The Palin Scandal in The Living Room
Bruce Wilson printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Wed Nov 05, 2008 at 01:58:05 PM EST
In the aftermath of Barack Obama's substantial victory over John McCain in the 2008 US Presidential Election Obama's supporters are justifiably aglow and proud of their efforts, the Democratic Party's management of the election and the strength and sophistication of the Obama campaign's ground game. But amidst it all was a peculiar, systemic failure in the election that might seem minor in context of the Democratic Party's triumphal return to the White House and its consolidated control of both branches of Congress. Sarah Palin's religious beliefs and associations should have provoked a national scandal given the possibility that remained, even as of yesterday, that Palin might become, as a vice president, a heartbeat away from the United States presidency.

The lack of scandal is itself scandalous.

Below, in a new 10 minute documentary video, I examine, in the context of its heavily anti-Semitic undertone, the New Apostolic Reformation's recently launched program encouraging and equipping Christians to begin taking control of business and finance: "The Seven Mountains Mandate" (or "7M Mandate").

All but several of the myriad of journalists, pundits and ostensible experts weighing in on the nature and significance of Sarah Palin's religious beliefs and associations were oblivious to the very existence of the particular and easily identifiable religious movement Palin is tightly associated with.

High level leaders in that movement directly tied to vice presidential candidate Palin were on public record urging Christians to 'infiltrate' key sectors of society such as government and business and proposing a program of religious and social cleansing in which entire population groups would convert to the form of Christianity espoused by the New Apostolic Reformation or else be 'displaced', driven from 'the land'.

[At 24, Sarah Palin joined Mary Glazier's Wasilla prayer group. Glazier fought a witch in '95 and now advocates religious cleansing of entire lands, by believers in her movement. The video documentary includes Sarah Palin's October 2008 appearance on Focus on the Family head James Dobson's radio show, during which Palin thanked "our prayer warriors across the nation."]

The outline, below, details some of the more scandalous aspects of Sarah Palin's confirmed immediate association with two prominent leaders in the New Apostolic Reformation, Thomas Muthee and Mary Glazier.

On October 16, 2005 Sarah Palin was endorsed, blessed and anointed by Thomas Muthee. Video footage of that ceremony is in the public domain.

In first video featured in this post, Muthee tells his Wasilla Assembly of God audience, which included Sarah Palin, that 'God's Kingdom' (Christians in his movement, that is) should 'infiltrate' and 'penetrate' seven key areas of society including politics and government. Muthee also said that 'the Israelites' control the economy.

Thomas Muthee is an international celebrity to millions for Muthee's role in the Transformations video series, by George Otis, Jr. which describes how crime, addiction and other societal problems can be cured by driving out 'witches' and casting out territorial demons. Sarah Palin, in 2000, while mayor of Wasilla, borrowed one of the Transformations videos from a former pastor of Palin's.

Thomas Muthee is a 'valued personal friend' of, and has occupied a number of positions in the organization of, C. Peter Wagner - the head of the New Apostolic Reformation.

One of C. Peter Wagner's  500 'apostles' owns the Jakarta Tower. Through his apostles Wagner probably has more people (at least), worldwide, under his authority than in all the US mainline Protestant denominations put together. The NAR is at war with the Catholic Church and is rapidly eroding Catholic Church membership in Brazil. The NAR holds international conferences on how Christians can gain economic supremacy. It draws, for membership, from the estimated 295 million Neocharismatic Christians globally.

[below: 73 second video showing virulent anti-Catholic nature of New Apostolic Reformation movement tied to Sarah Palin]

At 24, in 1989, Sarah Palin joined the prayer group of Alaskan religious leader Mary Glazier, who subsequently became a Wagner apostle and a top leader in Wagner's NAR. Another Wagner apostle ( J. Lee Grady, editor of Charisma Magazine) confirmed, to NYT reporter Laurie Goodstein (detailed in Goodstein's October 24, 2008 NYT story), that Palin had been in Glazier's Wasilla prayer group. A third Wagner apostle, Jan-Aage Torp, has stated that Palin is currently a member of Glazier's prayer warfare network, which is now part of C. Peter Wagner's Spiritual Warfare Network ( now named the Global Apostolic Prayer Network ).

