McCain Endorser Pastor John Hagee: God Curse and Doom America
Bruce Wilson printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Wed Apr 30, 2008 at 02:21:26 PM EST
[NEW!, May 2nd 2008: McCain Endorser Pastor Hagee's 'Thrilling' Scenario Includes Nuclear Strike on US Coasts]

"As a nation, America is under the curse of God, even now." That ominous slam at America came from Pastor John Hagee, whose endorsement Republican presidential candidate John McCain sought, secured, and recently affirmed to ABC News that he is "glad to have." Hagee claims God's "curse" and "doom" is upon America because of two key issues: reproductive freedom and broad support for the teaching of the theory of evolution.

Although Senator McCain recently told George Stephanopoulos in an interview that his seeking of Hagee's endorsement was "probably" a mistake, he then doubled back to affirm his approval of Hagee's endorsement, stating, "I'm glad to have it."

If McCain did not know of Hagee's belief that God is against America, he should have: Hagee's pronouncement of God's "curse" and "doom" on our nation was not a passing comment. It was a major theme of Hagee's book, Day of Deception (1997). In fact, Hagee devotes a whole chapter to it. Here's the curse and doom quote in context:

In "America Under a Curse," a seventeen page chapter in Day of Deception, John Hagee wrote, "As a nation, America is under the curse of God, even now. Look at the scriptures and see for yourself. The stand we have taken on abortion, the stand we have taken against God in our classrooms, just may have sealed or doom."

In Hagee's telling there's a whole taxonomy of divine curses that afflict Americans and all of Homo Sapiens - curses on individuals, curses on families, curses on nations and curses on mankind. "The Curse on America" is neatly organized into subsections for different types of divine curses sapping and damaging America and its people, its culture and economic well-being: God's curses on individuals; God's `curse on America'; "The Curse on The Home"; "The Curse against People" (Americans generally); "The Curses of The Cities"; "The Economic Curse"; "The Curse of The Plagues"; "The Curse of Servitude".

According to Hagee, in the case of curses humans speak against each other, "[if] you are not protected by the blood of Christ that curse will stick. It can follow you and your family for generations." The implication is that Christianity alone confers special protection against curses, which slide off Christians but stick to people of all other faiths and beliefs. In a later book, Hagee has described a terrible, permanent divine curse upon Jews for worshiping idols. To work and to sweat, explains Hagee, are the curses of men while menstruation and childbearing are curses of women.

There are many curses that afflict individuals, some of them unsurprising - incest and thievery incur divine penalty, but other curses Hagee describes seem better placed in the Medieval Era than the post-Enlightenment age. The poor may be cursed simply because they're poor; divine curses can extend for four generations so that Americans can be cursed for the deeds of their great-great grandparents and disobedient children can be cursed for rebelliousness.

America is also collectively cursed for specific reasons, such as legalized abortion and a Supreme Court decision against sectarian Bible classes in public schools but also, more generally, for rebelling against God. As a consequence of America's disobedience and rebellion, according to McCain-endorser John Hagee, God's has cursed America and that curse has caused American military defeats, in Korea and Vietnam, plagues such as AIDS and social blights like violent crime. God's curse on America has also led "hundreds of thousands" to secretly sacrifice children to the devil.

Pastor Hagee bears in on Hollywood, with special intensity, as an almost uniquely pernicious curse on the nation - "Hollywood continues to show its hatred towards God, because Hollywood hates Christianity. It is... a cancer that eats at the soul of the country."

The belief in divinely mandated collective and generational punishments is one Pastor John Hagee has carried from the 90's into the current decade. In a September 18, 2006 interview on the WHYY radio show Fresh Air, with Terry Gross, Hagee stated that God nearly obliterated the whole city of New Orleans, via Hurricane Katrina, due to a gay pride event which had been planned prior to the disaster. In his 2006 book "Jerusalem Countdown" Hagee wrote that God may curse the East and West coasts of the United States, for insufficient support of the type of US foreign policy approach towards Israel Hagee advocates, punishing them with a Russian nuclear first strike that immolates America's coastal regions. In the same book, Hagee describes how Jews are cursed collectively because the ancient Hebrews once worshiped idols. Thus God, expressing "boundless love for the Jewish people", sent Hitler, the Nazis and the Holocaust. Hagee does not mention whether Americans who are 1/2 or 1/4 Jewish carry 1/2 or 1/4 of that specific curse.

