Grayson Foe Daniel Webster Credits Success To "Hedge of Thorns" Prayer
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Mon Oct 25, 2010 at 03:45:14 PM EST
"I wrote the prayer down, and as a matter of fact I passed it out to all our campaign workers and I asked them to begin praying this prayer. And, I will tell you, it was an absolute miracle that we ended up winning that race in 1984... I thought, "you know that was... I believe that prayer was one of the keys to us winning." " -- Daniel Webster

If Republican Daniel Webster prevails against Democratic Representative Alan Grayson in the 2010 race for Florida's 8th Congressional District, will Webster again credit, as in the past, a "hedge of thorns" for his political victory?

"It absolutely changed my life," declared Webster, referring to the teachings of evangelist Bill Gothard, in a 2003-published speech Daniel Webster gave before an audience of Gothard's followers. Webster then attributed his political success to a magical prayer called "The Hedge of Thorns of Protection", which Gothard claims can force unfaithful spouses back to their mates, redeeming them from the influence of Satan. Webster also stated that the Bible calls on wives to submit to their husbands but emphasized he did not usually demand or pray for that.

What the 2003-published footage makes especially clear is the depth and sincerity of Daniel Webster's commitment to Bill Gothard and his teachings. It's not an act. In the speech Webster says he adapted Gothard's "Hedge of Thorns" prayer for use in his political campaigns, causing God to influence the decisions of Florida voters and warding off possible election rivals in his former Florida state congressional district. Daniel Webster also credits the prayer with helping his rise to speaker of the Florida State Legislature in 1996.

For over four decades, fundamentalist evangelical Bill Gothard has been giving courses on Biblical living including his signature Institute in Biblical Life Principles seminars. Gothard has been accused by fellow conservative evangelicals of running a cultic ministry and promoting un-Biblical teaching but has built a worldwide following of Christians who attest to the efficacy of Gothard's methods for overcoming various chemical and purported behavioral addictions among which according to Gothard, as show in the video below, include "sodomy."  

"I don't even remember all the commitments I made but I raised my hand every time - because it absolutely changed my life," stated Daniel Webster, describing his pledges to follow Bill Gothard's teachings at a 1982 Gothard seminar. "But I also learned something else," he continued, " 1983 and 1984, when I went back. And that was, I thought that the prayer of The Hedge of Thorns of Protection could be used around the district that I served." Webster went on,

"So I began praying that, uh, because I was facing a very difficult opponent in 1984, I began praying that the voters would believe the truth, and I based it on a particular scripture. So I wrote that scripture down, I wrote the prayer down, and as a matter of fact I passed it out to all our campaign workers and I asked them to begin praying this prayer.

And, I will tell you, it was an absolute miracle that we ended up winning that race in 1984. And, again, by the grace of God. And so, after that, I thought, "you know that was... I believe that prayer was one of the keys to us winning."

So I began praying the same prayer around the same district and using the same verse, and then added a few other verses. But this time I prayed that every person that desired that district would lose interest. So since 1984, and now I'm elected in the [Florida State] Senate through the year 2002 - including my jump from the House to the Senate - not one person has run against me."

Daniel Webster then described using the "Hedge of Thorns" prayer in his bid to become speaker of the Florida State House of Representatives,

"I remember, I began asking people to pray that same hedge of thorns. And, this time, we based it on a scripture, Psalm 140, verse 11 which says 'let not an evil speaker be established.' " [note: Psalm 140, verse 11 actually says, "Let not a slanderer be established in the earth; let evil hunt the violent man to overthrow him." (New King James Version)]

Webster was one seat short of having a Republican majority that would establish him as a speaker, and he credited his "hedge of thorns" prayer tactic with helping gain the needed majority:

"In order to get there we need more seats, more House seats. So the other scriptures we used was Luke 1:52, "You have put down the mighty from their seats and exalted them of low degree." And by those two scriptures, and a lot of other things, when, after the election took place we won, by one vote."

The Grayson Flap

In late September, Democratic Congressional Representative Alan Grayson was widely pilloried in the media, from the right over to the liberal-leaning Jon Stewart show, for running a political attack ad that suggested Grayson's Republican opponent in the race for Florida's 8th Congressional District, Daniel Webster, has said wives should "submit" to their husbands.

Both Grayson's ad and countless critical media stories that followed [such as's take], criticizing Grayson's ad, missed the nuance of Daniel Webster's position. The Grayson ad narrowly mischaracterized Webster's words, from a 2009 speech given at a Bill Gothard-sponsored conference. But in the wider context of what Gothard teaches, the Grayson ad depiction was accurate.

