Palin Pastors, Ensign C Street House Owner Promote Same Infiltration Plan
Bruce Wilson printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Thu Jul 16, 2009 at 02:35:33 PM EST
As I described in a June 11, 2009 story Ensign's "C Street House" Owned By Group Touting Plans For Christian World Control, founder of Youth With a Mission Loren Cunningham, whose organization owns the house where GOP Senators John Ensign and Tom Coburn enjoy cheap rent, espouses a doctrine known as the "Seven Mountains Mandate" in which believers seek to gain world control, by gaining influence over seven key sectors of society: religion, government, media, education, arts and entertainment, family, and business.

But the Seven Mountains idea is not unique to Loren Cunningham, and it is likely that Sarah Palin embraces the 7M Mandate's theocratic agenda:

In a 2005 religious ceremony (link to video footage) held as Palin was preparing to run for the Alaska governor's seat, two pastors publicly blessed and anointed Palin and in a short speech prior to the anointing, Kenyan religious leader Thomas Muthee gave an opening speech in whcih he clearly espoused, with Sarah Palin in the audience, the 7 Mountains Mandate.

The 7M Mandate is being promoted by a newly formed global Christian relational network, coalescing out of Pentecostalism and the Charismatic movement, which represents a radically different new form of Christianity, whose leaders Palin is extensively linked to, that most Americans do not even know exists: The New Apostolic Reformation.

The Seven Mountains Mandate, also known as the "7M Mandate" as well as "Reclaiming the Seven Mountains", is being promoted widely in a multilevel marketing campaign which includes websites with dowloadable Powerpoint presentations, affiliate programs, Teleseminars, professionally produced videos, inspirational posters and other dedicated graphic arts branding images, yearly conferences (1, 2, 3), and traveling motivational speakers such as Lance Wallnau.

[below: Lance Wallnau gives a short presentation explaining the Seven Mountains Mandate]

On June 7, 2009 Lance Wallnau gave a talk at Sarah Palin's central Alaska church (video clip from event), the Wasilla Assembly of God. Introduced by head pastor Ed Kalnins, who described first encountering the Seven Mountains idea through Lance Wallnau, Apostle Wallnau urged listeners to "invade" the Seven Mountains using overt and also covert methods.

Wallnau's message was not new to the Wasilla Assembly of God however. In an October 16, 2005 ceremony, shown in footage that the church tried to wipe from its website archive but which was rescued by a prescient blogger, Sarah Palin was blessed and "anointed" by three pastors, two of whom are advocates of the Seven Mountains Mandate: Wasilla Assembly of God head pastor Ed Kalnins and New Apostolic Reformation leader Thomas Muthee.

Prior to that anointing, Muthee articulated the 7M Mandate, starting with the declaration that "God is invading seven areas of society." But the Kenyan church leader went on to make very clear that it was Christian believers doing the will of God who were to invade those societal sectors.

Another religious leader tied to Palin, her prayer group leader Mary Glazier, has voiced an even more extreme version of Christian supremacy in which unbelievers are to be driven from "the land" (video documentation)

Dual disclosures from GOP Senator John Ensign and South Carolina governor Mark Sanford, of extramarital affairs have over the past several weeks drawn media attention to the C Street House, which functions as a rental unit that provides Washington politicians with substantially lower than market rate rents but is registered as a church run by a shadowy Washington DC religious institution known as The Family, or The Fellowship. Ensign currently lives at the house and Mark Sanford has attended C Street's Bible study classes.

Media attention has focused on the secretive nature of The Family, the subject of an increasingly popular book by journalist Jeff Sharlet, with MSNBC's Rachel Maddow leading the pack by running, so far, three dedicated television segments (1, 2, 3) on The Family and the C Street House.

But so far the media spotlight has completely missed the wider picture; The Family is not the only parachurch organization that promotes anti-democratic religious ideology and wields influence both Washington and internationally as well. Youth With a Mission and Campus Crusade For Christ each boast yearly budgets to rival or exceed those of James Dobson's Focus On The Family and the founders of the two organizations have been billed, along with the late  theocratic theologian Francis Schaeffer, as the original visionaries who conceived of the  Seven Mountains Mandate.

Most importantly, YWAM and Campus Crusade For Christ are part of a militant stream that has erupted out of Pentecostal and charismatic Christianity, which fielded the GOP vice presidential candidate in the 2008 election: Sarah Palin. Campus Crusade maintains a sub-ministry that focuses it evangelizing efforts on Pentagon members and politicians and staffers on Capital Hill.

