Advances in gay rights threatened in Florida
In the news today, there is an article about Scott's choice for the person leading the agency overseeing adoptions that is quite troubling. It wasn't that long ago that the Florida law against gay couples adopting was overthrown, and now he's placed a man in the position of authority who previously ran the Baptist Children's Home. The official policy of that place while he ran it was that people adopting had to be"a professing Christian, be active in a local Christian church, and follow a lifestyle that is consistent with the Christian faith." At the same time, Scott himself has said that he believed that only married couples should adopt. Scott has supported many dominionist causes while running for office, and I suspect that this will be more of the same. In Florida, gay marriages are against the law. So gay couples could not adopt. I think that his statements are deliberate, and they are trying to return to greater discrimination and persecution of GLBT people. (I also think that if they could get away with it, minorities in general could start experiencing greater discrimination and persecution.) I think that a lot of people will rue the day that they voted for Scott. I just don't want to suffer any more because of the decisions of others.
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