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Sun Jun 01, 2008 at 04:38:43 PM EST
[This story will host press materials and transcripts from John Hagee's 2003 "Iraq: The Final War" three sermon series, further information on the series, and other materials for press]
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Sermon Series – Iraq, the Final War
John Hagee
Cornerstone Church, San Antonio

Sermon #1 – March 9, 2003
The Final War, Bracing for the Apocalypse

Sermon #2 – March 16, 2003
The Final Dictator, The Rise of the Anti-Christ

Sermon #3 – March 23, 2003
The Final Warning, The Coming Crash and The New World Order

The following transcript is for clips from Sermon #2 and Sermon#3:

Excerpt from "The Final Dictator" 3/16/03 Sermon #2
You see Germany and France and the United Nations attacking America right now like barking dogs.  Listen to me.  They are now and will remain until the end of time anti-American and anti- Israel.  Write it down. It s a fact and it will not change.  Listen closely.  Listen to this quote from the newspaper European.  Quote, we need to work to turn these three circles, these three tiers, turn them into two and then turn them into an inner circle.    
That will be the Fourth Reich,
Fourth Reich, led by the antichrist, its coming. I believe the antchrist will come out of Germany. I don't have any Bible proof of that, but I know that history has a strange way of repeating itself. Let's talk about the personality of the anitchrist, what is he like as a person, because Daniel gives his personality, portrayed in the Bible, so that you can't miss it. First, his power will come directly from Satan. Daniel, the 8th chapter 23rd verses says that in the latter times, the time of the tribulation, a king shall arise having fierce features. Understand that. He understands sinister schemes, his power will be mighty, but his power will not be his own. He shall destroy fearfully, and shall prosper in pride, and he shall destroy the mighty, and also the holy people. There are five things you need to see there.
First, he has fierce features. That translates almost hypnotic features. If you remember history, people said to those who went in to talk to Adolf Hitler, don't look him in the eyes, because he can hypnotize you just looking at you. This antichrist is going to have so much demon power, that he can literally, literally arrest you by his fierce features. Secondly, he will understand sinister schemes, in indicating occult powers and Satanic genius, the ability to know the unknown. His power will be mighty, the Bible says, but not of his own, meaning it directly comes from the devil. This is the devil on earth. He is a blasphemer, he will become a blasphemer and a homosexual. Revelation 13:5 says he was given a great mouth, speaking great things, and blasphemies against God. Daniel 11:36. And then the king, the antichrist, would do according to his own rule. He shall exalt himself above every god, he shall speak blasphemies against the God of gods, that means God the father, the god of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. He shall regard neither the god of his fathers, nor the desire of women. He will speak blasphemies against God himself, he has the same the same pride and arrogance as Satan who is Lucifer, who said I will arise and ascend to the hill of God, I will be like the most high god, I will replace God.
This phrase that I'm using in scripture "the god of his fathers" is a phrase in scripture used solely to identify the Jewish people. It suggests that this man is at least going to be partially Jewish, as was Adolf Hitler, as was Karl Marx.

Excerpts from "The Final Warning" 3/23/03 Sermon #3

Sermon three, clip one:

Now let's consider the New World Order. This is not a new concept. The concept of a New World Order is not new. It first appeared on the plains of Iraq, its the plains of Shinar, when Nimrod proposed to build the Tower of Babel, in Babylon. It was supposed to defy the authority of God. The purpose was to kick God off the face of the earth, and to bring in the government of the prince of darkness. The tower of Babel was occultic. It was decorated with signs of the zodiac on its side and on its top. The second appearance of the New World Order concept was when Satan came to Jesus Christ and said if you will fall down and worship me, listen, I will give you the kingdoms of this world. And I assure you, Satan had the authority to give Jesus the kingdoms of this world. Satan has been promising everything, he has been promising the world to anyone who will worship him. He has promised you power, he has promised you pleasure, he has promised you popularity, but when he gets through with you he gives you hell on earth, a broken heart and a twisted life.
Out of European history then comes a group of people who are, who call themselves the Illuminati. They were a group of Satanists. The word Illuminati comes from the word illuminate which means to enlighten. The Bible says Satan is an angel of light. Satan is an angel of light. The Illuminati were a super secret organization of international financial power brokers in Europe, who had as their goal a worldwide economic power, and they would rule the world through economic wealth. Fourth, the United States dollar bears the phrase One World Order. If you take a dollar out of your pocket and look at it, you'll see on the left side the seal that depicts the unfinished pyramid, with an all seeing eye in a blaze of glory at the top. Beneath the pyramid, in Latin, there are three words, Novus Ordo Seclorum, which means new world order. You've been carrying it around in your pocket for years, it is not a new idea. The designer of The Great Seal was Charles Thompson, a member of the Masonic Order who served as a secretary to the Continental Congress. This pyramid has special meaning in the Masonic Order, even as crystals and pyramid power hold occultic significance for followers of the New Age. To some the all seeing eye of the pyramid represents providence, and to others it represents the eye of the ancient Egyptian deity Osiris.
Think about that....