A few months ago Mary Glazier proposed a program of total social and religious cleansing, violent by implication. Audio of Glazier's declaration is in the public realm.

Glazier said, to Wagner and other top NAR leaders on July 13, 2008, that 'there is a tipping point which time because of the sin of the land the people have to be displaced. . .  God is preparing a people to displace those whose sin is rising.'

C. Peter Wagner has decreed, in 2006, that it is God's will that believers should 'plunder' the wealth of the 'godless'.

Top NAR leader Cindy Jacobs,  who along with Mary Glazier serves on Wagner's Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders, told an audience at the Ring Of Fire Convergence conference in Jakarta, Indonesia held August 19-21 2008, "You know what's going to happen ? One day in our countries they're not going to say 'Oh, you know those Jews, they're so wealthy.' They're going to say 'Oh, those Christians. Everything they touch turns to gold.' "

Mary Glazier is Alaska Director and also Northwest Region Director for Wagner's Spiritual Warfare network. Thomas Muthee is East Africa Director for Wagner's Spiritual Warfare Network. Both claim to have successfully fought witches with prayer-warfare. Both witch-hunters have confirmed ties to Palin.

In 1997 C. Peter Wagner sent an expedition, which included Wagner's wife Doris, to Mount Everest to battle a global demon spirit that they say hovers over the mountain and blocks the prayers of Catholics and Muslims from reaching heaven.

Wagner and other NAR leaders have written that the expedition may have contributed to the death of Mother Theresa.

In 2005 Wagner's elite Eagle's Vision Apostolic Team went to Israel to map out demon influences. Team leader Martha Lucia, in a report on the expedition, wrote that the Knesset is the 'mind of Satan' ( on Earth, presumably ).

Both Wasilla Assembly of God head pastor Ed Kalnins and Thomas Muthee are on record stating their belief that Christians can effect miracle healings and raise the dead.

On March 14, 2004 Thomas Muthee told a congregation at the UK Kingsgate Community Church that "places like Brazil, they are Catholic strongholds. But people are getting saved ! 500 every single hour !"

Here is a link to a dedicated Talk To Action page with  the many stories and documentary videos published at Talk To Action in the last two months on Sarah Palin's churches and the New Apostolic Reformation movement

[below: 10 minute video documentary examines virulently anti-Catholic nature of New Apostolic Reformation movement. "Places like Brazil, they are Catholic strongholds," declared Thomas Muthee on March 14, 2004 at a United Kingdom church, "but people are getting saved anyway! Five hundred every single hour!" A colleague of Muthee's planned a "spiritual warfare" expedition to Mount Everest that New Apostolic Reformation leaders later claimed helped contribute to the death of Mother Theresa. This video also examines advocacy of violence by top NAR leaders. As an additional feature, the video shows the actual video footage of pastor John Hagee's now notorious "God sent Hitler" sermon which this author put into a three minute and forty second YouTube video that went viral, was broadcast around the world, and was widely credited in mainstream media for causing John McCain to renounce his political endorsement from John Hagee. In the video footage of the late 2005 sermon, Pastor John Hagee pantomimes a Nazi holding a rifle aimed at Jews.]

[below: another treatment of the relationship between Mary Glazier and Sarah Palin.]

Good video, lots of research. Who's the Wagner link to the Jakarta Tower?

by Richard Bartholomew on Thu Nov 06, 2008 at 07:50:32 AM EST
See here... I found the link on Wagner's ICA directory.

