Celebrating The Secular: Obama Says U.S. Is Not A Christian Nation
Rob Boston printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Tue Apr 07, 2009 at 11:07:16 AM EST
The United States was not founded as a Christian nation. Nothing in the Constitution grants Christianity favored status. In fact, Article VI bans religious tests for federal office, and the First Amendment bars laws "respecting an establishment of religion" while protecting "the free exercise thereof" - for all faiths.

It's good to hear political leaders remind us of this fact from time to time, as President Barack Obama did yesterday during a press conference in Turkey.

 "I've said before that one of the great strengths of the United States is - although as I mentioned we have a very large Christian population - we do not consider ourselves a Christian nation, or a Jewish nation or a Muslim nation," Obama said. "We consider ourselves a nation of citizens who are bound by ideals and a set of values."

 A few second later, Obama went on to praise the concept of "a secular country that is respectful of religious freedom, respectful of rule of law, respectful of freedom, upholding these values and being willing to stand up for them in the international stage."

That remark really lifted my spirits.

Lately I've been doing some research into the views of Newt Gingrich, who appears to be attempting to remake himself as some sort of Religious Right leader. In recent remarks to the media, the former House speaker drips with sarcasm as he criticizes the West for being secular. The contrast between Obama's forward-looking vision and Gingrich's regressive one could not be starker.

Gingrich isn't the only one playing that game. How many times have you heard Fox News Channel blowhard Bill O'Reilly rail against "secular progressives"? Gingrich, O'Reilly, et al, believe "secular" is a dirty word because they insist on conflating it with hostility toward religion. It's not. In fact, the idea of government neutrality on questions of theology is the platform upon which religious liberty rests.

In 1797, the U.S. Senate endorsed -- and President John Adams signed -- the Treaty with Tripoli, a document stating forthrightly, "[T[he government of the United States is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion...." It was reminder to the Muslim states of North Africa that religion need be no excuse for conflict.

Today, some Religious Right leaders would have us assert a mythical "Christian nation" lineage and confront the Islamic world in some type of new crusade.

Gary Bauer seems to be among them. Bauer, formerly the president of the Family Research Council, yesterday sent a remarkably ignorant message to supporters of his American Values organization, criticizing Obama for his remarks and even invoking Thomas Jefferson.

But Bauer's efforts to draft Jefferson as an ally in his new crusade fail miserably. Jefferson sought to understand Islam, not attack it. Jefferson was probably one of just a few Americans who owned a copy of the Quran in the early 19th century. He also supported the right of Muslims (and indeed people of all faith and none) to live freely in America.

When Virginia lawmakers passed his Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom and rejected a provision to limit its protection to Christians only, Jefferson rejoiced. The bill, he wrote, would include "within the mantle of its protection, the Jew and the Gentile, the Christian and Mahometan [Muslims], the Hindoo, the infidel of every denomination."

Obama's remarks in Turkey reflect the best of Jefferson's thinking and rebuke people like Gingrich, Bauer and O'Reilly.

Americans United has disagreed with some of the president's recent decisions. We still hope he will reform his "faith-based" initiative and end all forms of taxpayer-funded religious discrimination. But when it comes to understanding and analyzing America's core value of religious freedom, Obama gets it - and he explains it eloquently.

For that we're thankful.

After days of not-so-good news, this is a welcome relief!!!

I wish I could tell GetRich and his cronies that actions like theirs are what turns people off to religion, not religion itself.  They've turned the Good News into bad news.

I applaud President Obama on this- and repeat that with his election, I felt the first glimmerings of hope for this nation that I've felt in a LONG time.

by ArchaeoBob on Tue Apr 07, 2009 at 11:36:04 AM EST

Why is it so hard for so many Americans to understand the ideology that this great country is built on?  Freedom of religion, separation of church and state... I learned this in the 5th grade.

by deatons on Tue Apr 07, 2009 at 11:54:15 PM EST

Thank you Rob Boston. I took the Oath to Defend the Constitution against all enemies, Foreign & Domestic, and the greatest threat to our freedom comes not from foreign, but from the Domestic Enemy - the Radical Religious Right. George Washington, the Father of Our Country, wrote: "Every person should be protected to worship the Diety as his own conscience dictates." There are those on the Radical Religious Right who are so exalted that they believe they can dictate their beliefs on others, and are determined to destroy every Americans' rights under the Constitution. They are as a minimum, Seditionists - if not Traitors.

by Bonatti on Wed Apr 08, 2009 at 02:36:56 AM EST

Our nation by design chose not to establish a state religion, however the reality is that culturally the dominant self identification for religion was Christian, not necessarily practicing, but culturally. Indeed, the freedom of no established religion provided a fertile ground for people to move between no church, and many Christian denominations as well as the freedom to practice non-Christian religions. Today's culture warriors from the religious right have pushed the progressive and secular farther than history should allow. We have never allowed one religion to impose it's rules on society, but have always created a climate which allowed faith to prosper. Understand that locally even this isn't always true, as regions developed often under a dominate religious persuasion and the local culture reflected it. The settlement of the west, is a story of religious fervor, right alongside, complete secular society. It is important to maintain truth faithfully, while we work passionately to keep religious zealots from threatening the freedom we have treasured in not establishing any state religion nor it preventing the free practice of any religion

by chaplain on Wed Apr 08, 2009 at 09:11:02 AM EST

After eight years of faithless unabated spiritual fornication that left the Name of the Savior abominably blasphemed, thanks to the naked ambitions of a few sanctimonious, manipulative, pandering, fundamentalist Dominionists whose only motivation was getting all the wealth and affluence attainable from wantonly whoring Christ's bride (the church) to the beast (the state), it is both refreshing and a bit dreadful to hear the truth. After all, America is not and has NEVER been a Christian nation. America isn't even cogently christianized, at this phase of the game. We've just been run amuck and led astray long enough where we're ripe for enlightenment. Still, this limited ephiphany is not the product of our having read our real American history, our Constitution, or our Bill of Rights. We're simply hearing the reminder that there is no state religion in America more now than we have in a decade. And, we're all still not getting it clearly. The uber-righteous from the lower socio-economic wrungs of the institutionalized religious industrial complex have been jarred more by their economic pragmatism than by any religious or civic introspection. Now that bunch blames and hates church and state, because going beyond that pale is a lot easier than taking the responsibility to learn, to think, and to use the appropriate tools of logic and reason to act in the best interest of one's own welfare. The reality is that, though people are the church, and people are also the state, the church and the state are not interchangeably one and the same in the Eyes of God, the words of the KJV Bible, or the Constitution of the USA. Honestly, nothing anywhere in any translation of any Bible has ever suggested that Jesus was coming back for a future kingdom fitting the description of the contemporary United States of America. Still, despite the apocalypse through which we now live, many don't believe! So, for me, the President's observation is merely the very first step in what is going to be an arduously tedious process in the most hostile environment imagined with a high casualty rate. Yes, there will be blood! Mr. Obama has technically gone and done it for real now, most evident from Glen Beck's latest flaming on-air fit of inconquerable apoplexy. We can now only pray that the winter in which this flight will be taken won't be too long or overly harsh.

by rage on Wed Apr 08, 2009 at 06:06:41 PM EST

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