Texas ACLU Defends Religious Liberty
Lisa shared with the fiathful few who were present about her recent endeavors in religious liberty work. She has helped warn teachers in Baytown they cannot wear promotional t-shirts to advertize Christian events. Her group proudly defended a Needville kindergarten student who was an Indian and wanted to wear his braids to school. Lisa defended Mormon cult familes in San Angelo during the recent Texas child custody battle. She also has defended Muslim children's rights to wear religioius attire to school. I spoke with her by phone and found her to be a sincere and honest defender of religious liberty. She was particularly interested in my quote from David Barton about Texas pastors being arrested for reading from the Book of Romans.
Texas ACLU Defends Religious Liberty | 1 comment (1 topical, 0 hidden)
Texas ACLU Defends Religious Liberty | 1 comment (1 topical, 0 hidden)