Mormon Candidate For Governor Of Hawaii Tied To Movement That Burns Books of Mormon
Burning Books of Mormon, statues of Catholic saints, and so on
So, what sort of items were on the "burn list"? As we learn on page 38,
"...the kinds of material things that might be bringing honor to the spirits of darkness: pictures, statues, Catholic saints, Books of Mormon, pictures of former lovers, pornographic material, fetishes, drugs, Ouija boards, zodiac charms, good luck symbols, crystals for healing, amulets, talismans, tarot cards, witch dolls, voodoo items, love potions, books of magic, totem poles, certain pieces of jewelry, objects of Freemasonry, horoscopes, gargoyles, native art, foreign souvenirs, and what have you." [emphasis mine] On page 39 of Hard-Core Idolatry - Facing The Facts we get additional details on the mass conflagration of "idolatrous" objects:
The believers agreed to obey God and to cleanse their homes, even if it meant giving up what might have been expensive items. They were to wrap each item in newspaper to protect privacy, and then cast the objects into a 55-gallon drum set before the platform the following night. The drum was heaped to overflowing! They poured gasoline on it and set it on fire. This was a major power encounter, because the witches and warlocks had surrounded the area and done their occult sacrifices, killing animals, burning incense, and sending the most powerful curses they could muster toward the evangelists. When the flames shot up, a woman right behind Doris screamed and manifested a demon, which Doris immediately cast out! [note: "Doris" is Doris Wagner, C. Peter Wagner's wife. She specializes in casting out demons and in fact teaches paid courses on the subject at the Wagner Leadership Institute.] Hannemann, Silvoso, and the ITN: The Evidence I've laid out some of the evidence tying Duke Aiona and Mufi Hannemann to Ed Silvoso and his International Transformation Network both in a two part series I published in April 2010 (1, 2) and in subsequent stories posted here at Talk To Action and elsewhere (see: 1, 2, 3, 4). Especially striking was the claim Ed Silvoso made at a May 2010 conference held at a megachurch in Cedar Hills, Texas, in which Silvoso declared, "It doesn't matter if the Republican or the Democratic candidate wins the governorship [of Hawaii]. Either one is already in the kingdom." Given that former congressman Neal Abercrombie has no ties to the International Transformation Network or its Hawaii branch, Transformation Hawaii that I am aware of, the likelihood is that the Democratic candidate Silvoso referred to was Mufi Hannemann. As I detailed in my two-part series Transforming Hawaii, a 2008 internet post in Ed Silvoso's name stated that Silvoso's fellow International Transformation Network leader Cal Chinen was "shepherding" the mayor of Honolulu which, at the time, was Mufi Hannemann. "Shepherding" is a term that has been commonly used in cults. [video, below: in ad for "Convergence 2010" conference in Cedar Hills, Texas, Cindy Jacobs announces top-billed conference speakers Peter Wagner and Ed Silvoso, and in footage from that conference Ed Silvoso announces his upcoming November 2010 ITN conference in Hawaii and then tells his audience that "It doesn't matter if the Republican or the Democratic candidate wins the governorship. Either one is already in the kingdom."]
[below: excerpt from page 31 of Ed Silvoso's book Transformation]
But judging from Ed Silvoso's description of "the Mayor of Honolulu" (who was Mufi Hannemann as of when Silvoso's book went to print in 2007), Silvoso would likely welcome Hannemann as the next governor of Hawaii as well. [below: excerpt from page 33 of Ed Silvoso's book Transformation]
James "Duke" Aiona's extensive ties to the ITN include a 2006 trip to Argentina to an ITN conference where Aiona was filmed praying together Uganda's First Lady Janet Museveni. The cost of Aiona's trip was paid for with over $7,000 in gifts - apparently in violation of Hawaii's state ethics rules. But both Aiona and Hannemann have appeared together at numerous ITN conferences and also at conferences held by related Hawaiian evangelical ministries such as Hawaiian Island Ministries (HIM.) The image below is a screen shot of the program for the International Transformation Network's 2008 Hawaii conference - at which Mufi Hannemann and Duke Aiona appeared together on stage to co-lead the opening ceremony of the event. [below: program for 2008 Hawaii International Transformation Network conference]
In my April 22nd, 2010 story Christian Right Claims Both 2010 Hawaii Gubernatorial Candidates, I described a range of links between Mufi Hannemann and Ed Silvoso's International Transformation Network and its Hawaii chapter, Transformation Hawaii:
Hannemann attended the International Transformation Network's first big Hawaii conference according to Richard Borreca of the Honolulu Star Bulletin and on 9:00 AM on January 21, 2008 Duke Aiona and Mufi Hannemann shared a stage at the opening ceremonies for a Transformation Hawaii / International Transformation Network "Catch the Wave" two-day conference at the Hawaii Convention Center. In 2008, both Mufi Hannemann and Duke Aiona each spoke at another ITN-associated event, a conference held by the Hawaiian Island Ministries of pastor Dan Chun. [images, below: Mufi Hannemann and Duke Aiona each spoke at the Hawaiian Island Ministry's major yearly conference for 2008. Standing next to Hannemann and Aiona in both images are Dan Chun and his wife]
As a 2003 report (PDF file of report) from the Hawaii Family Forum described, Dan Chun and HIM ministries have been a major force in the Christian evangelical fight against gay rights in Hawaii:
"In her March 7, 2003 address to the participants of Honolulu 2003, Shirley Dobson praised the efforts of Hawaii Family Forum. The Hawaii Family Forum was founded by Hawaiian architect Francis Oda, who also serves as the Chairman of the International Transformation Network. The Hawaii Family Forum is now headed by Executive Director Allen Cardines, who is also President of Transformation Hawaii. As stated on the Transformation Hawaii website, "Transformation Hawai'i (TH) is a chartered member of the Global International Transformation Network (ITN) headed by Ed Silvoso, CEO." The ITN is actively in a number of countries around the world, including Uganda. My 20-minute mini-documentary Transforming Uganda, which was cited in January 2010 testimony before the Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission,
"presents a radically new perspective; a little-known but global evangelical effort, which claims gays are possessed by demons and that faith healing can cure HIV and AIDS, is working to "transform" the nation of Uganda along theocratic lines. Individuals in that effort, shown in the video, are directly tied to Uganda's Anti-Homosexuality Bill that would mandate execution for HIV positive Ugandan citizens. According to gay rights activist Jim Burroway, the bill appears to still be in play."
Mormon Candidate For Governor Of Hawaii Tied To Movement That Burns Books of Mormon | 59 comments (59 topical, 0 hidden)
Mormon Candidate For Governor Of Hawaii Tied To Movement That Burns Books of Mormon | 59 comments (59 topical, 0 hidden)