Lou Engle, September 25, 2007, Los Angeles: "Holywood"
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Sat Dec 19, 2009 at 10:50:40 AM EST
[This is a partial transcription of a sermon/speech Lou Engle, Founder of TheCall gave on September 25, 2007, in Los Angeles. The full sermon is slightly over 63 minutes. This partial transcript is of the first 12 and 1/2 minutes.]
Lou Engle, "Holywood" - Sermon/Pre-Call rally September 25, 2007, Los Angeles

[transcription from start of sermon/speech to approximately minute 12:30]


Years ago, a dream was given to one of our intercessors. See, God is the dreamer of outrageous dreams. Well the world has basically ... Well, the church has basically said, "ah, it could never happen..." The world says, "It could never happen." God has never abdicated on motion pictures! He's the greatest storyteller in history. [cheers from crowd] Why should we preach to thousands when we could speak to millions over in one day? [scattered clapping]

I was watching this video of 20/20... this dream, this intercessor sees this "L" fly out of the Hollywood sign and it goes over to Mount Wilson underneath which we've held our prayer meetings for years, and it becomes "Willson" - "Holywood, the will of the Son." [murmur, assent, whistles from crowd] God sees... some people think that's pizza dreams. We think it's secrets from heaven speaks to children because they believe in his language.

So, we set intercessors on this thing to pray the prophetic dream. We pray the prophetic. We don't just say, "well, wasn't that a NICE dream" We use the prophetic like toys when they should be used like smart bombs, blowing up strongholds.

We treat our prophetic words with trembling. "Holywood, the will of the Son!" - Oh, gosh, you couldn't even... See, God is brilliant. BEHOLD! - The wisdom of God, the depth of the wisdom of God - he knows the secrets of darkness, he communicates it to us. So we POUND AWAY on this thing, then the Mel Gibson movie comes.

"Passion for Christ," whatever it was. Gosh! We prayed this thing and then Mel Gibson's movie comes. A year later, after the movie, I'm preaching in Hollywood, and  I'm gonna preach from the dream Holywood, the will of the Son, and a guy comes up to me and says, "Hey Lou, you should look at Entertainment Magazine this week, it's just come out." It's the week I'm preaching in Hollywood. Flipped it open, this is a secular magazine, and there's a picture of the Hollywood sign with the "L" knocked out of it. And it's "Holywood," and the story is about Mel Gibson's Passion. [cheers from crowd]

And the Lord speaks to me, "Mel Gibson is the answer to your prayers of seven years,  praying for Holywood, the will of the Son. It's the answer to your prayers!"

Now, you say "Lou, that's pretty outrageous." Listen! - We look for outrageous answers to our prayers, OR ELSE, WHY EVEN PRAY ? We look to the front page, to the pro... to get confirmation to what we've already seen in the spirit. Then someone sees it on CNN, had seen `em on CNN, he says, "yeah, this vision's been on my heart for seven years." [murmur, enthusiastic shouting]

I believe that prayer launched a dream in a man's heart. Our prayers... prayer is the most powerful force in the universe. Now what the enemy would like to do is to create a backlash against the message itself. But let's let the message itself be the proclamation that Christ died for sinners and he's... Come on, let's pray for Hollywood. To BREAK INTO HOLLYWOOD AND MAKE IT HOLYWOOD! Lift your voices! Let's pray! Come on!



Give us Hollywood in Jesus' name, God. Jesus' name, amen. GIVE A SHOUT TO GOD!

[crowd lustily shouts]

You can be seated.

Holywood, will of the Son!...[Engle chuckles]

I'm here today because... I know why I'm here. I didn't come here to be a conference speaker. I came here because I believed that the history of Las Vegas could be changed. [cheers] It's not just for Las Vegas, it's for the sake of the whole nation.

I'm an intercessor for America. I love America. My forefather Jacob Engle, eight generations ago, came to the shores of Pennsylvania. His mom and dad were fleeing religious persecution. This little boy then, Jacob was one year old, fifty kids were on the ship, a disease swept the ship and forty nine died. Mothers gathered around Jacob Engle, I mean Anna Engle, and said "surely your son has a great destiny." He was the founder of the Brethren in Christ denomination in America and I'm the eighth generation of preachers and Jacob is the ninth.

I have seven children because I don't want to go to war with just one or two arrows. I believe that sons and daughters are the greatest weapons. I believe that is shot from the fully bent bow of intercession. It will shoot them out. They will contend, they will not be ashamed when they contend with their enemies - in the gates.

Our job is to produce sons and daughters who can contend with Holywood and Las Vegas. Our job is to produce the Daniels who go to the university of Babylon and are ten times better than the psychics and their teachers because they are not submitted to their teachings because they have a teacher with a higher realm of understanding. Theirs is the teacher of dreams and visions. Theirs is the dreamer designer himself.

God is more brilliant than Harvard [cheers]. The Lord is more brilliant than the professors. That's why David said "he makes me wiser than my teachers. Oh how I love thy law!" [loud cheers] God wants to produce a whole generation that are better than they are.

