Hagee Markets New Prophecy Book While Claiming CUFI Not Motivated by End Times
Hagee's Can America Survive: 10 Prophetic Signs That We Are the Terminal Generation was released on June 29 by Howard Books. It is now #2 in "non-fiction" on the Wall Street Journal's "Best Selling Books." It was also promoted on Glenn Beck's Fox News show on July 1, when Beck interviewed Hagee along with Ralph Reed, David Barton, and several other Religious Right leaders. Beck claimed that "48% of Americans now think that Jesus will come back in the next forty years" when introducing Hagee, who warned President Obama to, "stop using the power of his office to divide the city of Jerusalem and to stop putting pressure on the nation of Israel for a no-growth policy in Judea and Samaria." Despite Hagee's repeated dire warnings of God's vengeance on the U.S. for any role in "dividing the land," CUFI and other Christian Zionists are being marketed to Jewish audiences as neither obstructing peace efforts nor objecting to a two state resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Hagee's recent trip to eastern Pennsylvania illustrates the striking difference between the talking points for audiences that include Jewish leaders and those who flock to Hagee for his apocalyptic prophecy. A CUFI Night to Honor Israel was held Sunday, April 25, 2010 in Lansdale, Pennsylvania which included Jewish rabbis and community leaders. Prior to the event, CUFI executive David Brog (who is Jewish and author of "Standing with Israel") was interviewed in the April 22 issue of the Jewish Exponent. In the article, Brog claimed that Hagee was unfairly accused of objecting to the peace process as well as unfairly accused of being anti-Catholic and anti-Muslim. Brog then denied that Christian Zionists are hoping that the return of Jews to Israel will usher in the end times and added,
Most Christian Zionists base their support on the words of the Hebrew Bible and guilt over Christian anti-Semitism, rather than on the book of Revelations(sic) in the New Testament. Brog failed to mention in the interview that on Thursday and Friday of that same week, John Hagee (under the auspices of his John Hagee Ministries, Inc.) drew a large audience to the Lancaster, Pennsylvania convention center for his JHM Rally and Prophecy Seminar in which Hagee teaches his interpretation of end times prophecy from the book of Revelation. During the event Hagee claimed that the eruption of the volcano in Iceland (which resulted in interruption of air travel in Europe), was God's retribution after Britain's Advertising Standards Authority determined that the Western Wall in Jerusalem could not be used in Israeli tourism ads in Britain because it is considered to be in occupied territory. The print issue of the New York Times article included a photo of Hagee at that event (page 10), standing in front of one his graphic prophecy timelines. Hagee has been holding his JHM "Rally and Prophecy Seminars" in the U.S., England, and Canada throughout the year, including one in Orlando to be held this weekend and one in Calgary, Canada on August 26 -27. Last week I downloaded Hagee's latest book on my Kindle. It is primarily a rehash of material which can be found in his previous media, but it demonstrates that Hagee's fifty years of emphasis on end times prophecy and his claims that the world as we know it is about to end, have not changed. This is in stark contrast to the picture being aggressively marketed to the American Jewish community. Chapters in the book include: Death of the Dollar, The Criminalization of Christianity, We Are the Terminal Generation, and The Fourth Reich: The Coming Antichrist. In "What is Going to Happen Next?" Hagee overviews the imminent apocalyptic events, stating,
"The truth is the next prophetic event that will shake the foundations of the planet Earth is the rapture of the church... The rapture is a global event where every believer on planet Earth will be taken from the earth in a "twinkling of an eye." Simply stated: billions of people will instantly disappear and not return for seven years! Hagee overviews some of the things that will happen during the Tribulation: one-fourth of mankind will die; one-third of vegetation will die; every person on earth will be covered with running festering boils; and there will be a world war so bloody that the blood of those killed in battle will flow for two hundred miles up to the bridle of a horse in the valley of Jezreel, among other horrors. In this chapter Hagee includes the rebirth of Israel and "Exodus II" as signs that we are the terminal generation on earth. In chapter thirteen, "The Year 2012: The Beginning of the End?" Hagee questions the current fears surrounding the Mayan calendar, but claims that his interpretation of the Apostle John in the book of Revelation is direct from God - and foolproof.
"There is no conceivable evidence that December 21, 2012, will be a day of global disaster, but there is specific evidence that, in the near future, there is a a specific day and hour in which one-third of the human race will die in a day. During the Glenn Beck interview on July 1, Hagee also chastised President Obama for his treatment of Prime Minister Netanyahu following Vice President Joe Biden's trip to Israel this past March. During the visit Netanyahu was supposedly embarrassed by an untimely unexpected announcement of building in East Jerusalem, which led to a controversy and cooling between Netanyahu and the Obama administration.
Until Tuesday's New York Times article, most of the mainstream press had not reported that on the night of Biden's arrival Netanyahu and Hagee were conducting their own ambush of American efforts to advance the peace process. And this was not the first time. It was repeat of an event in 1998 when Hagee and Jerry Falwell had hosted Netanyahu prior to his visit with President Bill Clinton. That event, at the Mayflower Hotel in D.C., involved the recruitment of hundreds of Christian Zionists to demonstrate to Netanyahu their political support against any "land for peace" deals. The March 8, 2010 CUFI event was attended by Netanyahu, and both the current and former Israeli Ambassadors to the U.S., Michael Oren and Daniel Ayalon. It included a 15-minute film recognizing CUFI and Hagee for 58 million dollars of donations. [Authors note: In the film the donations of CUFI and John Hagee Ministries, Inc. were not separated.]
above: The Billye Brim pool and the John Hagee Building in the settlement of Ariel are named for their benefactors. Brim is a director in Hagee's CUFI. My previous Talk2action.org articles on that event are linked (1 and 2). Also link to a previous article on the partnership between members of Israel's Likud party and Christian Zionists. One of the responses to the New York Times article was written by Stephen Spector, author of Evangelicals and Israel. In his 2009 book, and in speaking engagements to Jewish audiences, Spector claims that most of today's Christian Zionists are not motivated by ulterior motives such as proselytizing Jews and moving the hands of the prophetic clock. I have written about the problems with Spector's book in severals articles, including "The New Christian Zionism and the Jews" in The Public Eye of Political Research Associates and will be be writing more about Spector's analysis and marketing of Christian Zionism to Jewish audiences, in upcoming articles.
For more quotes from Hagee, see the Special Focus Box in the left side panel titled "John Hagee and Christian Zionism."
Hagee Markets New Prophecy Book While Claiming CUFI Not Motivated by End Times | 3 comments (3 topical, 0 hidden)
Hagee Markets New Prophecy Book While Claiming CUFI Not Motivated by End Times | 3 comments (3 topical, 0 hidden)