Christian Martyr Movement Leader Blesses Gingrich, Lays Hands on Huckabee
Bruce Wilson printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Sun Jun 07, 2009 at 02:48:47 PM EST
[note: Lou Engle, co-founder of The Call and discussed in this article, is a member of the Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders, under leadership of Cindy Jacobs. The ACPE's prophets are empowered to receive messages directly from God, and their prophetic utterances can carry the weight of biblical scripture - though they cannot directly contradict scripture. ACPE is one of the leading prophetic bodies in the hyper-charismatic, international New Apostolic Reformation movement.]

On Friday, June 5, 2009, at an event featuring aspiring politicians Mike Huckabee and Newt Gingrich that was broadcast over the global media networks of GodTV, a rising leader in the rapidly reconfiguring Christian right who has publicly called for acts of Christian martyrdom, prayed over and blessed Huckabee and Gingrich: TheCall founder Lou Engle.

The  June 5, 2009, Rock Church event has received some media notice but coverage -which has noted Newt Gingrich declared Americans are "surrounded by paganism", and that he and Mike Huckabee made stump speeches calling for Christian conservatives to become more involved in electoral politics- has almost wholly missed the significance.

Leaders on the Christian right have been giving such speeches for decades, but the  two-day Rock Church conference was not business as usual. Rather, it showcased the rapid reconfiguration of the Christian right around the rising, highly militant but poorly understood charismatic wing of the new Christian right, a movement which includes both Ted Haggard and Sarah Palin.)  

One point of the spear for the new Christian right is an intense, raspy-voiced man who presided over the June 5, 2009 Rock Church event, layed hands on Mike Huckabee, and pledged the commitment of his prayer warriors to Huckabee and Gingrich was Lou Engle, founder of TheCall - which played a significant role in the push to pass the anti-gay marriage Proposition Eight in the lead up to the November 4, 2008 presidential election.

Only days before Huckabee and Gingrich received Lou Engle's endorsement at Rock Church, on Sunday May 31, 2009, late-term abortion doctor George Tiller was gunned down in the lobby of his Wichita, Kansas church. The next morning CBS's Jeff Glor reported, "We did speak with the accused shooters' ex-wife yesterday. She said she was not surprised this happened and that she believed Roeder wanted to be a martyr for the cause."

The November 1, 2008 TheCall San Diego event was the capstone event for the pro-Proposition Eight, anti-gay marriage push in California prior to the November 4, 2008 presidential election. Towards the end of the event, which attracted an estimated 30,000 attendees to San Diego's Qualcomm Stadium despite sweltering heat, TheCall founder Lou Engle, and his disciple Eddie Brown, as captured in footage taken at TheCall San Diego by documentary film-maker Michael W. Wilson made calls, from onstage before thousands of impassioned followers, for acts of Christian martyrdom. Engle has in the recent past declared that decades of legalized abortion since Roe v. Wade have incurred a blood debt which demands to be paid in blood.

Lou Engle's TheCall promotes both opposition to gay marriage and also legalized abortion. At a TheCall Kansas City event held in Kansas City December 3, 2007, [ video of event ] Engle told an audience - that included young children sitting up with him onstage as he preached,

"One of the names of God is 'avenger of blood'. Have you ever worshiped that aspect of God lately ?"

Lou Engle was outlining to his young audience a doctrine he'd just recently written, "The Doctrine of The Shedding of Innocent Blood," in which Engle declared,

"The most 'dangerous terrorist' is not Islam but God. One of God's names is avenger of blood. Have you worshiped that God yet ?"

As I detailed in June 2, 2009 in Anti-Gay Marriage Pro-Prop 8 Leader Called For Antiabortion Martyrs,

"Lou Engle appeared in the Heidi Ewing / Rachel Grady runaway hit documentary Jesus Camp. The Official documentary website states that at Becky Fischer's "Jesus Camp" summer camp, "kids are taught to become dedicated soldiers in God's army and are schooled in how to take America back for Christ." In the film, Fischer states her desire to indoctrinate the children at her camp so that they have the same level of dedication as Hamas suicide bombers....

