Religious Right cruelty demonstrated
Today there was something really revealing about Florida political attitudes in the paper. They're really trying to make abortions nearly impossible to get in this state. Mandatory viewing of ultrasound images, waiting periods, parental notification, all of this is coming. (Plus attempts to eliminate separation of church and state, teaching of creationism, stripping people of their rights, etc.) One of the bills bans getting abortions with public funds, even if a woman's life is in danger. The scary thing is the response from Rep. Dennis Baxley, R-Ocala, who said that life was inherently risky. QUOTE: "Life is dangerous to our health and death is unforeseen to all of us," he said. OK, why don't they return risk to investments? Isn't risk supposed to be connected to profit? Why do they protect the rich from loss of profits, but not the poor from LOSS OF LIFE??? In other words, he's telling a poor woman who will die if she doesn't get an abortion "tough luck, we don't care!". Typical Religious Right cruelty and heartlessness, and dedication to a failed ideology in spite of the harm they do to others. They claim to be Christian, but unlike Jesus, care nothing for the "least of these". They deserve the strongest condemnation.
ed - here's some more context for the quote in question:
Religious Right cruelty demonstrated | 6 comments (6 topical, 0 hidden)
Religious Right cruelty demonstrated | 6 comments (6 topical, 0 hidden)