Hagee and 911 Truth.org
Going under cover, the author was even baptized into the church. The writer found out some interesting things about the divorced Hagee who resides in a huge mansion overseeing a flock of blue collar conspiracy buffs. The recent confession of Pastor John about his wrong choice of words regarding Catholics has highlighted the media frenzy over Hagee. The Babylon Whore comments are actually a fequently used statement by end of times soothsayers for hundreds of years in Christian circles. It is a bit of Christian self flagellation in which the church often turns on itself as its own worst enemy. A common Protestant worry is that one of the coming horsemen in Revelation might well be an apostate church working against Christians. History confirms the fears. The real damage Hagee can do as a spiritual advisor is dealt with by Tabatti. Besides teaching members to barf up their demons in a brown paper bag and instructing them on how to induce speaking in tongues, Cornerstone Church indoctrinates members on a world view. I noted that in the retreats attended and cell groups Tabatti was in there was little mention of the Bible text. If so it usually dealt with some future prediction. The experiential God-told-me-which-used-car-to-buy religion often is not interrupted by any connection to a Biblical reference. The church in Texas teaches that the more drunk you are with the Holy Spirit the less you are in control. The more you act like God the less you act like yourself.pg. 101 The author wondered what separated good anointing oil from bad anointing oil?pg. 61 Hagee warned his flock that Iran's president was planning a nuclear holocaust and empty headed leaders in D. C. didn't see it as he did. Thus a new Hitler is created and he must be stopped. Because of the open ended support of Israel, it was found that some of Hagee's support for his work comes from Jewish groups in the nation.pg. 137 Tabatti noted that the religious and poltiical orthodoxies "were inextricable". There was a great deal of ranting against Nancy Pelosi as an evil symbol. On the other hand, Whitehouse aid Libby was persecuted by wicked people. pg. 176
Hagee's son is an acorn that does not fall far from the tree much like Falwell's, Robertson's and Oral Robert's. Hagee's offspring, who looks just like dad, preaches the same stuff. The son brought home the bacon to the crowd exposing he secret plot incased in the insane global warming myth. This is headed by wicked Al Matt believes many political forces in the nation are driven by conspiracy thinkng. Nora Ephron once wrote that the most significant death in the world last century took place in 1963 in Dallas. She wrote it was not President Kennedy, but Oswald's death that inflluenced the nation in such a manner to usher in a generation of conspiracy groups. One of Matt's dicoveries was the wrath from the crowd who believed President Bush orchestrated 9/11. This left wing group picketed the writer's business and filled his emails with hate mail. I have recently run into a couple of acquaintances who actally believe the government was behind 9/11. Matt's satire on the conspiracy theory on 9/11 is amusing on pages 198-202. It is a dama based on what would have had to have taken place to organize and cover up such an act The comic conclusion of these 911truth.org folks is that they believe that while rescue workers were searching for bodies in Washington D. C. a cargo plane drove over secretly dropping parts of a downed jet liner in South Americn strategically placing the wreckage in the sight to confuse the nation. pg. 202 Tabitti's view on the nation is interesting. He sees the government as being basically a heart that beats but doesn't pump blood.pg. 24 He notes that mostly Congress is now set up to turn favors for campaign donatons and vice versa. pg.3 The author notes with disdain how that elections are now operated in the nation by voting against someone and not for. He claims elections are basically forums for organizing the hatreds of the population. pg. 17 A worthy evaluation of the religious right voter guides I've seen. The author noted the point of view by many religious right political thinkers. They beleieved their lives suffered, not from the economy, but..."because Sean Penn was a little Communist weasel who didn't beleive in God..."pg. 260 The author concludes that in our politcal movement it seems we have to have an "us" and a "them". It is strange the way he helps us to see how much in common the "us" and them" really have."
Hagee and 911 Truth.org | 3 comments (3 topical, 0 hidden)
Hagee and 911 Truth.org | 3 comments (3 topical, 0 hidden)