Sarah Palin Says She's Stump For Conservative Democrats, Hints at Third Party
Bruce Wilson printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Sun Jul 12, 2009 at 11:48:18 AM EST
In a new, exclusive interview with the Washington Times that just hit the press today, Sarah Palin indicates she's likely to go fully rogue.

The former Republican vice-presidential nominee and heroine to much of the GOP's base said in an interview she views the electorate as embattled and fatigued by nonstop partisanship, and she is eager to campaign for Republicans, independents and even Democrats who share her values on limited government, strong defense and "energy independence."

"I will go around the country on behalf of candidates who believe in the right things, regardless of their party label or affiliation," she said over lunch in her downtown office, 40 miles from her now-famous hometown of Wasilla -- population 7,000 -- where she began her political career.

"People are so tired of the partisan stuff -- even my own son is not a Republican," said Mrs. Palin...

SaraPac, Palin's official fund-raising PAC effort, has printed an excerpt from a commentary by blogger Tammy Bruce, and also linked to Bruce's post in which Tammy Bruce writes,

Enter now Sarah Palin with very encouraging comments that lead one to believe that she is indeed planning to do what she must: build an independent conservative movement and take this nation back from the liberals which now control both parties.Thanks liberals, for provoking Sarah into the national scene while vetting that family at the same time.

One thing I will say, the Washington Times with their headline for this exclusive interview reveal an anti-Palin stance. She is, don't doubt, a threat to every existing political status quo. I hope the Washington Times and their editors realize, sooner than later, that the Palin movement is unstoppable

The true bull moose in the living room is Palin's dual associations with the Alaska Independence Party and with a related religious movement covered extensively during the fall of 2008 by a small group of writers associated with the blog Talk To Action, by a handful of mainstream media journalists such as Laurie Goodstein of the New York Times, and by a few Alaska politics insiders such as Leah Burton.

While liberal media and bloggers have tended to indulge in speculation that Palin's resignation was driven by looming scandals, Alaska native Burton, author of a recent book on Palin, Theopalinism: The Face of failed Extremism, wrote a July 6th, 2009 analysis of Palin's surprise resignation that seems prescient in light of Palin's latest signals, which include hints that she might break out, in classic "Bull Moose" fashion, to spearhead an independent third party effort.

Burton's June 6th post outlined likely reasons behind Palin's resignation from the Alaska governor's seat:

This is a rallying cry!  She is not kidding when she states that she is not retreating - but advancing.  Once the decision was made by herself and other contributors to her decision as to how to best utilize Palin's extraordinary popularity to advance the power and resurgence of the GOP, resignation was the ONLY option that makes sense for the following reasons - because she is now free to traverse this country unencumbered by official duties AND:

       1. Excite and ignite her base - a base broader than that solely of the GOP, bringing together extremists, Libertarians, Constitution Party members as well as GOP loyalists - all under one umbrella in a way that no other republican candidate has been able to achieve to date;
       2. Because of her "rock star" popularity she is an invaluable asset to the floundering Republican Party as a fundraiser for the GOP (whether Mitt, Newt, Huckabee or any of the rest of the presidential hopefuls care to admit it through clenched teeth);
       3. They can capitalize on her ability to generate untold numbers of evangelical extremists to register to vote significantly increasing the likelihood for success in local and national elections;
       4. And, while everyone debates over "will she/won't she" regarding 2012, the GOP strategists are winding her up to let her go on the 2010 campaign trail in an all out effort to dominate local, state and congressional seats - by riling the masses into a pitched fervor through propaganda over Obama = Bad! Using all the scare tactics and fear-mongering popular in GOP campaigns such as Muslim, socialism, debt, non-aggressive defense posture, and the terrorism threat to the safety of our country;
       5. And THEN lastly, it does give her time to consult with the religious ghost-writer assigned from Zondervan [Christian] Publishing to meet her contract obligation for her upcoming book release in Spring of 2010...which is an incredible tool that will have tremendous impact on growing her followers when she does in fact, decide to throw her harpoon into the presidential race of 2012.

Understand this...she is a devout believer in her role in the "Great Commission".  Therefore, to stay on as a "lame duck" governor really does NOT make sense in terms of furthering the GOP goal of taking back the majority in Congress, and do what they have done best since 1976 - ramp up campaigns from school boards to city councils/assemblies to state legislatures to U.S. Congress - and ultimately 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

A few voices in mainstream media, such as The San Fransisco Chronicles' Willie Brown and The Politico's Roger Simon (who wrote a piece satirizing the post-resignation media Palin pile-on) have bucked the trend to dismiss Palin's resignation as self-defeating. And at least one voice, Chris Cillizza writing for the Washington Post, has attached some hard numbers to "The Palin Sympathy Effect". According to a new Gallup Poll, a majority of Americans feel press coverage of Palin has been unfair.

