Strategic Level Spiritual Warfare (SLSW) Glossary
When a definition has been taken directly from one of the following sources, it is noted. George Otis, Jr. included a glossary in his 1999 book Informed Intercession, a text for the teaching of spiritual mapping. Strategic Level Spiritual Warfare: A Modern Mythology? by Michael S. B. Reid is a 2002 critique of SLSW which, interestingly, has a foreword by T.L. Osborne, a well known charismatic evangelist who has conducted revivals claimed to include faith-healings in places like Uganda (1957), and paved the way for some of today's spiritual warriors. Note that my use of Reid as a source critical of SLSW is not intended as an endorsement. Reid is the former head of Peniel Pentecostal Church in England which he left due to a serious scandal and he had his own methods for trying to gain political power. The use of Reid's book as a source is to demonstrate the controversy over SLSW, even inside the charismatic world. In the foreword Osborne is concerned about "the demonic phobia that currently possesses so many pseudo-charismatic leaders who 'sound off' like public witchdoctors, with absolutely no solidity or valid information to support them." Reid begins the book, originally written as a dissertation for his doctorate at Oral Roberts University, by noting that "Over the last twenty to thirty years, there has been a radical change in the whole perception of spiritual warfare within the Christian world, and the emergence of what has come to be known as Strategic-Level Spiritual Warfare." Terms are in alphabetical order following the definition of SLSW.
Stategic Level Spiritual Warfare "A term that pertains to intercessory confrontations with demonic power concentrated over given cities, cultures, and peoples." - Otis
Binding the Strongman "Neutralizing the deceptive hold or enchantment that demonic powers have over human subjects..." - Otis
City Gate "Centers of political influence and authority, or portals through which new or important influences enter a community." - Otis
Community Transformation "A condition of dramatic socio-political renewal that results from God's people entering into corporate vision, corporate repentance and corporate prayer. During these extraordinary seasons the kingdom of God pervades virtually every institution of human endeavor." - Otis
Corporate Sin "Group rebellion against God's law and purpose that typically results in corollary injury to a particular person or group. The offending collective may be a family, clan, tribe, neighborhood, city, nation or church." - Otis
High Places "Specific locations where a community or its leaders pay obeisance to tutleary deities and/or idolatrous philosophies." - Otis
Identificational Repentance and Reconciliation "The term was originally coined by John Dawson and the technique is claimed to give Christians the power to heal the past. It involves the recognition that nations and/or cities can and do sin corporately and if such sin is not remitted the iniquity can become worse in each succeeding generation. This cycle can be stopped by corporate or identificational repentance which effectively removes the foothold Satan has used to hold populations in spiritual darkness and social misery. It is claimed that this will open the way for the revival churches and an unprecedented harvest of souls." - Reid
Intercessory Prayer "Petitions, entreaties and thanksgivings made of behalf of another. Intercession also involves the act of standing between the object of prayer and spiritual forces." -Otis
Intercessory Unit "A spiritual mapping team cell that is dedicated to petitioning God for guidance, favor, and protection. Members are expected to carefully record and review specific promptings, warnings, and confirmations that are gleaned in the place of prayer." - Otis
Naming of Spirits "This is based on the heathen practice of naming spirits (for example, Infertility or Lust). Accordingly, SLSW encourages Christians to discover the name of demons in their territory (city or country) and bind them in the name of Christ." - Reid
Neighborhood Reports "A standardized, spiritual mapping product designed to sustain fervent corporate intercession until community transformation becomes a reality. The most common report features a specific town or neighborhood, although the definition is flexible enough to encompass school campuses, large companies, military bases, housing estates, and Native American reservations." - Otis
Prayer Expeditions "Long-distance, trans-territorial prayer-walks along strategically developed routes. Intercession is offered for entire countries and regions." - Otis
Prayerwalking "The practice of onsite, street-level intercession. Prayers offered by participatnts are in response to immediate observations and researched targets." - Otis
Principalities and Powers "Demonic agents and structures that exert deceptive control over co-conspiratorial human political kingdoms and systems." - Otis
Spiritual Beachhead "The first stage on the road to community transformation... In many instance these developments are sustained by intelligence gathering through cooperative spiritual mapping campaigns." - Otis
Spiritual Breakthrough "The second stage on the road to community transformation, breakthroughs are characterized by rapid and substantial church growth." - Otis
Spiritual Mapping "This technique is a key component in SLSW prayer strategy...This includes discovering the location of demons, their activities, their names and their power." - Reid
Warfare Prayer "The application of strategic-level spiritual warfare to evangelistic efforts. An uprooting of prevailing spiritual strongholds that hinder the gospel." - Otis
10/40 Window "The 10/40 Window refers to an imaginary frame encompassing `some 95 percent of the world's unreached people' which Satan holds in his bonds. In geographical terms it is located between the latitudes of 10 and 40 degrees north of the equator. The Garden of Eden, Iran and Iraq, are `situated in the epicenter of the window.' The SLSW focus has now shifted to the 40/70 window." [In this definition from Reid, he quotes Otis from his book Lifting the Veil on Islam and the End Times.]
Territorial Spirits "Demonic powers that have been given controlling influence over specific sites, peoples, and areas." - Otis Concerns about this particular type of "spiritual warfare" were addressed in a Lausanne Committee for World Evangelism (LCWE) special working group consultation in 1993, which resulted in a statement on the pros and cons as seen by other evangelical leaders. In the 1990s SLSW was widely taught through the AD 2000 and Beyond missions program, an offshoot of LCWE. C. Peter Wagner headed the United Prayer Track of this worldwide missions effort and his International Spiritual Warfare Network evolved into today's "prayer warrior" or "apostolic global networks" working in each state under the authority of the apostles of the New Apostolic Reformation. He was aided by charismatic leaders like Jack Hayford of the International Foursquare Gospel and Ted Haggard, former head of the National Association of Evangelicals. For more information see the Talk2action Resource Directory for the New Apostolic Refomation in the special focus box in the left panel. It will be updated during August with a bibliography and other additions.
Strategic Level Spiritual Warfare (SLSW) Glossary | 11 comments (11 topical, 0 hidden)
Strategic Level Spiritual Warfare (SLSW) Glossary | 11 comments (11 topical, 0 hidden)