501(c)3 Violating, Obama Bashing Message from Pentagon Connected Ministry
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Thu May 22, 2008 at 08:26:16 PM EST
The almost incomprehensible attack on Barack Obama found below is excerpted from a "Sermon of the Month" by Dr. Cecil Todd, founder of Revival Fires International, a 501(c)3 ministry which, "at the request of the Chief Chaplains of the Pentagon," has been shipping Bibles to Iraq, via military airlift, since 2003. According to a Revival Fires press release this "full Bible is designed and authorized by the Chief Chaplains of the Pentagon." This Pentagon involvement and Bible distribution led Navy chaplain LCDR Brian K. Waite to Revival Fires.

In 2001, LCDR Waite, then a mega-church pastor and reserve chaplain, published a virulently anti-Muslim book titled Islam Uncovered -- a book which was pulled from the shelves in 2002 due to plagiarism and faked endorsements. A few months later, Waite was accepted into the Naval Chaplain Corps. As an active duty chaplain, Waite has not only endorsed Revival Fires in uniform on the ministry's website, but appeared on advertisements for, and as a featured speaker at, their 2006 and 2007 campmeetings. He is also scheduled to appear at their 2008 campmeeting, to be held in June. Past speakers at Cecil Todd's campmeetings have included both John Hagee and Rod Parsley.

The Military Religious Freedom Foundation (MRFF) recently exposed LCDR Waite's anti-Muslim writings, his plagiarism scandal, his blatant violations of military regulations in endorsing Revival Fires Ministries, and his diploma-mill educational background. Waite's anti-Muslim ideology led to his dismissal from the faculty of the Graduate Theological Foundation, a civilian institution where he was the director of a Military Ministries doctoral program, but no apparent action by the military.

Excerpts from "Who I Want In The White House!"

By Dr. Cecil Todd


Today, a fierce political battle rages across our nation, as once again the American people will be choosing who will lead our country as President, for the next four years!

The top contenders in this race are Hillary Clinton, Barack Hussein Obama and John McCain -- all three of these Presidential wannabe's are U.S. Senators.



As a minister, I am forbidden by law to tell you how to vote! (I would never do that!) Yet, we all know this law is being broken again and again by many ministers, who are pushing their liberal candidates! I will urge you , "Do not vote as a Democrat ... and do not vote as a Republican ... BUT AS A CHILD OF GOD BE SURE TO VOTE!

As a servant of the most high God, I beg you, "Do not vote for a `baby-killer,' or a promoter of the homosexual life-style or someone who will sell-out our freedoms as a nation and as Christians! That does narrow down the candidates!


There are those today (even some who are Christians!) who mistakenly say, "Christians shouldn't get involved in politics!" For many years this was my position. However, while we were silent, some politicians and the liberal courts stole prayer, Bible reading, the Ten Commandments from our public schools and many more of our freedoms!

I believe the "freedom-stealers" have used the mis-application of our First Amendment to try and silence our tongues!

Our First Amendment actually says, "Congress shall make no laws respecting an establishment of religion, OR PROHIBITING THE FREE EXERCISE THEREOF!"

This amendment is very plain to most freedom-loving Americans! In my opinion, these enemies of freedom have twisted this amendment to advance their social and political agenda and to try and  "shut the mouths" of the people like us who want to stand up for what our country stands for!

While we were sleeping instead of weeping ... while we were playing instead of praying ... while we were feasting instead of fasting, the enemies of freedom have come in and stolen our precious God-given liberties!

I'm convinced the separation of Church and State will come at the rapture -- when Jesus comes back! If we don't have a rapture real soon, I'm afraid our nation will have a "rupture!"

Until then, should we mix Christianity and politics? With so much corruption, lying, deceit and lack of Christian principles and morality in our government, there is no place where Christianity is needed more! We must have more of "God in our Government", more of "Christ in our Congress" and "less sin in our Senate!"



Jesus said it plain -- "I am the way, the truth and the life ... no one comes to the Father, but by me!" (John 14:6)

The Muslims tell us "Mohamed is the only way!" But when Mohamed died, he was buried and his flesh and bones rotted in the grave! However, when Jesus died, He was buried, but the third day, He arose! He lives! He lives! Jesus says, "I am He that lives and was dead and Behold, I am alive forevermore; and I have the keys of death and hell!" (Rev. 1:18)

Country after country have already been taken over by these radical Muslims! They lost their freedom of speech, their freedom to vote and their freedom to assemble and worship as a Christian! If we don't use it -- we will lose it! We are on a countdown to Global War ... A nuclear showdown with Iran is coming ... this show-down will affect every person on planet Earth!

Christians in Muslim nations are now persecuted and murdered! The women and young girls are raped and used to satisfy the sexual desires of their leaders. It is common for some Muslim clerics to have several women and girls as their wives!

And the ultimate desire of the Muslims is to make the United States a Muslim nation! And today, our nation is fast embracing the Muslim religion! Muslims now get special privileges in many of our public schools and colleges ... they have become school board members ... elected to public office as Alderman and Councilmen in our cities, some are even Senators and Congressmen! Their clerics lead in prayer in the U.S. Congress and Senate in Washington, D.C.

