Sears sells 'smut,' American Family Association charges
Bill Berkowitz printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Mon Aug 09, 2010 at 01:55:08 PM EST
The headline of its recent "Take Action Now" email reads: "You won't believe what Sears is selling: Sears is content to sell pornography. And, if you are offended, they don't seem to care!"

That's a pretty typically breathless headline from the non-stop culture warriors at the American Family Association; earnest, straight-forward, and always more than a little bit whiny.
AFA headlines like this one has been its stock and trade for more than three decades. And, they're often followed by a plea urging AFA supporters to send letters/e-mail/faxes and make phone calls to company officials; attempts by AFA leaders themselves to contact the company; claims that the company won't take its concerns seriously; the threatening of a boycott; the start-up of a full-throttled boycott; and, finally, after some period of time, a declaration of victory and an end to the boycott.  

AFA is currently outraged with Sears because despite attempts to reach out to the company "more than a half-dozen times ... quietly and professionally," Sears continues to be "offering giant posters of total nud**y on its website."

'Sears knows they are selling smut'

According to AFA's president Tim Wildmon, "Sears knows they are selling smut. Technology allows Sears to remove and stop selling these posters within minutes, so why won't they?"

The posters are part of sales campaign called the Storefront. According to WorldNetDaily's Bob Unruh, "The poster images are graphic: four couples with arms and legs intertwined who appear to be wearing nothing but each other and some foamy waves lapping at their ankles.
The poster image is highlighted by the theme: `Safe sex is hot sex.' Another reveals two topless women embracing, wearing only the skimpiest of shorts, a model who appears to be wearing some water and a small sponge, and a group of women wearing revealing lingerie."

Here's the kicker: Despite the fact that it has been well-documented that many evangelical Christians have problems with pornography, an AFA link contains the near-n*e posters that Sears is selling (

To paraphrase Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart; I may not be able to define hotness, but I know it when I see it. And, thanks to the American Family Association, thousands of its members will now see some unabashed hotness. Way to go Tim!

In its email, the AFA does issue a "Warning," which states that "the posters are extremely graphic and offensive," and therefore "they have been edited by us." It's a tough job, but someone had to do it!

While it seems that this particular alert - complete with access to the nes -- could have emanated from those funny and fevered minds over at The Onion, it does appear that this is a legitimate AFA "Take Action Now" alert.

The AFA "Take Action Now" alerts closes by saying that "These aren't just posters of scantily-clad women. Some of them depict groups of people, lesbians and others engaged in **ual [I'm assuming - and I may be presumptuous -- that the asterisks are taking the place of the letters s, e, and x] activities. Very little is left to the imagination."

Tim Wildmon explains in the P.S. that the reason for using "asterisks for some words in our e-mails to you because otherwise the words would trigger blocks by many filters."

So, says Tim, the son of AFA founder Donald Wildmon, it is time to "Take Action": "Unless Sears hears from you, they will continue to sell offensive posters. Please take a moment to email Sears' public relations director Larry Costello. We have left voice mails on Mr. Costello's cell phone numerous times. He has refused to return them."

Taking action

The AFA's sample complaint letter reads:

Dear Mr. Costello:

I can't understand why Sears is choosing to sell adult materials on its website.

As a supporter of American Family Association (AFA), it is also disappointing for me to learn that you have casually discounted several calls from AFA by refusing to discuss our concerns.

Back-to-School is a busy time for Sears.  I will certainly consider doing my shopping elsewhere as a result of the company's adult-oriented product offerings.

The American Family Association has been, and continues to be, in it for the long haul. They have a number of significant "Divisions" including: American Family Radio, which "keeps you informed and encouraged with Christ-centered programs and music!";, a daily news service; One Million, which "was begun to give dads an impact on all the negative influences our children are forced to contend with";, "an online community of mothers aimed at stopping the exploitation of our children";The AFA Journal, the organization's monthly publication; AFA Planned Giving, which "helps you select the best means of leaving a legacy that lasts for generations to come; and for the Internet.

AFA "Supported Ministries" includes:, "a website that provides resources for home schoolers across the country..."; Awaken Generation, "a website dedicated to reaching out to a generation that has fallen asleep to Christ";, "a website that invites people to attend or organize a rally in their community";, "the website for the In The Fight Fellowship, challenging Christians to take a stand for Christian principles"; and, , which "offers guided tours to national historic sites with a Christian heritage."

Sears, Roebuck, & Co. was founded in 1893 and became America's biggest retail store and was well-known across the country - especially in rural areas -- for its catalogs that contained merchandise ranging from farm implements to tools, from clothes for the entire family to all sorts of appliances. In recent years, however, Sears has not fared well. Will AFA's Tim Wildmon have an impact? Stay tuned.

I saw a post on a Christian forum today that documented that Harper Collins, publisher of 30 different editions of the Bible, was also the publisher of the Satanic Bible via it's Avon publishing arm.

After a quick Google, I replied with a comment pointing out that the News Corporation owns Harper Collins and it was they who merged Avon with their newly acquired publishing company.

And News Corporation, of course, are the founders and owners of Fox News...

Someone should notify the AFA, stat!

Boycott Fox News!

by tacitus on Mon Aug 09, 2010 at 08:08:45 PM EST

Although, boycotting them would require me to watch them in the first place, or is my continued refusal to consume what they're selling still count as giving a hand to the AFA?

by trog69 on Wed Aug 11, 2010 at 01:19:51 AM EST

Where do these people (AFA) find this stuff? I could probably look all through the SEARS website and never stumble across this. Maybe in the Lingerie Section... Does Sears sell family planning supplies (uh, like the old-time mail order business they were founded upon)? IBesides, if that's porn, it's pretty softcore compared to what is freely available out there. Why don't those folks just crawl up into a cave and wait for the end-times and leave everybody else alone?

by jimmyaj on Sun Aug 15, 2010 at 05:18:41 PM EST

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