Bill Gothard's institutions expressly teach female submission within marriage, and his  "Hedge of Thorns" prayer doctrine includes calling down divine misfortune upon spouses, either male and female, who stray from the marital fold. But the heavier animus is against women. In his foundational movement book Rebuilders Guide, Bill Gothard quotes Ephesians 5:22 and I Peter 3:1 as commanding that "Wives are instructed to submit to their husbands" and rebellious wives cause horrific damage to their families according to Gothard:

"By disobeying God's word and taking matters into her own hands, the wife destroys both her own family and her husband's family. She sows the seeds of destruction in her families of her children and her grandchildren "to the third of fourth generation." (See Deuteronomy 5:9.)" - Bill Gothard, from Rebuilders Guide.

As of when writer Hannah Rosin was researching her generally favorable 2007 book God's Harvard - A Christian College On a Mission To Save America, Rosin was so impressed with Gothard's teaching she compared his doctrines regarding women to those of the Taliban.

In a September 2009 Alternet story I provided additional support for Rosin's accusation. Specifically, according to Vice President of the Chalcedon Institute Martin Selbrede, Chalcedon institute founder Rousas J. Rushdoony, also considered the founder of the Christian Reconstructionist movement, came very close to striking a legal deal with Bill Gothard for Gothard to promote Rushdoony's writing.

According to Selbrede, the deal fell through because Gothard held a position concerning divorce that was even more draconian than Rushdoony's (Gothard seems to have argued for banning divorce altogether.) However Gothard seems to have been in agreement with Rushdoony's proposal to institute stoning, beheading, and burning at the stake (all mentioned in Biblical scripture), as capital punishments for adultery, female unchastity before marriage, homosexuality, idolatry, apostasy, and witchcraft.

Given Daniel Webster's close ties to Bill Gothard and his teaching, it is surprising that few in media have seen fit to raise the issue of Webster's ties to Gothard, but it is in keeping with contemporary American media treatment of right-leaning political candidates who have deep, longstanding ties to radical Christian clerics.

Along with Hawaii gubernatorial candidate James "Duke" Aiona, Daniel Webster has deep ties to tendencies on the far evangelical right that some on the left have been tempted to compare with movements in radical, or revolutionary Islam.

We've generally argued here at Talk To Action that such comparisons tend to occlude as much as they illumine, but that does not mitigate mainstream media's (currently neglected) responsibility to inform voters as to the extremity of the positions in question. As University of North Florida Associate Professor of Religious Studies Julie Ingersoll argues, "Daniel Webster embraces "an entire worldview that is outside the views of mainstream Americans, and which can certainly be considered a threat to religious freedom."

Does Daniel Webster truly agree with Bill Gothard's views, and specifically with Gothard's apparent sympathies toward Christian Reconstructionism? Will voters have an inkling of Daniel Webster's unusual "hedge of thorn" prayer campaigns to woo their votes from the clutches of the devil? Will a single journalist ask Daniel Webster questions about these matters - if he thinks wifely submission is mandated by scripture or anything at all related to Webster's nearly three-decade long relationship with Gothard and his teaching?

I doubt it, and this is a testament to the state of the Fourth Estate in America in the year 2010 - truth is, for the most part, elsewhere. Occasionally it shines through, sometimes by accident, sometimes through Herculean effort: but all too seldom.

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by hidok52765 on Tue Aug 16, 2022 at 03:01:07 AM EST

