Short Takes
BeliefNet: In the wake of his much ballyhooed Civic Forum with candidates McCain and Obama --Religious Right leader Rick Warren doesn't think Obama and the Dems have much of a chance of making inroads among white evangelicals. His reason? Because prochoice Americans and candidates for public office are like Holocaust deniers... For many evangelicals, of course, if they believe that life begins at conception, that's a deal breaker for a lot of people. If they think that life begins at conception, then that means that there are 40 million Americans who are not here [because they were aborted] that could have voted. They would call that a holocaust and for them it would like if I'm Jewish and a Holocaust denier is running for office. I don't care how right he is on everything else, it's a deal breaker for me. I'm not going to vote for a Holocaust denier...
Daily Kos -- DemfromCT reports that the Religious Right and the hard right economic conservatives in the GOP are a feudin'.
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