Engle serves on C. Peter Wagner's elite Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders, part of Wagner's New Apostolic Reformation. The Call focuses on opposition to gay right and abortion rights, and Engle has repeatedly forecast that conflict over abortion rights may lead to a second American civil war.

Lou Engle operates outside of the spheres of the militia movement and traditional antiabortion movement, which journalist Frederick Clarkson described in a Southern Poverty Law Center special report, from 1998, as in the process of merging.

Through TheCall, and the studied "rainbow" New Apostolic movement embrace of most ethnic and societal groups except Jews, gays, and non-Apostolic Christians, Lou Engle is broadening the appeal of a core, non-negotiable raft of fundamentalist bigotries. This broad-tent approach to Christian supremacy is often mistaken as moderate or even progressive."

Engle's TheCall events typically draw twenty to eighty thousand attendees but in some cases attract hundreds thousands of participants. TheCall events have been held in many countries around the globe since Lou Engle founded his organization in 1999.

As long-time antiabortion violence and militia movement observer Clarkson asks, in a story entitled Inflammatory Rhetoric as the Context of Assassination,

inflammatory antiabortion rhetoric that contributes to the threat and climate of violence is not limited to professional sound bite provocateurs like Randall Terry. Such rhetoric and the underlying ideology it expresses is so ingrained in the culture of the antiabortion movement, that someone like Rick Warren busily  packaging himself as a moderate thinks nothing of calling abortion a Holocaust and prochoice pols as holocaust deniers. And hardly a media ripple results.

But, Engle's antiabortion militancy comes within the context of an emerging strategy which Mike Huckabee and Newt Gingrich, two of the GOP's more astute politicians, appear to have understood to be a potentially winning formula for the new Christian right and a resurgent GOP. As I wrote in Proposition 8 : A Proving Ground For The New 'Rainbow' Right,

The [pro-Proposition Eight] effort in California represented the emerging face of a new type of fundamentalism in America that is multiethnic, multiracial and, because of that, can appear pseudo-progressive but which is in many ways farther right than traditional fundamentalism. The new axis of bigotry is no longer defined by racial and ethnic distinctions. It is religious supremacy.

"In the film, Fischer states her desire to indoctrinate the children .....Read this:

and then watch the video:

and tell me is she isn't using brainwashing techniques.  Sutphen tells us that even an adult won't have any defence.  What chance have these kids have????

by Concerned on Sun Jun 07, 2009 at 08:34:03 PM EST

One of the principle teachings of evangelical/fundamentalist Christianity is that the "blood debt" which demands to be paid in blood was already paid for by the shed blood of Jesus Christ. They even make a strong argument that when Christ said "It is finished" he was declaring the debt for all the sins of humanity (past, current, future) were declared "paid in full."

How can they square this with Lou Engle's Doctrine of The Shedding of Innocent Blood?

They can't. If they studied what they are supposed to believe is true and righteous according to their own doctrines they would declare Engle's doctrine heretical.

I'm just repeating what I was taught in church as a youth. This is what these people firmly believe the Bible teaches. Or it is what they once believed the Bible teaches.

by offbeatjim on Mon Jun 08, 2009 at 12:13:07 AM EST
...Engle's doctine IS heretical, as is a great deal of what the "Christian" Right teaches -- the Apostles wouldn't recognize most of the doctrines that are being passed off as right-wing Christianity today.

 The plain truth is, much of the extreme Christian Right is a political and economic movement hiding behind a smokescreen of religion, a practice which the Bible calls "harlotry."

by CynthiaGee on Mon Jun 15, 2009 at 11:40:56 AM EST

Just as with the aspect of domination of the earth for their own wants so it goes with the blood for blood. It is why we have the death penalty, why they are motivated to attack others. It is how it is interpreted by them. It is why there isn't one Abrahamic religion either. So anything goes as to who they and anyone else sees the Bible and Koran and Talmud. But then that is the rub isn't it?

by Nightgaunt on Mon Jun 08, 2009 at 12:37:01 PM EST

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