According to the Jakarta Tower's
Wikipedia entry

Bethany Church

During the period of the current development (2006-2011), one of the controversy that enough to come to the forefront about the Jakarta Tower is that this tower will become Christian Center that is supported by the Church of Bethany Indonesia. Regarding to Abraham Alex Tanuseputra, the President Commissioner of this project developer, PT Prasada Japa Pamudja that is also the General Chairman of Indonesia Bethany Church Congress. Moreover, Bethany's group often acknowledged this project as the Jakarta Pray Tower or Jakarta Revival Center.

Also see here.  I don't know (pending further research) whether it's totally accurate to say that Bethany Church will own the Jakarta Tower but they sure are spearheading its development, and my guess is that they view it like the World Prayer Center in Colorado Springs.

Note that there is a lot of what I call "neo-Moravianism" in this movement, and as far as I know there aren't many researchers who have looked into the historical underpinnings of this movement going back much beyond Azuza Street (or more accurately, looked at the revisionist history coopted by this movement).  For example, these prayer centers are intended to be the modern day equivalents of the 24/7 prayer watches at the Moravian settlement at Herrnhut under Count von Zinzendorf's leadership in the 1700s.  However, there is much, much more going on here than just prayer... the leaders of this movement believe that by aligning the heavenlies with earth through opening 24/7 prayer centers, "delivering" people and the earth of demons, opening up portals to the heavenlies, etc. they will incarnate Christ spiritually and rule and reign "as" Christ.

by ulyankee on Thu Nov 06, 2008 at 12:36:51 PM EST

Richard, you may also notice that one of the links in my reply to you was from a Unification Church affiliated website... I'm not sure if that's coincidence or not, but figured you might find that of interest either way. :-)

by ulyankee on Thu Nov 06, 2008 at 12:51:11 PM EST

C. Peter Wagner writes about Tanuseputra and the tower in his 2006 book "The Church in the Workplace." Wagner claims that Tanuseputra now has a network of 800 churches in Indonesia and that by the time of publication of the book this network had completely financed the $25 million construction of the foundation of the tower.  This is in section of the book dedicated to the "transfer-of-wealth movement."  

Other sources indicate that the tower consortium is being led by Tanuseputra and Bethany Churches.

As with most New Apostolic projects, it is being presented as beneficial for everyone in the community. The spiritual warfare to drive out the demons that prevent Muslims, Jews, and Catholics from converting, and the use of their "community" facilities for proselytizing is not discussed in the public forum.  This is their modus operandi.

by Rachel Tabachnick on Thu Nov 06, 2008 at 06:28:58 PM EST

...I'd like to see some independent confirmation that Bethany will indeed "own" the tower.  My experience with the NAR movement in general, including my former group, is that they tend to exaggerate their claims.  The Transformations videos are a case in point.

by ulyankee on Thu Nov 06, 2008 at 10:17:46 PM EST
You are correct to be suspicious of the claims of the New Apostolics, particularly those in the Transformations videos.  However, the link in the above comment is from United World which produces the "Our World" inserts for USA Today.  A 2004 insert featured an article on Alex Abraham Tanuseputra as the President of PT Prasada Japa Pamudja, the developing consortium.  The article also mentions the involvement of Bethany Church in the ownership.  

by Rachel Tabachnick on Thu Nov 06, 2008 at 11:34:51 PM EST

I sent several emails to news departments and editors regarding Palin and her connections to this evil...  several CAREFULLY worded messages with numerous links to evidence (and that said link went to video recordings and other forms of evidence).

Nothing happened.  Even letters to the editor with this information never made it into publication- SEVERAL letters.

I've already demonstrated through research for a paper that most of the news services slant their news towards racist bigotry, and I suspect that we're seeing the same here- keeping the public from learning the truth- and the whole truth.

I suspect it's because the networks are controlled by Big Business, and if you look at what the dominionists support- it all works together for the benefit of Big Business.

by ArchaeoBob on Thu Nov 06, 2008 at 10:47:04 AM EST

And of course there are the big guns like Ahmanson who heavily funded the Prop 8 fight. That, at least, seems to have surfaced.

