Texas Attorney General to Promote Walid Shoebat at "Homeland Security" Conference
From a press release:
Former PLO terrorist, Walid Shoebat will join Counter-Terrorism experts from Israel in a Changing World Symposium: Preparing Law Enforcement Executives for the Future, a homeland security conference, being held in Austin, Texas at the Renaissance Austin Hotel (9721 Arboretum Boulevard) on July 21-22, 2008. Attending will be some 300 senior law enforcement officials from across Texas...Over the past decade, Shoebat has been on a mission of peace, traveling the country educating students, the public and law enforcement agencies on the mind set and dangers of Fundamentalist Islam.
The conference is being co-sponsored by Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott and is organised by JINSA, the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs.
Shoebat's "message of peace", of course, is anything but: as I noted in June, Shoebat's website also includes a video produced by his son Theodore that expresses absolute hatred of Islam and science (Charles Darwin, naturally), and his belief that militarized Christianity is the answer to both. The Jerusalem Post, among others, has also raised questions about Shoebat's supposed past. |
Further, Shoebat believes that Muslims are under the direction of the anti-Christ, based on his interpretation of "666" in the Bible. I discussed this preposterous and ignorant exegesis at more length than it deserved here.
So, who are Shoebat's new friends? Greg Abbott is mainly known for a massive invesigation into "voter fraud" which turned up only a handful of cases (all black and Hispanic Democrats), and for defending the addition of "under God" to the Texas pledge of allegiance.
JINSA, meanwhile, has as its executive director Thomas Neumann, who has a distinguished background in various high-profile American Jewish organisations. The board of advisers includes Kenneth Blackwell, John Bolton, Richard Pearle, and James Woolsey, among others such as Sheriff Kevin Beary, who featured on my blog a while ago. Someone had written to a local newspaper suggesting that Beary was an enthusiast of tasering because he was too fat to chase criminals; Beary used his official position to find out the writer's home address, and he sent her a letter accusing her of slander.
UPDATE: A slightly different version of this posting that appeared on my blog brought a comment from Keith Davies, Shoebat's handler:
Obviously Mr. Shoebat is such a threat to your liberal diseased minds that you need to smear him and call him names.
Winston Churchill was also labeled an extremist and and “Naziphobe” when he warned about the Nazis and Hitler.
You may not like what Walid says but if he is right he will one day be recognized as a visionary and "moderate" while the fools who go round saying Islam is a peaceful religion will be laughed by the people of America and the free world" If the ones who now hate Walid will admit they were wrong and follow along with the "Neo conservatives and the miliitant christians"
Wake up and smell the humus, you have been warned.
Keith Davies
Director of The Walid Shoebat Foundation
PS thanks for putting up Walid’s explanantions of End Time prophecies, now more people who have an open mind can see where we are heading and will be ready when the Messiah comes.