Now -- GOD FORBID -- We have one of our Presidential candidates who was raised a Muslim ... he was trained in a Muslim school -- he will rarely (if ever!) pledge to our flag if he can avoid it. He is never seen wearing an American Flag on his lapel -- and his middle name is "Hussein!" And yet he wants to be President of these United States! I say, "He doesn't qualify to be a dog-catcher!" And his wife appears to be less patriotic then he is!

HERE'S MORE DISTURBING INFORMATION! He doesn't want his middle name used -- ("Hussein"). Why not just use the first letter of his first name (Barack), and the first letter (Obama), of his last name! That would be "B.O!" That means, "HE STINKS!" Perhaps, if we would just add the word "nation" to his last name, we would get the true meaning of who he is -- "OBAMA-NATION!" That's something to think about.

He is a good talker -- most politicians are! Some politicians have given new meaning to the word "air-bag!" But never listen to what a politician says! They will say what you want to hear to get your vote! But after they get into office they do as they please!

BARACK "HUSSEIN" OBAMA'S voting record is more liberal than Ted Kennedy's! That should tell you what to expect from an Obama Presidency!

If Obama is not a Muslim, why are so many Muslims (some are even suspected terrorists!) supporting and backing Obama for President? If he is truly a Christian (as he claims!) would these Muslims be supporting him? You know the answer!

Be informed ... a Muslim is taught it is alright to lie, if it will advance the Muslim agenda! Mark my words, "The Muslims" will lie again and again to get their man (or woman) in a position of power and influence!

Why is Obama pushing so hard to bring our troops home? Why is that so important to him and his supporters? I believe I know why ... the evidence is in, I believe OBAMA IS STILL A MUSLIM IN HIS HEART! He doesn't want his Muslim brothers and sisters killed! In my opinion -- Barack "Hussein" Obama is posing as a Christian to get your vote!

If Obama does get into office you will see! Mark my words, if that happens we will have "hell to pay!"

According to the U.S. Department of Justice, we have at least 35 cities across America with "HOME-GROWN" ISLAMIC TERRORIST in training! IN TRAINING FOR WHAT? TO ATTACK AND BRING DOWN OUR COUNTRY! THEY ARE PREPARING TO ATTACK NOW! My sources say, they have guns, plenty of ammunition, dynamite, machine guns, AK-47's and high-powered rifles! I am now informed that two of the nineteen Muslim terrorist who attacked us on 9-11 were from one of these "Muslim terrorist training camps!"

These "Home-Grown" terrorists compounds are located all over the U.S. You would probably be shocked to know how close they are to you. They are in Texas, Oklahoma, Alabama, Colorado, Georgia, California, Tennessee, Virginia, South Carolina, West Virginia, Maryland, New York, Washington State, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, and several other cities! (I have a map that shows the location of all 35 cities across America where these radical Muslims are in training -- plus, much more information about this! Write or call our Revival Fires office for this map and this shocking information!) You will be shaken to your toes! You will be driven to your knees! You will say with me and millions of others --


I sure don't want a Muslim or a Muslim sympathizer in the White House, do you? I want someone who will expose this awful threat and do something about this planned Muslim take-over of our country!

maybe a dumb question, but is Todd actually the pastor of a congregation? Was this a sermon he actually delivered from a pulpit? Or just something horrifying he simply wrote? Wondering about the means of delivery, I guess.

Maybe if nothing else, shining the spotlight on Hagee and Parsley and now this lunatic might helpfully demonstrate just how batshit insane - not merely conservative, but truly mad -  many of these prominent power-hungry right-wing pastors really are.

by DonByrd on Fri May 23, 2008 at 03:20:20 AM EST

...about the delivery of this particular sermon, but from the description in the press release for the upcoming Revival Fires campmeeting in June, Cecil Todd is going to be delivering a sermon that sounds like it's going something similar to this one.  Cecil Todd is the founder of Revival Fires and still active, but it looks like his son, Tim Todd, is taking it over.

by Chris Rodda on Fri May 23, 2008 at 10:48:39 AM EST
I found an article describing it.

Here's the link:
http://www.godanriver.com/gdr/news/local/article/pastor_the_end_i s_near/2445/

He travels to a lot of churches, so it's likely that he used also used this same sermon elsewhere.

by Chris Rodda on Fri May 23, 2008 at 11:20:08 AM EST

Here's hoping that church gets a letter from the IRS. But more important - hoping somebody in the Pentagon has to answer to having any kind of relationship with this crackpot.

by DonByrd on Fri May 23, 2008 at 03:35:11 PM EST
MRFF can only deal with the endorsements by LCDR Waite and the Pentagon involvement. We'll have to get a watchdog of 501(c)3 violations for that aspect of this one. Americans United seems to be the best at dealing with those violations.

by Chris Rodda on Fri May 23, 2008 at 03:46:30 PM EST

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