Jeff Sharlet Deconstructs Obama at the National Prayer Breakfast
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Sun Feb 15, 2009 at 12:32:33 AM EST
We are delighted to welcome Francesca Rheanon as a guest front pager. She is a longtime radio news and documentary producer who hosts a syndicated weekly program Writers Voice that originates at WMUA-FM at the University of Massachusetts. -- FC

When Obama appeared at the National Prayer Breakfast on February 6, was he pandering to the Christian Right? And is the new White House Office of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships Obama announced at the breakfast just the old Bush-era faith-based initiative dressed up in new clothing? I talked with religion journalist Jeff Sharlet to find out.

I first talked with journalist and author Jeff Sharlet in August 2008 when he gave an interview on my radio show Writers Voice to talk about his book, The Family. It's about a shadowy group of elite Christian fundamentalists who wield great influence in the halls of American power and around the globe.

When I read the book, I was surprised to learn that the National Prayer Breakfast was created and is hosted by The Family. The group was also a seminal force behind the creation of government-supported faith-based initiatives that started in the 1980's. So when I read in the news about President Obama's appearance at the national prayer breakfast, February 6 to announce his new Office of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships I asked Jeff Sharlet to give his take on the event.

He told me he would have been “stunned” if Obama hadn’t been there. “At this point [The Family] has managed to put a lock on civil religion--you have to go. JFK was the last president who actually contemplated not going--and Jackie Kennedy, much to her credit, actually refused to this point, you have to go. But what you don't have to do is pander and that's what I think happened with Obama's announcement that he was going to expand Bush's faith-based program.”

One bad sign was that Obama has already backed away from his campaign promise to end the discriminatory hiring practices that were allowed under Bush's executive order concerning faith-based organizations. Sharlet told me that these hiring practices are primarily aimed at gays and lesbians. One organization, World Vision, threatened to pull out of the program if they were restricted from discriminating in hiring and firing decisions. Sharlet said, "Not only did Obama not put restrictions on their ability to hire and fire based on their view of homosexuality, he actually put one of the leaders of World Vision on the committee that will be making decisions on the organization."

But there's an even more important issue, according to Sharlet: the cozy relationship between church and state and how that undermines our democracy. It's a two-way street: government exploitation of faith-based initiatives and the corollary: church exploitation of federal funding.

Sharlet says the Family’s real purpose in creating the idea of the Faith based initiatives -- and followed by government policy for the last thirty years--is to privatize federal efforts to work with the poor.

The other purpose, as has been documented by David Kuo in his book Tempting Faith, is for faith based initiatives to be a vote-getting machine. (Kuo, a long time member of the Family, helped direct the Office of Faith-based Initiatives under George W. Bush and helped write the legislation that created it.) "Even he was stunned by what faith-based initiatives turned out to be: essentially a modern update of Tammany Hall, a way of passing out walking-around money" said Sharlet. "And I think Obama in some ways signaled that."

He did that, Sharlet says, by picking Josh DuBois, a twenty-something Pentacostal associate pastor, who's never even run his own church, let alone a federal office overseeing many millions of dollars in grants. "That's not someone who has clout in Washington. That's not someone who is going to have the connections and the resources to push back when someone like a Senator Sam Brownback is arranging money for a church he likes in Kansas--a very conservative curch that's going to use the money perhaps for prosyletizing".

Using tax dollars for prosyletizing was something Sharlet witnessed in the faith based court program called Fugitive Safe Surrender--Sharlet calls it “church court”. He sees signs it will continue under Obama. It’s been praised by Josh du Bois and has support from some Democratic Senators, according to Sharlet. 

The program operates in poor, often African American, neighborhoods, moving the entire legal appartus into a local megachurch and adjudicating cases for people who have outstanding warrants. They can choose to go through a regular court officer, or a church-connected “judge”. If they go with the latter, they get special consideration. It's not that people are getting a legal break that disturbs Sharlet, but that it makes defendants vulnerable to being proselytized. "I witnessed judges asking people who were there to turn themselves in and clear up their legal business whether they intended to come back to church."

I asked Sharlet whether this was a violation of the separation between church and state. "It's a stunning violation," he said. 

Francesca Rheannon is host and Producer of Writers Voice, a weekly syndicated radio show and podcast. You can hear the entire interview with Sharlet at the Writers Voice website.



We elected President Obama on the hope that he would make some changes.  This looks like "business as usual" and could be through ignorance, although it does start to look like he's pandering to the elites.