Sermon three, clip two:
Think about that. After World War I, the war that was supposed to end all wars, President Woodrow Wilson produced something called the League of Nations, in man's relentless pursuit to have a one world government. Then after that came Adolf Hitler, who told the German people he would bring Europe a new order that would last a thousand years. He dragged Europe into the bowels of a living hell, and he turned the streets of Europe crimson red with rivers of blood. He systematically murdered six million Jewish people.
The Nazis were occultists and Satanists, if you ever read the book The Twisted Cross, you will see that the SS was totally and completely occultic in all of its doings. Its objective was to cast God out of Europe, and eventually cast God off the face of the earth. After Adolf Hitler came the Communist party, who pledged a New World Order. It was an atheistic, God hating, evil empire that has now collapsed like a house of cards. I want to tell you something, when you go to box with God, you have arms that are too short. Their objective was to cast God out of Russia, and then cast God off the face of the earth. Then came the United Nations in New York, with the same old idea, a New World Order, what does it mean? Listen to Brock Chisolm, who is the Director of the UN World Health Organization, qutoe, "To achieve world government, it's necessary to remove from the minds of men their individualism, their loyalty to their families, national patriotism, and religion." Get those four -  individualism, loyalty to their families, national patriotism, and religion. In the past few days, you have watched the death of the United Nations. This house of thugs and hypocrites is now, thanks to George Bush, an international joke.
(Clapping.) The French openly lied to Colin Powell concerning the Security Council veto, and the Germans and the Russians joined forces trying to prevent America from attacking Saddam Hussein, who is the terrorist of the Middle East. Please understand ladies and gentlemen, this is not a war against a people, this is not a war against a religion, this is a war against a terrorist organization, part of which attacked us on 9/11. 9/11 goes with this war, and we through the President of the United States...

Sermon three, clip three

....will pursue until peace becomes ours, the length and breadth of the United States. ( Clapping and cheering)  America is blessed to have a President right now that has a backbone instead of a wishbone. ( Clapping and cheering.) He has told the United Nations we do not need a show of your hands to defend ourselves against terrorists. God bless you, Mr. Bush. (Clapping and cheering.)  
In time, the United Nations is going to be replaced by a European Union of ten nations, with headquarters in Europe, that will birth the Fourth Reich. From the Tower of Babel, to the United Nations, to what will soon develop out of Europe, in the rebirth of the Roman Empire, godless men have been clamoring for thousands of years for a New World Order, and God is about to say to them its enough, you've rejected me, you've rejected my word, you've rejected my son, and I'm going to send Satan's messiah, the son of perdition, and I'm going to let him rule the world for seven bloody years. It's going to be a nightmare like the world can never fathom, the antichrist is going to make Hitler look like a choir boy. When he first comes to power he's going to slaughter one third of the earth's population. He's going to produce hell on earth. You'll take his mark in your hand, and when you do, you have damned your soul. If you do not take his mark, he will cut your head off.
Now here are the four things that have to happen before the New World Order can come to power. One, there must be the destruction of the economic system, the monetary system. It may be shocking to you but I believe that America's economic problems are not created by market conditions, they are planned and orchestrated to devalue and to destroy the value of the dollar. It was done by an unseen government that I'll discuss later in this message. Consider the following steps that have historically been taken to destroy the value of the dollar. First, our government deliberately abandoned the gold system upon which the value of every US dollar was founded. There was a time that when you picked up one of these pieces...

Sermon #3 Clip four [24:31]
....Why can't Congress control the economy of Ameica?  Because congress does not control America's economic destiny.  That may take your breath but listen to this.
Our economic destiny is controlled by the Federal Reserve system that is now headed by Alan Greenspan.  Think about this.  It is not a government institution.  It is controlled by a group of Class A stockholders including the Rothschilds of Europe and the David Rockefellers of America.  According to article one, section 8, of the Constitution the Federal Reserve system is unconstitutional but no one in government and no one in media will cover that point. Listen to this very closely.  Firstly, the Federal Reserve has no elected officials.  Secondly, the Federal Reserve has never been audited.  The agency that controls the value of the dollar has never been audited, Thirdly, the Federal Reserve sets the rate of interest which determines what your money is worth.  
So get this one thought. The value of the dollar is controlled by an agency which is not controlled by America.  You don't have to have a Ph.D. in finance to understand that.  The value of your dollar is controlled by an organization, the Federal Reserve that is not controlled by America.  That's a fact.

Sourced Hagee Quotes at Your Fingertips

(Bruce Wilson)

The Tragedy of John Hagee’s Christian Zionism


The Lesson of Lieberman and the Religious Right

(Frederick Clarkson)

Terrorism Fighter Joe Lieberman Tied to Group Inciting Terrorism

(Bruce Wilson)

Christians United for Israel Joyfully Sing of Israel’s Invasion and Destruction

(Bruce Wilson)

McCain-backer Hagee's 'Thrilling' Worldview: Rapture, Then "Holocaust"

(Bruce Wilson)

McCain Courted Hagee for at Least a Year (Frederick Clarkson)

What Secret "Other Matters" Did McCain Discuss With "Apocalypse Now" Hagee ? (Bruce Wilson)

McCain Reneges on Pledge To Never Seek anti-Catholic Support (Bruce Wilson)

Hagee Acknowledges McCain Sought His Endorsement (Bruce Wilson)

Behind Hagee's Vision of God's End Game (Chip Berlet & Nikhil Aziz)

Here are more online resources on conspiracism from Political Research Associates. Conspiracism: An Overview The Illuminati Freemason Conspiracy The recent spate of conspiracism that are analogs of the Protocols. "Protocols to the Left, Protocols to the Right: Conspiracism in American Political Discourse at the Turn of the Second Millennium" Conspiracism Post 9/11 Supplement to New Internationalist Articles on Conspiracism with emphasis on antisemitism Conspiracy Theory Generator )

For higher resolution images, see:

The post on the Page For New John Hagee Video proved to be an interesting one. I found the video very interesting and have bookmarked the page for future reference. Keep on sharing interesting stuff like this. Thank you types of swiss cheese

by dona on Wed Dec 02, 2015 at 11:52:41 PM EST

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