The COP Arrives In [Uganda's] Parliament
From April 16-18, 2009, less than a week before the draft of Uganda's Anti Homosexuality Bill was introduced in Uganda's Parliament, the Atlanta-based College of Prayer held two major events in Kampala, including a Parliamentary Prayer Breakfast that was broadcast on Ugandan national television.
Later in the year, on October 14, 2009, Ugandan MP David Bahati tabled the bill. On both occasions, College of Prayer President Julius Oyet was present in Parliament. The College of Prayer Uganda includes MPs David Bahati, Benson Obua-Ogwal, and Nsaba Buturo - all of whom have played a part in the promotion of the bill, which Oyet has himself enthusiastically promoted.
Two weeks after Bahati tabled the Anti Homosexuality Bill, from October 31 to November 1, 2009, College of Prayer International President Fred Hartley III led the first COP teaching module, for COP Ugandan Parliament members including David Bahati and Nsaba Buturo, Uganda's head of the Office Of Ethics and Integrity. After returning to the United States, Hartley made a November 27, 2009 appearance on a colleague's radio show in which Hartley stated,
"just two weeks ago I was with the members of parliament and had a marvelous time, these are dear brothers and sisters in Christ and they are in earnest about righteousness and the cause of Christ and the amazing thing is they are standing for righteousness in areas that where we have long ago sold ourselves down the river but they're looking to us for spiritual mentoring to, that they - as kings and queens so to speak - can stand in kingdom alignment and operate according to Biblical principles in their spheres of influence. And it's a great honor to serve them."
Fred Hartley also had glowing words for Julius Oyet:
"Uganda, it's an amazing thing. Our leader, Bishop Julius Oyet, with Lifeline Ministries - I met him, a dear friend of Os Hillman, Marketplace Ministries, here in Atlanta - when we were introduced it was just a divine appointment and he invited us to come to Uganda. He has crusades with up to 50,000 people and I've seen three thousand saved in one night. He is friends with people in high places and the members of parliament came to the College of Prayer and enjoyed the time so much they invited me to speak at their parliamentary prayer breakfast this year. We were expecting maybe 25 members of parliament and 75 other city leaders. There were 248 who came, 50 members of parliament, and they invited me and the College of Prayer to come back twice a year for the next three years and mentor them."
Julius Oyet is one of Uganda's most powerful evangelists, who has held top leadership roles in Uganda's two biggest umbrella associations of born-again Christians - that comprise Museveni's most steadfast block of electoral and political support.
Oyet also has a personal relationship with Yowerie and Janet Museveni tracing back, at least, to his starring role in the 2005 propaganda film "An Unconventional War" (produced by George Otis, Jr., with the help of the presidential media team), that depicts Oyet, with the help of Ugandan government troops per the personal order of President Museveni, supernaturally conquering the rebel group the Lord's Reformation Army.
Since Oyet's College of Prayer Uganda appears to have played a notable role in the genesis of the Anti Homosexuality Bill, I am posting here a copy of the account, formerly posted at the main College of Prayer website, of the COP events held in Kampala on April 16-18, 2009 - which have since been deleted from the COP website.
Of particular interest is College of Prayer International President Fred Hartley III's keynote address based in I Kings 18, which describes a confrontation between the prophets of Elijah and the prophets of Baal, that ends in the slaughter of the Baal prophets. Leaders on the American Christian right routinely depict Homosexuality as a manifestation of Baal worship. |

The COP Arrives in Parliament

As the Honorable Buturo, one of the most influential leaders in the Ugandan Parliament, addressed the 248 people attending the Parliamentary College of Prayer, he said, "Prayer is what our country needs. Never before have I felt the forces of evil coming against us as strongly as I do right now. I am encouraged that the College of Prayer is coming to Uganda at such a time as this."
