Rushdoony's Great Beast
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Mon Mar 09, 2009 at 09:37:33 AM EST
Christian Reconstruction founder R. J. Rushdoony wrote in his book, THY KINGDOM COME, saying the great beast spoken of in the book of Revelation is government.  Though Rushdoony did not share eschatological views with religious right kinsman Tim LaHaye, he did share a common attitude toward government.  LaHaye's writing, much like modern end of times spokesman Jack Van Impe, lace their seminars and books with theories about secret organizations at work to take the world to Satan.  You can check out my review listed in Wikipedia about Pat Robertson's catch all conspiracy book ONE WORLD ORDER.  Rushdoony said the Christian view of history was that of conspiracy.
I  am hearing a new history revision coming from modern radio and religious right prophets I had read about before in earlier journals from the movement.  Earlier versions of the religious right in the U.S. believed that FDR invented a governmental failure in his New Deal.  Some right wing preachers at the time referred to it as the "Jew Deal".  I grew up with the dogma that Roosevelt set into motion government regulations and programs that helped lead us out of the Great Depression.  What I am hearing repeated now is the New deal was a farce. It did not do anything but harm the  nation according to a new host of talk show leaders in my region.