuality/lesbianism. That which I have participated in knowingly, or that unknowingly would tie me to the demonic supernatural, is under my feet..."

What follows is a long succession of theological vilification:

"I declare, "Once gay not always gay"!...  Lord, I repent for going against the natural order of things...   I do not want my sacrifices to be an abomination unto You. I no longer conform to and subject myself  under the words and authority of the homosexual agenda... I repent for all the people I have recruited to join this army of darkness... I understand that Your Son, Jesus, took on all my sins of homosexuality/lesbianism on the cross, and I am redeemed. I repent for every time I committed this sin and crucified Him afresh.


I come against the vision of the rainbow that represented a covenant between the devil and me. I even break the power of the words that I spoke in secret to cage the souls of innocent people and to pull them into the lifestyle... I renounce masturbation and break all familial spirits and generational curses."

On page 137, Kimberly Daniels commences a new "prayer", "PRAYER AGAINST THE HOMOSEXUAL AGENDA (OR SAME-SEX MARRIAGES)" in which we find the following:

"We pray that all infiltration of legislation for the positive support of the homosexual agenda will be pulled down in the Spirit and manifested in the the outcome of the laws. We defy every organization of the antichrist spirit.


We curse gay pride to the root and declare that is is nothing to be proud of; it is an abomination in the eyes of the Lord...


We come against the witchcraft that is working behind the scenes of the homosexual agenda. We bind theosophy, theomancy, and every known and unknown form of the occult working behind the scenes.

In her 2002 book From A Mess To A Miracle, Kim Daniels makes a number of startling statements, such as the proposition that Africans are especially prone to sex with demons, and that this can result in a special sort of demonic pregnancy (see More Unusual Claims From Kimberly Daniels.) On page 113, Daniels writes of having performed a "spiritual abortion" on "satan's baby." Of course more there is antigay vituperation as well: lots of it.

On page 22 Daniels writes that "Scientists and psychologists have intellectually conjured up ways to explain homosexuality to the world, but God does a much better job in Romans 1." Romans 1 contains scripture often taken on the Christian right as mandating the death penalty for homosexuality. On the same page pastor Daniels declares, "After reading this passage of Scripture, I can safely list these things concerning homosexuality."

Here are some of the items from Daniels' list:

  1. Homosexuality makes the heart of the person dark. "Their foolish heart was darkened" (v. 21).

  2. Homosexuality is an unclean spirit. "God also gave them up to uncleanness" (v. 24).

  3. Homosexuality is a selfish lust. "God gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts" (v. 24).

  4. Homosexuality is a type of idol worship. "They worshiped and served the creature more than the Creator" (v. 25).

  5. Homosexuality is a vile affection against nature. "The women did change the natural use into that which is against nature" (v. 26).

  6. Homosexuality is a unseemly in the eyes of God. "Men with men working that which is unseemly" (v. 27).

  7. There is great punishment reserved for those who commit homosexual acts. "Receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet" (v. 27).

On page 25, Kim Daniels adds to the theological picture with an explanation that homosexuality is rooted in narcissism, which leads to masturbation that, in turn, leads to demon possession by the spirits of Incubus and Succubus:

"Homosexuality is a type of self love or love of self. It is when a person is sexually attracted to his or her own body. In other words, a body of the opposite sex does not turn them on; they only desire someone "just like their own selves."

Masturbation opens a door to homosexuality. Whatever is in the root will feed the tree. It takes vain imagination to masturbate, and vain imagination is the root spirit of homosexuality. Masturbation is a type of self-sex in the natural, though the person is never alone in the spirit. Incubus and Succubus (sexual demons) lie in waiting for masturbating victims to enter their body and help with the sex act. In studying the occult, perverted sex acts have always been a climax to sacrifices unto satan. Whenever semen is released in ways that God has not ordained, it is a sacrifice unto Satan. This is why lesbian and homosexual acts are so popular in temple worship."

Kimberly Daniels is not a rogue evangelist whose unusual views stem from personal eccentricity. Rather, she is an "apostle" in a globe-spanning evangelical movement known as the New Apostolic Reformation. As covered in my story Kim Daniels Is Not Your Average "gay demon" Exorcist For City Council,

They call her the Demonbuster. A professed exorcist (it's in print) who claims to cast out "gay demons", Kim Daniels is vying in an upcoming runoff election, as a Democrat, for Jacksonville, Florida City Council. She's not your average exorcist though--over the past several years her colleagues, Daniels' fellow apostles, could be found meeting and praying together with Barack Obama, championing the religious right's battle to prevent hate crimes legislation and fighting to roll back reproductive rights and thwart legalization of same-sex marriage.

During the Summer of 2009, one of Daniels' fellow apostles publicly blessed Mike Huckabee and Newt Gingrich. In December 2009, Daniels' fellow apostles shared a stage with prominent GOP Senators and Congress members attending a nationally broadcast "Prayercast" against Health Care Reform. On April 1-2, 2011, four of Kim Daniels' fellow apostles spoke at the Social Transformation Conference held at Harvard University. The main focus of the conference was on the need for charismatic Christians to take control of key sectors of society, including government. One of Daniels' fellow apostles, Mary Glazier, is a close personal friend to 2008 Republican Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin.

This woman is obviously baked, and we must pity her.  If, indeed, my orientation is the cause of a demon, then this guy would love to invite her into my home and perform said exorcism.

Does this deluded lady believe in God's providence?  I am, because Almighty God dictated it so. I'm so sorry to burst the conspiracy theories of this gal that Satan is the cause of my immutable characteristic.

Ergo, I pity her.

by OneOfTheWatchers on Thu May 12, 2011 at 12:46:20 AM EST

The demonizing of homosexuals by the religious right is very similar to the treatment of the homosexuals and Jews by the Nazis. They are obviously spouting their vile as a rallying cry to use in the push to advance their own twisted agenda in time for the 2012 election. I can only hope that reason and sanity are restored to our land.

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