Marjoe, The World's Littlest Child Evangelist !
Bruce Wilson printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Tue Mar 15, 2011 at 10:30:38 AM EST
In the 1940's color footage clip, a sharply dressed blond woman declares, "At this time I would like to present to you the world's youngest ordained minister and the world's youngest evangelist, Marjoe Gortner. Marjoe started preaching when he was three and a half..." -- "Howdy neighbors," pipes little Marjoe, clad in white, with a bowtie and a red carnation, "may the Lord bless you!" He remembers being smothered by a pillow, as a "correctional activity" when his little mind would wander during the training, to say the right words, the words which helped establish him in Ripley's Believe it Or Not: the world's youngest, littlest child evangelist.
Later, as an adult, Marjoe Gortner describes, "I can't really think of time that I believed in God or in... that I ever thought it was a miracle of God that I preached. I don't think even with all the people gathering around me, you know, thousands of people saying "this has to be a miracle, surely, you know, God has called you" and all that, I don't think with all that all that... I just knew that I could do it well, I knew that my parents had trained me but I never tripped out and thought that I was some real miracle child of any kind."

It started with wedding ceremonies. "I remember my mother going through very, uh, correctional activities, you might say, to get me prepared to say the wedding ceremony, because I would have to say the whole Episcopal ceremony verbatim and write my name on the certificate... As I child I'd want to go out and play and we'd have to spend hours and hours, you know, memorizing and my mind would slip and finally my mother would begin to lost patience with me and she would put a pillow over my head maybe and smother me for a little bit, other times she would hold me under the water faucet, but she never wanted to put any marks on my body, because she knew I had to be in front of the press and so she never hit me or anything."

Gortner goes on,"When I would go to a press conference or an interview, my father would march me, in full outfit, right up to the news editor and say, 'I want to see the editor.' They would be so shocked, at a 6-year old kid coming up with a full handshake, and I would say, 'How do you do, my name is Marjoe Gortner. I'm in town to give the devil two black eyes!' At this point, he's falling out of his seat."

But Marjoe grew up, hit adolescence, and the novelty wore off. Around twelve, Gortner's father abandoned the family. At fourteen and a half, Marjoe told his mother he would preach no more. He left, and met an older women who took him in.

For years, Marjoe Gortner hid his scrapbook, hid his past life from his friends.  

Now it's the early 1970's. Marjoe Gortner tells the documentary film crew all the secrets of a traveling Pentecostal tent revivalist, how to liberate, with no drugs or substances whatsoever, people from their normal sensibilities and pry loose the biggest denomination bills from their wallets.

He's a young man returning to the traveling preaching circuit for some quick cash. He whips up the crowd, all the old tricks, releases a dove at the end, the music at a crescendo. People start falling like bowling pins, tongue talking words flying about, bodies shaking on the church floor...

Marjoe is back in the church office, with the church preacher, splitting up the piles of cash. It was a success. "That's a good sermon boy," says the preacher. "Thank you," says Gortner, "coming from you I think that's a compliment." "...A good sermon, I like that!" (they're laughing), "that climax, boy that dove!..." Gortner explains, "I got that when I was down in Texas. You know Fitzgerald? I preached that the first time at his church."

"You count the big stuff, and I'll count this," says the preacher. "OK", says Gortner. "You gonna trust me?" "Oh, I think I'll trust you" says the preacher. They're chuckling, bills rustling under hot fingertips, "fifteen, sixteen"...

"Thank you Jesus!" Marjoe dumps the pile of bills out of a bag onto his hotel room bed. He's singing a gospel tune, "Are you washed in the blood tonight?... Oh glory, glory, Hallelujah, I feel good in my soul..."

He considers the piles of bills, fives, tens, twenties, and so on - "it sure isn't as heavy as it used to be though, in the old days. Wow. It was really heavy then. I can remember how I used to have to go down, and work with my mother and father, the whole thing, money! money! - from the time I was four years old."

"I really supported them, you know, when I was a child, come to think about it. I remember how they used to send me down into the aisles and I wore these little velvet pants and Lord Fontaine suits with satin shirts but my mother sew, you know, extra pockets into the suits so I could stuff money."

"And they would announce, 'Everyone tonight that gives twenty dollars, little Marjoe's going to come down and give you a kiss.' All these little lovely old ladies that wanted to get their fingers in my curly locks, and after I would fill up my pockets I'd come back and my father would alleviate me of the money...

