Mike Huckabee's Plan to Swift Boat Evil Legislation
Frederick Clarkson printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Thu Dec 31, 2009 at 12:08:56 AM EST
This is a substantially revised and updated version of one of my favorite posts from earlier this year; part of my series in the run up to the New Year.

Religious Right leader and Fox News host Mike Huckabee has written a fund raising letter for the rightist weekly Human Events that they have been repeatedly sending all year. (The last one I received was on December 2nd). The money is intended to help pay for a Swift Boat campaign against what would be the most important piece of prochoice legislation since Roe vs. Wade:

Just like HUMAN EVENTS' "Swift-Boat" exposure helped to sink John Kerry in 2004, "The Facts About FOCA" could prevent this outrageous piece of pro-abortion legislation from ever reaching the desk of President Obama -- who has promised to sign it.

FOCA is of course, the Freedom of Choice Act, which would codify the right to obtain and to provide abortion care as held in Roe vs. Wade. The bill would overturn hundreds of medically unnecessary state level laws designed as obstacles and delaying tactics, such as mandatory waiting periods. The bill has been introduced every year since 1987 but not yet this year. President Obama has said he would sign it if it ever reaches his desk.

Huckabee calls it:

"...perhaps the most evil piece of legislation in the history of our republic."
While he makes many outlandish claims in this long missive about the evil of codifying Roe into federal law, we can skip over them and get to what Huck and Human Events plan to do about it:

The main weapon in HUMAN EVENTS' media blitzkrieg will be an in-depth Special Report called, "The Facts About FOCA: Truth vs. Propaganda in the Battle Over the Most Radical Pro-Abortion Law in American History."

(Don't you just love Huckabee's use of the word "blitzkrieg" to describe his campaign against evil?)

But creating "The Facts About FOCA" is just the beginning. HUMAN EVENTS will then publicize and distribute it on a massive scale, both in print versions and online, to provoke a massive outpouring of voter outrage that will stop this evil law from being enacted.

Included among the activists, opinion-makers, and other influential citizens to whom HUMAN EVENTS will distribute "The Facts About FOCA" will be:

* Pro-life, conservative, and/or Republican activist groups on HUMAN EVENTS' own extensive nationwide list, with an invitation to help spread the word by ordering and distributing inexpensive bulk reprints of the report

* Top editors, reporters, and syndicated columnists on every major metropolitan and regional paper in America, plus many local ones. HUMAN EVENTS will give them blanket advance permission to reproduce the report in whole or in part, without paying royalties

* Talk-radio hosts in every radio market in the country, from Rush Limbaugh on down. Again, HUMAN EVENTS will allow them to quote from it as extensively as they wish, at no cost

* TV news editors, anchors, and reporters at all the networks and cable news channels, as well as local affiliates

* All 435 members of the U.S. House and Senate, with additional copies for their staff members and committee aides

* More than 150,000 dedicated HUMAN EVENTS readers

The letter goes on to brag that Human Events helped its "sister company, Regnery"(the conservative book publisher) publicize the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth claims about John Kerry and make their book "Unfit for Command: Swift Boat Veterans Speak Out Against John Kerry" a best seller.

"I promise you," Huck concludes, "HUMAN EVENTS can accomplish the same sort of thing with 'The Facts About FOCA.'" I wrote about FOCA, in the wider context of the politics of abortion Inside the Beltway this year, in an essay in the current issue of The Public Eye magazine. Here are a few excerpts:

Anti-abortion leaders know that state-level barriers to access have reduced the number of abortions, and that any advance in abortion coverage in the current health care reform debate or improved access in any way would be a reversal of their fortunes. Abortion services are unavailable in 87% of the counties in the United States, according to a study by the Alan Guttmacher Institute. Prochoice leaders recognize the situation as well. NARAL reports that “more than 500 anti-choice measures have been enacted in the states since 1995” and that in effect these measures, all legal under Casey, are “essentially rolling back this fundamental right for many women." Such laws are known as TRAP laws (Targeted Regulation of Abortion Providers). These include, among others, abortion bans after 12 weeks, counseling with an antiabortion slant, mandatory delays, insurance prohibitions for abortion, and allowing health care providers such as hospitals to refuse to provide medical services and referrals. In 2009, improved access was nowhere on the national political or legislative agenda in Washington, apparently so that fighting over abortion would not derail health care reform. Even some prochoice groups and legislators went along with this. The key piece of prochoice legislation is the Freedom of Choice Act, (FOCA) which has been introduced in every Congress since 1989. FOCA would codify Roe v. Wade, and eliminate the legal barriers to access. That is why the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops and leading antiabortion groups waged a vigorous preemptive lobbying campaign before the new Congress was seated in 2009. All year (and as recently as December 2nd) the conservative weekly Human Events issued screeching fundraising letters signed by Mike Huckabee warning about “this EVIL law” (sic), which he described as “the most radical piece of pro-abortion legislation ever proposed.” In fact, the bill was not even introduced in the 111th Congress – even though President Obama had previously said he would sign it if it reached his desk. But the reality of the Washington moment does not alter anyone’s understanding of the stakes. Matt Bowman of the Alliance Defense Fund, (the leading legal strategy group of the Religious Right) said: “FOCA will strike down other laws, state and federal, that reduce abortions,” he declared, “and will force states to facilitate abortions.... 125,000 children that were not killed this year because we have these laws, and 125,000 children (added to the existing 1.3 million abortions) who will be killed in 2009 and every year after if FOCA is passed. FOCA is indeed a staggering expansion of abortion, both in principle and in actual lives lost.”
I don't know if FOCA will be re-introduced next year. But if it is, we can expect the Religious Right will be ready.

just grand?

by Frederick Clarkson on Wed Jul 08, 2009 at 05:40:35 PM EST

to see what falls out.  This sounds like a pretty egregious fundrasing attempt on behalf of Huckabee and Human Events (I recognize that unfortunately liberal/progressive groups often do this, too).  Like you wrote above, FOCA has been introduced every year for over a two decades, but has never come close to passing (thus, Obama's promise means little).  This is also a good example of how social movements mantain their momentum when they are out of power, by making sure that their members always have something to focus their time and effort on, no matter inconsequential it is.

"I believe in a President whose views on religion are his own private affair" - JFK, Address to the Greater Houston Ministerial Association
by hardindr on Wed Jul 08, 2009 at 06:30:44 PM EST

Huckabee in a speech which is readily available in full for one to read just by checking Google, wanted to "isolate those having Aids." Webster's dictionary reflects that "Isolate" means the same as "Quarantine." He never stated how he would feed, clothe, house & guard individuals with Aids. Did he intend to put them in isolated camps? That is what Hitler did to the Jews, the Clergy, Gypies, Gays, the mentally disturbed, and used children for experimentation. Huckabee is also quoted as wanting to change Our Contitution to meet "GOD"S Standards." I challenge him to tell us, the people of the United States, who will decide what God's standards are? Him, Dobson, Hagee, Parsley, the Pope??? Hukabee - go wash your plate & cup, especially on the inside. They're loaded with filth.

by Bonatti on Thu Jul 09, 2009 at 12:58:21 AM EST

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