WWW Talk To Action

Cognitive Dissonance & Dominionism Denial
There is new research on why people are averse to hearing or learning about the views of ideological opponents. Based on evaluation of five......
By Frederick Clarkson (375 comments)
Will the Air Force Do Anything To Rein In Its Dynamic Duo of Gay-Bashing, Misogynistic Bloggers?
"I always get nervous when I see female pastors/chaplains. Here is why everyone should as well: "First, women are not called to be pastors,......
By Chris Rodda (203 comments)
The Legacy of Big Oil
The media is ablaze with the upcoming publication of David Grann's book, Killers of the Flower Moon. The shocking non fiction account of the......
By wilkyjr (111 comments)
Gimme That Old Time Dominionism Denial
Over the years, I have written a great deal here and in other venues about the explicitly theocratic movement called dominionism -- which has......
By Frederick Clarkson (101 comments)
History Advisor to Members of Congress Completely Twists Jefferson's Words to Support Muslim Ban
Pseudo-historian David Barton, best known for his misquoting of our country's founders to promote the notion that America was founded as a Christian nation,......
By Chris Rodda (113 comments)
"Christian Fighter Pilot" Calls First Lesbian Air Force Academy Commandant a Liar
In a new post on his "Christian Fighter Pilot" blog titled "BGen Kristin Goodwin and the USAFA Honor Code," Air Force Lieutenant Colonel Jonathan......
By Chris Rodda (144 comments)
Catholic Right Leader Unapologetic about Call for 'Death to Liberal Professors' -- UPDATED
Today, Donald Trump appointed C-FAM Executive Vice President Lisa Correnti to the US Delegation To UN Commission On Status Of Women. (C-FAM is a......
By Frederick Clarkson (126 comments)
Controlling Information
     Yesterday I listened to Russ Limbaugh.  Rush advised listeners it would be best that they not listen to CNN,MSNBC, ABC, CBS and......
By wilkyjr (118 comments)
Is Bannon Fifth-Columning the Pope?
In December 2016 I wrote about how White House chief strategist Steve Bannon, who likes to flash his Catholic credentials when it comes to......
By Frank Cocozzelli (252 comments)
Ross Douthat's Hackery on the Seemingly Incongruous Alliance of Bannon & Burke
Conservative Catholic writer Ross Douthat has dissembled again. This time, in a February 15, 2017 New York Times op-ed titled The Trump Era's Catholic......
By Frank Cocozzelli (65 comments)
`So-Called Patriots' Attack The Rule Of Law
Every so often, right-wing commentator Pat Buchanan lurches out of the far-right fever swamp where he has resided for the past 50 years to......
By Rob Boston (161 comments)
Bad Faith from Focus on the Family
Here is one from the archives, Feb 12, 2011, that serves as a reminder of how deeply disingenuous people can be. Appeals to seek......
By Frederick Clarkson (177 comments)
The Legacy of George Wallace
"One need not accept any of those views to agree that they had appealed to real concerns of real people, not to mindless, unreasoning......
By wilkyjr (70 comments)
Betsy DeVos's Mudsill View of Public Education
My Talk to Action colleague Rachel Tabachnick has been doing yeoman's work in explaining Betsy DeVos's long-term strategy for decimating universal public education. If......
By Frank Cocozzelli (80 comments)
Prince and DeVos Families at Intersection of Radical Free Market Privatizers and Religious Right
This post from 2011 surfaces important information about President-Elect Trump's nominee for Secretary of Education, Betsy DeVos. -- FC Erik Prince, Brother of Betsy......
By Rachel Tabachnick (218 comments)

Respect for Others? or Political Correctness?
The term "political correctness" as used by Conservatives and Republicans has often puzzled me: what exactly do they mean by it? After reading Chip Berlin's piece here-- I thought about what he explained......
MTOLincoln (253 comments)
What I'm feeling now is fear.  I swear that it seems my nightmares are coming true with this new "president".  I'm also frustrated because so many people are not connecting all the dots! I've......
ArchaeoBob (109 comments)
"America - love it or LEAVE!"
I've been hearing that and similar sentiments fairly frequently in the last few days - far FAR more often than ever before.  Hearing about "consequences for burning the flag (actions) from Trump is chilling!......
ArchaeoBob (218 comments)
"Faked!" Meme
Keep your eyes and ears open for a possible move to try to discredit the people openly opposing Trump and the bigots, especially people who have experienced terrorism from the "Right"  (Christian Terrorism is......
ArchaeoBob (167 comments)
More aggressive proselytizing
My wife told me today of an experience she had this last week, where she was proselytized by a McDonald's employee while in the store. ......
ArchaeoBob (168 comments)
See if you recognize names on this list
This comes from the local newspaper, which was conservative before and took a hard right turn after it was sold. Hint: Sarah Palin's name is on it!  (It's also connected to Trump.) ......
ArchaeoBob (169 comments)
Unions: A Labor Day Discussion
This is a revision of an article which I posted on my personal board and also on Dailykos. I had an interesting discussion on a discussion board concerning Unions. I tried to piece it......
Xulon (180 comments)
Extremely obnoxious protesters at WitchsFest NYC: connected to NAR?
In July of this year, some extremely loud, obnoxious Christian-identified protesters showed up at WitchsFest, an annual Pagan street fair here in NYC.  Here's an account of the protest by Pagan writer Heather Greene......
Diane Vera (130 comments)
Capitalism and the Attack on the Imago Dei
I joined this site today, having been linked here by Crooksandliars' Blog Roundup. I thought I'd put up something I put up previously on my Wordpress blog and also at the DailyKos. As will......
Xulon (331 comments)
History of attitudes towards poverty and the churches.
Jesus is said to have stated that "The Poor will always be with you" and some Christians have used that to refuse to try to help the poor, because "they will always be with......
ArchaeoBob (149 comments)
Alternate economy medical treatment
Dogemperor wrote several times about the alternate economy structure that dominionists have built.  Well, it's actually made the news.  Pretty good article, although it doesn't get into how bad people could be (have been)......
ArchaeoBob (90 comments)
Evidence violence is more common than believed
Think I've been making things up about experiencing Christian Terrorism or exaggerating, or that it was an isolated incident?  I suggest you read this article (linked below in body), which is about our great......
ArchaeoBob (214 comments)

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