Rick Warren Loves Him Some Religious Righties
Frederick Clarkson printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Tue Jun 23, 2009 at 06:21:24 PM EST
Rick Warren, Barack Obama's favorite Religious Right leader, is back in the news, enthusiastically fanning the flames of division and discord in mainline Protestantism as he has for years.

Rick (abortion is a "holocaust" and prochoice pols are "holocaust deniers") Warren was the featured speaker at the first conference of American rightist, breakaway Episcopalians, who now call themselves Anglicans, and are seeking recognition as a legitimate member of the worldwide Anglican Communion.  

Warren, a Southern Baptist, has, according to the Associated Press,

"extended support before to conservative Episcopalians and Anglicans and has offered space to seceding Episcopalians at his Saddleback Church in Lake Forest, California."
But his appearance Tuesday, at a key organizing meeting for traditionalists, was his highest-profile statement of solidarity with them so far.

"He has been a friend of the Anglicans," said the Rev. Peter Frank, spokesman for Archbishop-elect Robert Duncan of Pittsburgh, who will be installed Wednesday as head of the province.