The UNITED States of America
Anti-public school figures and homeschool-types often complain that public education has an agenda to promote allowing the southwestern portion of the nation to become a state of Mexico. Billy Hargis used to write that Mexico was secretly Communist and illegal immigraton was an attempt to take the U.S. that political direction. Anit-immigration forces have more than suggested the nation is now in danger of losing a portion of the country to Mexico. Religious right folks are prone to raise the patriotism issue as a banner to rally around regarding their movement. However, it is often from their ranks that the idea of segments of the country leaving the Union often come. Some activists of this sort lament the idea of gay marriages and abortion so strongly they do not want to be identified with a nation that tolerates such. Some have come up with the idea of forming a movement to take a state or more out of the nation. Fundamentalist Baptist leader Paige Patterson hired a seminary professor who openly supported the Confederacy and taught it was a reasonable idea for the South to succeed. Christian Reconstruction people often write articles and sell books defending the Civil War as a cause with the South on the ethical side of the conflict. Christian Militia groups have openly suggested that the only hope left for the Christian faith resides in taking the Northwest corner of the nation and forming another country. The four northwestern most states will be a new country in this plan. This will allow the survival of the faith and the white race according to the theory. These movments have given up on the hope the nation will turn back to what they see as its roots. This is why you will find militia compounds doting the maps of these regions. Some true believers in the idea that Texas should have never joined the nation still exist. Some of us recall the Republic of Texas group who recently held out against federal agents claiming Texas to be a sovereign state. The next year I was doing some research on Richard Land, head of the ethics division of the Southern Baptist Convention. When I contacted a resource center for tapes of speakers Land advertiised in his magazine, I found lawyers who were defending the Texas Republic organization. In Sarah Palin's past there is a connection to a movement to take Alaska out of the country. Since per capita Alaska gets more federal dollars than any other state, this movement doesn't appear to have allot of momentum. In Tyler, Texas a group of homeschool-types moved to South Carolina a few years ago to start a new country. They figured that this Southern state had the best potential to organize a religious right political machine in. They had a plan known as a sort of Exodus that is still in place as far as I understand. The movement wants to get enough followers to convince the state to pull out of the nation as a hope to form a type of theocracy. This story reminds me of what Sinclair Lewis wrote in one of his novels about the Daughters of the American Revolution. Lewis wrote, "It is composed of females who spend one half their waking hours boasting of being descended from the seditious American colonists of 1776, and the other and more ardent half attacking all contemporaries who believe in precisely the principles for which those ancestors struggled." The nation can be grateful that even with the rough past of Sam Houston, one of those sins that needed to be washed away was not succession.
The UNITED States of America | 3 comments (3 topical, 0 hidden)
The UNITED States of America | 3 comments (3 topical, 0 hidden)