Update on Atheists of Florida
As I mentioned in another thread, they arrested EllenBeth Wachs, the legal coordinator for the Atheists of Florida on grounds that I consider bogus because of all of the "lawyers" not part of the Florida bar that infest the local churches* (and give legal advice and promote themselves as lawyers and so on). Now it looks like they may be using the arrests in the other two cases (against the City of Lakeland and the Polk Sheriff) to delay things and possibly even to try to get the cases dismissed. http://www.theledger.com/article/20110308/NEWS/103085036 They've tried to get the cases dismissed since the beginning, and while this article isn't really clear about it, I strongly suspect that the recent arrest will be used as part of the attempt to get the cases thrown out. The more conservative churches are up in arms about the lawsuits, and they blame the Atheists of Florida for making trouble. I've overheard some really nasty rants against the group (as recently as Saturday) and knowing this area like I do, am concerned for the safety of anyone considered atheist or even atheist-friendly. One person we know even was thrown out of a local business she frequented once the owner learned that she was not unfriendly towards atheists! The "Good Christians" insisted that others follow their religious practices and that is what brought on the lawsuits in the first place. Then they fussed because the Atheists of Florida are asking that a more inclusive practice be used (the group first suggested a moment of silence, but that was shouted down). I don't know what part of "Don't force your religion on us!" they don't understand, but it's becoming more blatantly obvious that forcing religion is their intention, and that they will use any dirty trick imaginable (as I can also personally testify) against the people they declare to be their enemies. *- I know I should have learned a lesson early on, but I was programmed to trust "Good Christians", and over the 15 years we were in business, we received bad advice from several "Good Christian" lawyers. It seemed that every year there were a one or two new retired lawyers coming to the churches we attended, and they were quick to hang out their volunteer shingles. Once we went out of business, suddenly they weren't so interested in talking with us and their advice to me tended towards "Get a Job!"
Update on Atheists of Florida | 3 comments (3 topical, 0 hidden)
Update on Atheists of Florida | 3 comments (3 topical, 0 hidden)