[below: video documents wide range of New Apostolic Reformation leaders espousing the Seven Mountains Mandate, also known as The 7M Mandate, and Reclaiming the Seven Mountains]

[for an extensive list of stories exploring Sarah Palin's association with Third Wave and New Apostolic Christianity, see this Talk To Action site section.]

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...that what "jihâd oriented Muslims" are doing is the closest thing to what Christians should be doing reminded me of that creepy bit from the movie Jesus Camp when Becky Fischer expresses her wish to see Christian kids show the same level of dedication as Palestinian suicide bombers.


by xDARKxENERGYx on Thu Jul 16, 2009 at 10:27:37 PM EST

There is a good reason for the similarity of message.  Becky Fischer is also part of the New Apostolic Reformation.  Her Kids in Ministry International, "an Apostolic Prophetic Ministry for Children," appears to be going strong and has now branched out to India, Kenya, Australia, Ghana, Netherlands, Uganda, and the Ukraine.  

Following the release of the movie Jesus Camp no one wanted to claim her, despite her close relationship with the New Apostolic movement.  She had previously worked with Rick Joyner's Morning Star Ministries.  Now she is a regularly featured in the Apostolic and Prophetic world and her picture is even included on the banner of major Apostles and Prophets on Elijah's List's Prophetic TV at

by Rachel Tabachnick on Fri Jul 17, 2009 at 01:31:01 AM EST

...does Wallnau say that ? I think I completely missed it.

by Bruce Wilson on Fri Jul 17, 2009 at 03:20:33 AM EST
...look to radical Islam for guidance begins at about 40 minutes into the sermon. I've transcribed what he said as best I could...

The radical Muslims. This is the radical Muslims. What are we calling... what are we calling them? Radical Muslims. Yeah, the jihâd... the jihâd oriented Muslims. 5 or 6 percent of the Mulim population, not the majority, but they'll control the other 90 percent because they control {unintelligble}. We have 35 percent of the United States that's evangelical. Here's the problem. 35 percent are regenerated in their spirit. They say Jesus is Lord but they're not necessarily converted... because if they were converted, the 35 percent would have as much influence as the 5 or 6 percent that are changing America... or maybe we have converted regenerated believers, that's people who are born again and being progressively discipled in Christ. Maybe we have them, but because they're looking at the world through the lens of the rapture and America getting judged, they're not taking territory, they're observers of culture as it goes down the toilet. So, meanwhile, your jihâdists are wiser than us because they go right to the top of {unintelligble} to make disciples out of their nations. They will make every nation a Muslim nation if they have their way. That's the counterfeit for the true disciple. That's the closest thing on Earth to what we're supposed to be doing. They... they... they penetrate a tipping point in education, in government, in families, and in communities. As soon as they get a tipping point of about 10 percent of the culture converted... they're not interested in... in... in just having people follow Allah... they want converts... they want people that are disciples... as soon as they get a 10 percent disciple rate, they create a tipping point and declare Sharia law over a nation, which means that they themselves become a culture within the culture... that you don't go to court out there, you go to court here... you don't do anything... you don't go to school out there, you go to school here. You see, it's the counterfeit for the way the church ought to operate. We should be penetrating every field until we have 10 percent or so penetration of disciples, not people answering altar calls saying I like Jesus, but disciples. And when you get disciples, you can then create a Christian culture within the culture. You can say we do something different. This is how we do it. That's how the Muslims do it.

That's pretty stunning stuff, don't you think?

by xDARKxENERGYx on Fri Jul 17, 2009 at 09:17:16 AM EST

I'm continually amazed by how it's actually difficult to spot such specific ideas in sermons - I'd had a tip-off and was looking for the term "Jihad", as were several others. To be fair, my notes on the talk trailed off at about 30 minutes or so. Still...

Thanks very much.

by Bruce Wilson on Sat Jul 18, 2009 at 12:50:27 AM EST

...tuning out Mr. Wallnau after about 30 minutes. I can only take about 10 minutes of his windbaggery before my mind goes numb. To listen to someone like Wallnau for any length of time I usually have to be doing something else at the same time.

By the way, if you can tell me what Wallnau is saying in those portions of his sermon I marked as unintelligible I would appreciate it.

by xDARKxENERGYx on Sun Jul 19, 2009 at 06:30:25 PM EST

If I can figure it out I'll post a reply here.

by Bruce Wilson on Mon Jul 20, 2009 at 02:17:46 AM EST

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