Nobody Likes a Liar: Rick Warren's John Hagee Moment ?
As Pam Spaulding sums it up: "Oh the joy of getting busted lying on international TV and having to do serious damage control. My post on Tuesday, "Rick Warren lies about his homobigotry on Larry King Live," was picked up by Huff Post and created a buzz for pointing out that on the man who delivered the invocation at the President's inaugural, Rick Warren, the spiritual leader of Saddleback church, flat-out lied about his support for Prop 8. A recap from the CNN transcript..."
WARREN: During the whole Proposition 8 thing, I never once went to a meeting, never once issued a statement, never -- never once even gave an endorsement in the two years Prop 8 was going. But of course he seemed to have forgotten his message to his flock prior to the election where he very clearly endorsed Prop 8:
WARREN: Here's an interesting thing: there are about 2% of Americans are homosexual, gay, lesbian people. We should not let 2% of the population determine -- to change a definition of marriage that has been supported by every single culture and every single religion for 5,000 years. This is not even just a Christian issue, it is a humanitarian and human issue, that God created marriage for the purpose of family, love and procreation. I urge you to support Proposition 8 and to pass that on. John Hagee got away with his wholesale attempts to revise the date on which he gave his late 2005 "God sent a hunter. Hitler was a hunter." sermon that I helped bring to public attention last year. In the ensuing media hullabuloo, Hagee first claimed he was being roasted for something he had said "decades ago." In a letter of pseudo-apology to the ADL, Hagee put the date at the late 1990's. But at that time his ministry was still selling DVD's of the notorious sermon. So, it's not all that surprising that Rick Warren thought he could lie shamelessly on Larry King Live and get away with it, but if there's one value shared among Christian and non-Christian alike it's this: nobody likes a liar.
Nobody Likes a Liar: Rick Warren's John Hagee Moment ? | 5 comments (5 topical, 0 hidden)
Nobody Likes a Liar: Rick Warren's John Hagee Moment ? | 5 comments (5 topical, 0 hidden)