The College of Prayer first arrived in Uganda almost two years ago when a team of Fred Hartley, Mike and Lisa Plunket, Steve Phillips and David Chotka first met with members of the Parliament and then planted a campus of the College of Prayer in Arua, the birthplace of the former dictator, Idi Amin. At that time the COP received a warm reception from members of Parliament who expressed an invitation for us to return. Little did we realize at the time that when we would return, we would actually be asked to enter into a three year relationship to officially facilitate the College of Prayer for them and other influential gate-keepers in the capital city of Kampala.
Mike Plunket, our team leader, spoke to Parliament with 50 participants Thursday morning, April 16. Our team had opportunity to pray and prophesy over virtually every member who came. Members of Parliament were rejoicing over the opportunity to be led in extended prayer and worship by Christians who had come not to push an agenda, but simply to serve and bless them. This strategic meeting held in the Parliament paved the way for our Parliamentary Prayer Breakfast for members of Parliament and city leaders Saturday morning, April 18.
There was a high level of enthusiasm that filled the Grand Ballroom of the Imperial Royale Hotel as 248 leaders including 50 members of Parliament gathered. The Honorable Minister of Ethics and Integrity Nsaba Buturo spoke passionately over the need for the power of God to be evidenced in answer to prayer on behalf of Uganda. The Honorable Benson Obua-Ogwal served as master of ceremonies. Apostle Julius Oyet gave an eloquent exhortation rallying the participants to seize the moment and forcefully pray for the advancing of Christ's kingdom throughout the nation. Honorable Beatrice Lagada read scripture and Dr. Joseph Serrwadda, pastor of Victory Christian Center and president of the Reborn Faith Federation, led in prayer. Professor Mike Plunket had the delegates stand and cry out to God in repentance, imploring God to have mercy on the land. Dr. Fred Hartley, president of the College of Prayer International, gave the keynote message from 1 Kings 18, "The God who answers by fire, He is God." A spirit of prayer came upon the participants. As a group they put on the armor of God and declared their allegiance to the Lord Jesus Christ.
All members of Parliament, church leaders, and business leaders were each called forward to stand in their distinct groups to receive prayer and blessing. Fred Hartley prayed over every member of Parliament; Mike Plunket prayed for all church leaders and Rian Seipler (businessman, Orlando, Florida) prayed for all business leaders. Each of these influential gate-keepers were profoundly grateful and refreshed.
When the breakfast was completed, an interested-persons meeting spontaneously gathered at the front of the ballroom for those who wanted to be part of the leadership team for the future of the COP Parliament. To our amazement almost 100 members stayed and were begging for the team to return twice a year for the next three years. "We were overwhelmed by their earnest passion and the high level of commitment. These are all busy people but they were obviously desperate for God and willing to make time for prayer," says Hartley. The event was broadcast on national television.
In addition to planting the campus of the College of Prayer for the Ugandan Parliament, the team also facilitated a Kampala VIP Pastors' College of Prayer led by Joel Kangas. One hundred and fifty church leaders gathered at Lifeline Center in Kampala. God showed up in force. Approximately 30 people indicated they prayed to receive Christ. We had opportunity to teach most of the Year 1 Curriculum of the College of Prayer. Perhaps the most significant teaching was brought by Joel Kangas on the subject of repentance. He had everyone take a clean sheet of paper; on one side we were directed to write all of our sins against God; on the other side we were to write down everyone who had sinned against us. We then went outside and burned the papers in a fire. Next to the fire pit was an enormous bucket of water in which we washed our hands to declare our cleansing from sin. This was followed by great joy, dancing and celebration.
Each member of the team had opportunity to preach in different churches in Kampala on Sunday. Fred Hartley preached at the Victory Christian Center. The message was broadcast live by radio to 3.5 million. At the conclusion of the message, opportunity was given to respond to the gospel; over 200 people stood to their feet indicating they had just prayed to receive Christ.
When the team returned to North America, they received a phone call from David Chotka, COP Canada. David said, "I have three-twelve members of the Canadian Parliament who have heard about what God is doing in Uganda and would like to attend the Parliamentary COP in Uganda next year. They are interested in bringing the College of Prayer to the Canadian Parliament." It seems that God continues to expand our spheres of influence. The extraordinary favor of God is resting upon us. All glory to His name!