With reporters building entire edifices of Palin speculation based on Runner's World photos of Palin preparing to run (quickly ambulate, that is, rather than pursue political office) and amidst the flurry of liberal talk show jokes deriding Palin's intelligence it's understandable that many Americans who might not support Sarah Palin's political views are nonetheless coming to see Palin as a victim. In short, Sarah Palin appears to have manipulated the media with impeccable timing and considerable finesse. First the media, next the nation. Onward, Sarah Palin. Meanwhile, about your witch hunter friends... oh, forget it.

Bruce, first, you have a typo -- the blog post you quote is from July 6th not June 6th.  (Burton may be good, but I don't think he possesses that level of precognition!)

As for the content of his post, I don't necessarily disagree that these are the types of things that Palin will end up doing, but I very much doubt that she had all this mapped out in her mind before she quit.  That would be ascribing her forethought and meticulousness that she has never displayed any evidence of having.

I do believe that she feels she no longer needs the governorship which, in a personal sense, is probably true, given the contrast between the daily grind of government and the stardom and celebrity she knows awaits her on the other side of the fence, but I'd wager it was more "I don't need this crap any more" than her planning ahead.

Now, the possibility of her going rouge is an interesting one.  It certainly should scares the living daylights out of the Republican party, because if she does, they won't stand a chance in 2012 or even 2016 since she will split the Republican vote right down the middle.  

On one level it sounds like a Machiavellian move to force the Republicans to embrace her within the party machinery, but then you get back to that nagging thought about whether she really has the political chops to deliberately consider such a move.  I'm more inclined to believe that this is just more of the same type of insincere political rhetoric about "partisanship" you heard in the election campaign.  It might result in pushing the Republicans to work to keep her in the fold, but I doubt it's a deliberate ploy.

I predicted well before the election that Palin would survive a loss in good shape with her base, but even I had my doubts during the last few weeks.  However, it seems that she is still in a strong position, now more than ever.  I only hope that the damage she wreaks is limited to the Republican party, and not on the country as a whole.

It's a bizarre phenomenon to watch.  She lurches from one public spectacle to another, bordering on the incoherent at times, and yet she continues to instills a deep loyalty in her following.  I participate on the Crosswalk forums from time to time (the vast majority there are fans), and it seems that nothing can shake their faith in her.  And with a sympathetic Fox News behind her, she's going to continue making the headlines for some time to come.

by tacitus on Sun Jul 12, 2009 at 03:10:18 PM EST

that Palin is incapable of planning such a careful strategy. HOWEVER. I do not think any such thing about Palin's backers. Her network is a wide one, ranging from secessionists to white supremacists to the NAR/dominionist branch of the Religious Right.

She was, after all, chosen by the CNP and handed to McCain as a fait accompli. She was the one to appease the fundamentalists and rightwing fringe, and she not only appeased them, but she energized them! And now, they love her.

I read that there was a poll showing something like 71 percent of Republicans would vote for her. Add in the populist libertarians, the Dixiecrats, and some independents, and you get a dangerously high number of Palinistas.

We are already planning our exit strategy, because I think the USA is in deep kimchi.

by phatkhat on Mon Jul 13, 2009 at 07:38:55 PM EST
You have a point about the backers, but working against that is that there is no evidence that Palin is able to take good advice.  She chafed under the watch of the McCain campaign when really she only needed to shut up and toe the line for a few weeks to see her wildest dreams realized.

Even since the election she's not excelled in who she keeps around her -- there is certainly no sign of an overarching strategy to any of her moves up to this point.

I don't doubt the money can help her overcome some of these deficiencies, and she will have all the money she can use, but I am still of the opinion that while she can certainly cause trouble, she will never be on a winning presidential ticket.

If I am wrong, then I might be joining you in leaving. I am a British citizen, so I do have a reasonably easy out to fall back on.  But I doubt it will come to that.

by tacitus on Mon Jul 13, 2009 at 08:37:41 PM EST

Burton is a she.

by Neptune on Mon Jul 13, 2009 at 11:15:35 PM EST
Did the text in my post say otherwise ? If so I need to correct it.

by Bruce Wilson on Tue Jul 14, 2009 at 12:51:54 AM EST
I believe the comment was aimed at me :-).

And instead of Sarah Palin going rogue, I have her "going rouge" which would certainly be a little different!

by tacitus on Tue Jul 14, 2009 at 04:31:30 AM EST

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