Short Takes: Responding to Pooh Poohery Edition
Church & State: Joe Conn discusses the strange media downplaying and denialism about dominionism. In August, pundits and political pugilists were suddenly debating "dominionism" and its reach in American religious and political life... Is the influence of dominionism something that Americans should take seriously? The answer is an emphatic yes. The concept in modern times was spawned by ultra-conservative theologians with relatively small followings, but the idea has spread far beyond those original boundaries.
Debating Obama: Greg Metzger discusses C. Peter Wagner's appearance on Fresh Air. Wagner... was very forthright about his and NAR's strong support for The Response. It will be interesting to see if individuals and institutions who have gone to great lengths to smear critics of [Rick Perry's prayer rally] The Response as being ignorant of evangelicalism will now be equally strong in admitting that they were ignorant of how profoundly The Response was shaped by a movement deeply troubling to mainstream evangelicals I have been in touch with since this interview was aired. Wagner confirms quite clearly that The Response was a significant step forward in NAR's work in America. |