Hawaii GOP Candidate For Governor Prayed Over By Preacher Who Can Cast Out Demons With His iPhone
Bruce Wilson printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Tue Sep 07, 2010 at 01:54:35 PM EST
As even the unwashed know, iPhones do much more than function as cellphones. They can map out the best route to the beach or help find a good restaurant.

But according to Ed Silvoso, who led a November 2009 ceremony [video link] to bless and anoint Hawaii Lt. Governor James "Duke" Aiona, running in 2010 to be the next Republican governor of the Aloha State, iPhones can be handy for other tasks as well - such as miraculously healing the sick and casting out demons [video link].

[video, below: conference footage involving Ed Silvoso, Duke Aiona, Peter Wagner, and Cindy Jacobs]

Lest Steve Jobs grow smug, it's worth noting that it's not just iPhones that are good for performing exorcisms and driving out demons which cause sickness, according Silvoso. As he told top leaders of the New Apostolic Reformation at a May 2010 conference in Cedar Hills, Texas, other technological gadgets that will work just as well as iPhones for demon-casting include normal cellphones, fax machines, and Blackberries.

It gets odder.

Ed Silvoso theologically justified the casting out of demons with iPhones and Blackberries by referring to a passage of the New Testament's Book of Acts in which the Apostle Paul is casting out demons and healing the sick, and Paul is apparently so imbued with divine virtue that some of it seeps into his handkerchief, imbuing it and making it holy so Paul's handkerchief can cast out demons and heal the sick too!

As I describe in my report Transforming Hawaii [part one, part 2], Duke Aiona is closely tied to Ed Silvoso's International Transformation Network ministry. Aiona's participation in Silvoso's ITN has included:

1) starring in an ad plugging a 2005 Silvoso conference in Hawaii, 2) leading an elaborate December 2004 ceremony for Silvoso's people in which Aiona dedicated Hawaii's public schools to Jesus, 3) writing a chapter for a book describing how Silvoso's movement is "transforming" Hawaii, 4) and accepting over $7,000 in gift money (in apparent violation of Hawaii's state ethics rules) paying for Aiona and his wife to travel to Argentina in 2006 to attend one of Silvoso's conferences.

As an interesting addendum, Duke Aiona is proudly Catholic but the movement Ed Silvoso has helped found is virulently anti-Catholic and Ed Silvoso himself has endorsed burning statues of Catholic saints according to Silvoso's colleague C. Peter Wagner, who wrote in his book Hard-Core Idolatry - Facing the Facts (1999, published by the Wagner Institute of Practical Ministry) the following:

On pages 38 and 39 Peter Wagner describes how the Holy Spirit came to Cindy Jacobs and "told her that told her that in [the Argentinian city of] Resistencia they must burn the idols, like the magicians did in Ephesus. Ed Silvoso, Cindy Jacobs and the Resistencia pastors agreed." What sort of items were on the "burn list" ?

"...the kinds of material things that might be bringing honor to the spirits of darkness: pictures, statues, Catholic saints, Books of Mormon, pictures of former lovers, pornographic material, fetishes, drugs, Ouija boards, zodiac charms, good luck symbols, crystals for healing, amulets, talismans, tarot cards, witch dolls, voodoo items, love potions, books of magic, totem poles, certain pieces of jewelry, objects of Freemasonry, horoscopes, gargoyles, native art, foreign souvenirs, and what have you."

As Ed Silvoso told Peter Wagner, Cindy Jacobs, and other leaders of the New Apostolic Reformation at the Convergence 2010 conference, ""It doesn't matter if the Republican or the Democratic candidate wins the governorship [of Hawaii]. Either one is already in the kingdom." There's considerable evidence to suggest that the Democrat Silvoso was referring to was Mufi Hannemann, and that would be notable given that Ed Silvoso, Cindy Jacobs, and Peter Wagner could be found, according to Wagner, in Argentina in the late 1980's trying to burn Books of Mormon.

Bruce, you are probably to0 young to remember the early days of Oral Robert's tv programs where he urged listeners to place a glass of water on the tv set.

For years various radio/tv preachers have urged listeners to send for a prayer cloth, some only about an inch square, vials of water, supposedly from the Jordan River, for the purpose of healing or bringing prosperity. This request should be accompanied by a fat check.

Over the years many have advocated the burning of this or that book or statue.

Of course, there is the infamous case of James Robinson and Colan (sic) Davis taking a hammer to priceless Asian artifacts right after Davis' born again experience. Of course, the fact the Japanese government was trying to reclaim many of the artifacts may not have had any influence on their supposed destruction because they idols of the devil.