The whole Book of Daniel is anti-politically correct. God, in the Book of Daniel... the Book of Daniel is divine confrontation setups. God sets up confrontations - with the political system, with the education system, he sets the whole thing... he wants to pick a fight. [cheers] That's Mel Gibson - "whatcha gonna do? - I'll go pick a fight" God wants to pick a fight because he wants to show that he is the most high God. The name used most in the Book of Daniel is "most high God." They're thinking, "well, your Gods are smaller than our Gods because we took the city, welcome to Babylon, your puny little God can be in our little temple here, while our big God...

God said, "I'll show you! I'll rule from captivity." [cheers] "I'll rule when my people are in exile. I'm gonna use the powerless to confound the wise. I'm gonna promote my man to the top place. I'm going after Satan's number one man, Nebuchadnezzar, I'm not going for the small things. And I'm going to set a showdown and I am going to strip the powers of Babylon." And their armor. Their armor was this - they boasted in magician sorcery. And intelligence of demons. So God sets up the situation in which he can show that his boys are better than their boys. He gives the king a dream ! [emits strange guttural laugh] He gives the king a dream that the dudes can't interpret the dream. [laughter from crowd] He strips them of their armor, and in walks Daniel.

There is a God in heaven who reveals mysteries. There is a God in heaven. Oh, no man on Earth can reveal the dream - but there is a God in hea... [strange laughter that sounds like coughing or choking]

See, people say - "Well, we don't want to be involved in politics, we don't want to be involved in this..." - come on, you better be involved in it all. The reason is, `cause he's King of Kings and Lord of Lords. It's not a nice name that we use in our worship songs. He seeks to manifest it now, in this Earth, in preparation for the Millennial Reign of Christ - right now, we begin to rule with him...

So what does he do ? He promotes his guys to the highest realm, removes three guys, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego are then promoted to the highest places, that's what he wants to do. He wants the top guys of the kingdom to rule. [cheers] And they don't do it with the [?] - they do it with servitude, they do it with meekness, they do it with fasting and prayer. They do it with revelation but they're better, they're ten times better!

Stand with me, say: "Ten times better! [crowd] Ten times better!" [Engle] "Ten times better!" [crowd] "Ten times better!" [Engle]"Ten times better! [crowd] TEN TIMES BETTER!"

We should be on television, not the psychics! [laughter, cheers, clapping from crowd]

My son Jesse, he's nineteen years old. God has given him dreams, to go to San Francisco to launch a house of prayer, one block from the Castro District - where the homosexuals boast the dominion of darkness. He's going there with weeping in his heart. With the dream that prayer is stronger than the dominion of that spirit.

He's not going with an angry right. He's going with violence in the heavens and a [?] on the Earth. He may have to stay there 60 years to see that happen. He said to me, "dad," he said, "as long as I'm there I don't think the Lord will judge San Francisco." [boos, from crowd] I LOOK FOR A MAN TO STAND IN THE GAP THAT CAN CRY MERCY! [Engle shouts] NOT judgment. MERCY. Not judgment. He looks...

He's nineteen years old. He's starting to cast out homosexual spirits out of our new converts. It's scary. The whole thing's scary. But fathers are to send their sons into the darkest places. [clapping]

So God spoke to me, "Take your son and offer him up on the mountain, I will show you. Genesis 22:2 - "Take now thy son, thine only son who you love, and offer him up on Mount Moriah. God's been speaking to us about this and I was weeping, [unintelligible] God said, "send your son to San Francisco and offer him up on those mountains." And I'm thinking, "God, that's the worst place to send him." I couldn't deny... I was burning in my heart and burning in His heart.

So, I was praying about this - I was in Kansas City, you know, in this hotel, I was meeting with these people, and this gal said, "I just dreamed that my son... your son Jesse was in San Francisco and he was praying for the Free Man." St. Francis - Francis means "Free Man." San Francisco is the city of the Free Man. [outcry from crowd, scattered clapping] And He said, "It's Mount Moriah Free Man."

I walk... that night I go to the IHOP meeting in Kansas City, I'm driving out of the hotel, and the road... the driveway into the hotel, it goes right out into a mort... into the mortuary and it says, "Mt Moriah Free Man Mortuary."  And I freak out. And I know the Lord... "offer your son onto death for the sake of the homosexual in America."

What I am saying is that God wants every stronghold. Las Vegas is not "sin city," it's not how God sees it. He sees it as this place of the refreshing of the earth, a place where the wells of revival will break out and the whole world will see it. He sees it as a dream place, as a dream center... [scattered clapping] for the nations of the Earth, an apostolic base, a BURNING MAN in the desert! [shouts] That's what God sees it.

And so, Father, I am praying, Lord, in the next four or five sessions, I pray for a mighty vision of faith. To conquer strongholds, to dream the biggest dreams. To dream our dreams for our sons and daughters. To believe that, God, the gates were to be given to the kingdom and the lions were to fall.

God, in Jesus' name help us with a spirit of revelation. Amen.

You may be seated.


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