"I don't know how much came in, as far as I can guess maybe about three million dollars from the time I was four to fourteen... I never got any piece of it for my education of anything." In 2011 terms, the money Gortner earned might be worth well over twenty million dollars.

Towards the end of the one and a half hour documentary, Gortner struggles with his cash-driven return to the evangelism circuit; for him it's an act, no more or less. He says the words -- "Can God can deliver a homosexual? Yes he can!", jokes about other things he may or may not be expected to say: "Kill a commie for Jesus!"

Marjoe Gortner spent much of the rest of his adult life pursuing an acting career, until 1995. Now he raises money for charity.

This may be a common story.  I remember at least one news report of "child evangelists" who were the bane of the parents of the schoolmates of the "child evangelists".  The specific situation I'm remembering was at least ten years ago and involved a young boy somewhere in the state.

The churches in this area were buzzing about the kid - how "Christian" he was and how great and important the work he was doing.  Those sort of comments were even made by a few charismatic-leaning people in the Episcopal church we attended!

I felt uneasy at the situation then (thought he was too young to really understand what he was saying, and that it seemed inappropriate if not abusive for the other kids), and as time went on (and I met more and more walkaways), have learned that childhood activities like that are always suspect.

It's important for people to hear how it's all a money-making scam.  Walkawy P/D/F preachers often tell of being trained on how to get people to give-give-give.  Shoot, although that wasn't discussed as much with the AoG students I hung around with during my cult days, they still indicated it was part of their training!  They wouldn't admit that they were being trained to run a profit-driven enterprise, but that was the case.

What really grabbed my attention in this story was the abuse - the physical violence used to correct the child.  I've long known (since I first joined the P/D/F churches) that the parents are taught how to 'correct' their children without leaving marks, so that "the horrible government won't get involved and take your children away".  That was such a horrible fear because the children "will be exposed to things like evolution and liberalism and might turn away from God!"  (They were always quoting Proverbs 22:6 when this topic was mentioned with the implication that if the parents were caught, their children would depart from Christianity.)

For walkaways who grew up in those churches, stories of physical abuse are common.  (Walkaways like myself who joined as adults tended to experience more of the spiritual/emotional/mental violence and coercion.)  Another striking thing was the fact that the young boy's childhood was pretty much taken from him.  This is another common story - those types of churches (Pentecostal/Dominionist/Fundamentalist) often force people to make decisions and take directions in their life that they normally wouldn't and which are wrong for them (even abusive).  That's why so many of us make such drastic changes later in life, as we finally start trying to get our lives back on the right track.  

This is the first time I've heard about this case (where did you find it?) - stories like this need to get before the public and in the mainstream media and I'm glad the video was put up here.  There is a volcano rumbling beneath the feet of the American public, and they are largely unaware of the danger they're in.  They ignore our warnings (because their attention is being deliberately diverted and the rumbling blamed on innocent victims like GLBT folks and immigrants), and if they don't wake up, they will face disaster.  Or they say that there is no volcano for the same reasons.

That, by the way, is why it is so critical that walkaways tell their stories and talk about their experiences.  Doing so helps people to break the "But it's a CHURCH, it can't be THAT bad!!!" myth that is so prevalent in this country.

by ArchaeoBob on Tue Mar 15, 2011 at 12:24:45 PM EST

...probably around '72'-'72. I read it.

by Bruce Wilson on Tue Mar 15, 2011 at 04:49:10 PM EST

I was shocked by a totally uncritical book review that came out in the New York Times this week of Heaven is for Real.  It was written by the father of a little boy who was rushed to the hospital when he was three years old and was later reported to have told stories of being in heaven.  It is currently the No. 1 paperback on the NY Times list with 1.5 million copies in print.  No doubt, this has and will continue to alter this child's life in ways that can hardly be imagined.

Over the last decade I have seen numerous examples of children as young as 3 and 4 being used to supposedly heal people, expel demons, and evangelize.  I continue to be astonished by the inability of the mainstream press to understand the horrific emotional damage that is taking place.

by Rachel Tabachnick on Tue Mar 15, 2011 at 06:30:17 PM EST 75937B49RcfDp

Samuel Boutwell is 7 yrs old and following in this same path.   Time stamp 12:40 is uniquely disturbing as we can hear Samuel being beaten by his mother off camera.

I'm a bit of an expert on Marjoe trivia if anyone has any questions.

by YellowJacket on Wed Mar 16, 2011 at 09:52:41 PM EST

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