With the NAR guys raising demonology to a new level in modern times I am sure the list you quoted will grow longer.

by JerrySloan on Tue Sep 07, 2010 at 03:20:12 PM EST

My first reaction to the theological justification was "Huh???" After a bit of search, I found the passage in Acts 19:11-12. The NRSV reads, "God did extraordinary miracles through Paul, so that when the handkerchiefs or aprons that had touched his skin were brought to the sick, their diseases left them, and the evil spirits came out of them." This is not the only reference in the Christian scriptures to transfer of healing power through the touch of fabric. The more familiar one is the story of the hemorrhaging woman who is healed by touching the hem of Jesus' garment. Given a world view in which germs and bacteria are unknown, it is not illogical, having observed that disease is often transferred from one person to another by touch, either directly or by sharing of garments, then to conclude that healing can be transferred in the same way. We are not that far removed in time from the beliefs that mercury cured syphillis and bleeding cured a multitude of ills, so I don't think we can be too judgmental of first century medical/spiritual beliefs. But Silvoso's transfer of those beliefs to the 21st century, and to substitute technological instruments for organic fabric, is just plain bizarre. Two (of many) inescapable conclusions are (1) he wants to throw out two millenia of knowledge and science, and (2) he doesn't even understand the original concepts that he is adapting/misappropriating. If he weren't so popular, he would be amusing. Unfortunately, we can't afford the luxury of laughing him off.

by MLouise on Tue Sep 07, 2010 at 03:42:23 PM EST
One would assume instead of garments that heal Christians would use their most powerful biblical tool to heal, the Bible itself!!!! Needing to send money for additional objects reveals a weakness of the Bible as the word of some god concept. It would be funny except that these people are allowed to spew their hate, bigotry and division with little more than silence from those of us in the secular society. While Secular Society is responsible for most if not ever progress these backward superstitious people can tell us to go to hell and we cower, conform and comply with their nonsense. Shit!!

by sovereignjohn on Wed Sep 08, 2010 at 09:37:26 AM EST

When everyone was frightened that Nancy Reagan's Astrologer would be allowed a voice in the governance of the nation?

Inquiring minds want to know!

by Autumn on Tue Sep 07, 2010 at 04:52:31 PM EST

"...the kinds of material things that might be bringing honor to the spirits of darkness: pictures, statues, Catholic saints, Books of Mormon, pictures of former lovers, pornographic material, fetishes, drugs, Ouija boards, zodiac charms, good luck symbols, crystals for healing, amulets, talismans, tarot cards, witch dolls, voodoo items, love potions, books of magic, totem poles, certain pieces of jewelry, objects of Freemasonry, horoscopes, gargoyles, native art, foreign souvenirs, and what have you."<<

It's the 'what have you' that gets me. To me, that means 'and whatever else we think of that we forgot to put in this list'... like witches, pagans, and heretics, maybe someday?

by COinMS on Wed Sep 08, 2010 at 07:00:46 AM EST

Not on this one, but it's generally understood that witches, pagans, and heretics will be dealt with.

by Bruce Wilson on Wed Sep 08, 2010 at 08:27:55 AM EST

Seems their God can't make the audience understand her words without a translator. I'm an atheist and when I talk to someone who speaks a language other than English I too need a translator. An all power God that you'd think could make this audience understand English long enough to hear God's messengers. I'm notice that the people of the all power god concept also need Doctors, Lawyers, Teachers, and they must work too. Just like atheists and free thinkers must work. You know, the life a all powerful god worshipper is indistinguishable from an atheist life or a secularist life. Very strange indeed.

by sovereignjohn on Wed Sep 08, 2010 at 09:19:07 AM EST

More of more religious apps are now being developed that allows you to pray from your mobile phone. You can download paid religious apps from App Store https://tutu-app.com/.

by fileorgin on Tue Aug 08, 2017 at 05:43:09 AM EST

it's important that it's not simply iPhones that are useful for performing expulsions and driving out evil spirits which cause ailment, concurring Silvoso. As he told top pioneers of the New Apostolic Reformation at a May 2010 meeting in Cedar Hills, Texas, other mechanical contraptions that will work similarly just as iPhones for evil spirit throwing incorporate ordinary cellphones, fax machines, and Blackberries. You may click this link to get more valuable information related to it.

by sarwarmonaf on Fri Jan 31, 2020 at 11:25:01 AM EST

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