Having seen first-hand the real effects of allowing church groups (and admitting that some groups are OK) a sniff of government money, this bodes ill for the treatment of the poor.  It's disheartening to hear of church groups stealing from the homeless (while getting government money), or more often- blaming them for their problems and punishing the people who come to them for help, not to mention demanding conversion (or demanding that those who receive services listen to guilt-tripping hellfire and damnation sermons) before receiving aid.  At the very least, a homeless or very poor person faces a strong attempt to "fix" them, and often that attempt is misplaced- they generally don't need fixing; structural factors are the primary cause of poverty.

I might add that the rules that would prevent those abusive groups from getting money would be of minor impact on the decent groups.  If "faith-based" organizations were taken off the list, they could form non-profits and keep going that way.

That would tend to keep the proselytizing and abuse out.

I wish someone could talk with Obama- get past his handlers and political barricade-people. Someone who would let him see the reality of what he's supporting.

I hope it's ignorance on his part (and control by his handlers), but that hope is fading.

by ArchaeoBob on Sun Feb 15, 2009 at 10:58:23 AM EST

I think that we need to write the WH and point out that many of the homeless are driven away by overt religious proselytization, many of the homeless are gay or transgender, increasing numbers of previously solvent people are becoming homeless or otherwise dependent on safety net services such as free stores and food banks - and enabling the judgmental types to use federal dollars is counterproductive if the goal is delivering services.

In the past, some groups have had a relatively professional approach to hiring workers and delivering aid - unfortunately, that has gone by the wayside. Catholic Charities has been politicized by the bishops' pressure put on individual CCs to stop allowing gays to enter the adoptive parent pool. Most Catholic programs, even small ones, are now undergoing an ideological/religious purge - for a micro-example, a homeless ministry led by a nun with the assistance of a full-time lay worker, left (temporarily) leaderless when the nun was banished, by the bishop, from receiving communion or appearing in public. Her crime? Belonging to a group advocating priesthood for women, and attending (not running) an event run by an independent Old Catholic church in which two women were ordained. The lay worker quit in protest, the parish priest is seriously ill, and eventually the homeless outreach group reconvened as an explicitly ecumenical group hosted by a Methodist church.

by NancyP on Mon Feb 16, 2009 at 06:56:36 PM EST

The program operates in poor, often African American, neighborhoods, moving the entire legal appartus into a local megachurch and adjudicating cases for people who have outstanding warrants. They can choose to go through a regular court officer, or a church-connected "judge". If they go with the latter, they get special consideration.
What next, Sharia courts in Britain? Funny how some of the same people in an uproar about that are the ones pushing for special church-based courts here.

by pedestrian on Tue Feb 17, 2009 at 01:46:03 PM EST
I've noticed on a blog I regularly frequent (non- religious) a huge increase in Islam-bashing.  There seems to be a sudden strong move against the Muslims, and IMO they're trying to scare people into supporting something they normally wouldn't.

Could it be connected to these "religious courts"?  I've long known that certain "churches" believe that they are not governed by US law, and having their own courts would certainly fall into that ideology.

I could see it now... "What, you don't have $10,000 for a tithe- to the gallows with you!!!  No, I don't care that that's more than you make in a year- you should have sold your house to make your tithes.  (new people come in...)  Oh, hello Mr. Richman, oh, you raped that young girl?  Well, that's a little fine for you and a bigger fine for her for tempting you!!!"

by ArchaeoBob on Wed Feb 18, 2009 at 10:31:57 AM EST

They are relentless in their general goal of conquering us first then to move to the rest of the world. So far Pres. Obama is for 'change' he just didn't tell us it was for the Dominionists in their bid to bring down our republic, to replace it with an aggressive corporate theocracy. It never ends and most people are unaware just how active in so many places they are. From Reagan onward they have been chipping away at our Bill of Rights both by above and below board from the military to finances. Both Naomi Klein and Wolf have written in parallel about what is going on. Obama was the second positioned choice by the oligarchs who have control of our only two allowed parties. The system has been rigged against us. Our impending economic collapse was planned to remove the New Deal and replace it with the abyss. They want us to be at their mercy, if they have any that is, for what is to come. This isn't happenstance but well planned and long term. A slow coup, we haven't yet regained our republic yet. Obama needs to know this is wrong and needs to divest himself of it but I am not holding my breath though. They are busy and we should be too. They just have the money and connexions behind them. Check out the coup attempt in 1934, what happened and why they weren't punished. [The BBC has a short story on it.] It has a definite bearing on today.

by Nightgaunt on Tue Feb 17, 2009 at 02:20:51 PM EST

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by sarwarmonaf on Fri Aug 23, 2019 at 01:16:29 AM EST

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