If America and most Americans are cursed, there's one person who, according to John Hagee, isn't at all cursed, doomed or damned: John Hagee. In a 2002 BBC interview Hagee declared he knows the future with absolute certainty and the good pastor has repeatedly stated his certainty of going to Heaven. Below: Talk To Action stories on McCain/Hagee

McCain-backer Hagee's 'Thrilling' Worldview: Rapture, Then "Holocaust" (Bruce Wilson)

McCain-Backer John Hagee lies, to Jewish Bloggers, On His Motives For Supporting Israel (Bruce Wilson, with video)

McCain Courted Hagee for at Least a Year (Frederick Clarkson)

What Secret "Other Matters" Did McCain Discuss With "Apocalypse Now" Hagee ? (Bruce Wilson) McCain Reneges on Pledge To Never Seek anti-Catholic Support (Bruce Wilson)

Hagee Acknowledges McCain Sought His Endorsement (Bruce Wilson)

McCain Backer Hagee Showcases 'Islamic Terrorist' Implicated as Possible Fraud (Bruce Wilson)

McCain Backer Hagee Envisioned "Worse Than Auschwitz" For Israeli Jews (Bruce Wilson)

McCain Was After Hagee Like a Dog In Heat (Bruce Wilson)

AIPAC Event Helps Mainstream Allegations Of "Satanic Liberal Jewish Conspiracy" (Bruce Wilson - story details full extent of Hagee's ideological extremity)

Boldly Backwards To The 16th Century: McCain For President (Bruce Wilson)

Senior McCain Advisor: Religious Right is a "Serious Problem" (Frederick Clarkson)

On Bennett Show, McCain Waffles Over Hagee Hate Speech (Bruce Wilson)

Mr. McCain, do you stand by your statement that you are "glad to have" Pastor Hagee's endorsement, or will you now reject and denounce the endorsement?

by jhutson on Wed Apr 30, 2008 at 04:35:27 PM EST
He's quite a rascal.

by Bruce Wilson on Wed Apr 30, 2008 at 06:05:10 PM EST

The political reality is this. People who visit Talk2action aren't going to vote for him anyway. And since no one else seems to be making a big deal out of it, this endorsement might actually help him win the votes of a good chunk of moronic religious lunatics. If you can get the votes of the idiots and the insane, you can't possibly lose. As Frank Zappa correctly observed: "There is more stupidity than hydrogen in the universe, and it has a longer shelf life." And if you can appeal to the irrational fears and hatreds of the stupid people, you have a true recipe for success; a recipe that you don't even have to steal from the Food Network.

by Dave on Wed Apr 30, 2008 at 06:23:15 PM EST
And, I'll keep on writing about it although if John McCain deprived me of such a great hook for publicizing the glory which is John Hagee I would be sad.

I'd carry on though.

by Bruce Wilson on Wed Apr 30, 2008 at 07:29:30 PM EST

Here's why. John McCain's political ad calls him "the American president that Americans have been waiting for."

So why did he seek the political support of an anti-American pastor and call a national press conference to trumpet the endorsement?

Can you see the commercials now...

"Pastor John Hagee: the anti-American pastor that anti-Americans have been waiting for."

by jhutson on Thu May 01, 2008 at 12:05:44 PM EST

America, the seeds of your destruction have already been sowed, and without National Repentance, you will surely reap destruction. How were those seeds sown? An enemy has come when you were not looking and sown them in your field. You embraced a "gift" that the God of your father never gave you. You embraced a much-vaunted image of "Liberty" that has become your Trojan Horse. Your Statue of Liberty was given to you by foreign freemasons who did not at all care for your welfare, but built for you am image of a wanton Roman goddess, the mother of whores and the queen of heaven. Unless the American people turn back to God surely Liberty's torch will be replaced with the cup her designers originally made for her. She has drunk a cup full of abominations, but she will be made to doubly drink the cup full of the wrath of God. God will deliver the righteous, even if the nation is destroyed, just as he delivered righteous Lot, but destroyed wicked Sodom and Gomorrah. "Though these three men, Noah, Daniel and Job, were in it, they should deliver but their own souls by their righteousness, saith the Lord GOD." How abominable that Hitler should exterminate 6 million Jews, but you gave yourself the liberty to kill 70 million of your own babies, without a shot being fired. If there is a God in Heaven, and there surely is, can He not hear the cry of the innocent and the defenceless, for were they not all totally innocent and totally defenceless. You caused other nations to follow in your example. Yet this was but one the abominations you consumed, and caused others to participate in. Instead of being a responsible son, you have come an indulgent libertine. Yet still the Father stands waiting, watching, willing to embrace you if only you would turn and return to Him. Witness His goodness and mercy that he is pouring out upon you. Will you repent? Do you not recognize the day of your visitation?

by TruthWarning on Sun May 04, 2008 at 10:36:43 PM EST
That's very interesting.

by Bruce Wilson on Sat Aug 28, 2010 at 04:41:11 PM EST

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