We really need to be active now, because in light of the failure to put Sarah in the White House, we now will see increasing attempts to seize power at local and state levels. Probably not too hard down here in Jesusland (the South).

I think they already have Oklahoma firmly in hand. A poster on another forum said he went to vote at a Baptist Church in Oklahoma, and there were no booths. Only Christian Nationalist banners on the walls, and people watching while you did your ballot. He photoed the scene with his cell, and started contacting people. We will see what happens.

by phatkhat on Thu Nov 06, 2008 at 12:10:09 PM EST

the strategy of these reactionaries remains me strongly of Richard Hofstadter's observation from 1964:

"It is hard to resist the conclusion that this enemy is on many counts the projection of the self; both the ideal and the unacceptable aspects of the self are attributed to him. The enemy may be the cosmopolitan intellectual, but the paranoid will outdo him in the apparatus of scholarship, even of pedantry. Secret organizations set up to combat secret organizations give the same flattery. The Ku Klux Klan imitated Catholicism to the point of donning priestly vestments, developing an elaborate ritual and an equally elaborate hierarchy. The John Birch Society emulates Communist cells and quasi-secret operation through "front" groups, and preaches a ruthless prosecution of the ideological war along lines very similar to those it finds in the Communist enemy.* Spokesmen of the various fundamentalist anti-Communist "crusades" openly express their admiration for the dedication and discipline the Communist cause calls forth.

On the other hand, the sexual freedom often attributed to the enemy, his lack of moral inhibition, his possession of especially effective techniques for fulfilling his desires, give exponents of the paranoid style an opportunity to project and express unacknowledgeable aspects of their own psychological concerns. Catholics and Mormons--later, Negroes and Jews--have lent themselves to a preoccupation with illicit sex. Very often the fantasies of true believers reveal strong sadomasochistic outlets, vividly expressed, for example, in the delight of anti-Masons with the cruelty of Masonic punishments."

source: lity/the_paranoid_style.html

by Entdinglichung on Fri Nov 07, 2008 at 11:58:48 AM EST

Hofstadter's insight was brilliant, and I'd say the psychological tendency he pegged carries through to this day.

by Bruce Wilson on Sat Nov 08, 2008 at 01:02:03 PM EST

This video offers important insights.  But why wasn't Palin's religious doctrine covered greatly in the media?  I think that it was hard for the media to understand and consolidate her religious perspective without a simple, trustworthy, ten-point bulletin that focused on the dangers to democracy. I didn't see anything like that. It still might be useful. Reporters don't really have much opportunity to do in-depth research these days.  

by cyncooper on Fri Nov 07, 2008 at 06:04:23 PM EST

I have wondered why the media have so systematically failed for so many years to provide even the rudimentary understanding that this movement exists. The spate of books and articles in intellectual and commercial media in the mid 60s that responded to the Goldwater movement has not recurred in response to the rise of the contemporary rightwing.

We have seen the rise of Robertson in the 1980's without a corresponding rise in media exposition. We saw Promisekeepers mobilize a march on Washington a decade ago without media comprehension.

Except for some critiques by smaller circulation evangelicals and progressives, little else exists.

I think that corporate ownership of the media is part of the reason. Also, the media workers of today are not trained and motivated in the way that post WWII journalists were, with some conciously concerned about incipient fascism, whether in a patriotic or religious garb.
The devolution of J schools is part of that.

Important relationships in the government, whether the Congress, Pentagon or the  intelligence agencies are also a factor. I think the attitude of John Paul II, reported by one of his key advisors about Catholic charismatics in the Sword of the Spirit, reflects the operational attitude of the American power structure: they may be excessive on this point or that issue, but overall they serve a useful purpose.

In the post-Vietnam reassessments by American elites, there was concern about rise of a media that could "bring down" a president and could turn the country against the elite's war policies. The actual role of the media was, of course, more complex.

The same could be said of intellectuals and the reowning of campus life by the corporate world. Where are the intellectuals?

This is a comment, not an essay, but our understanding of these problems may help us develop strategies for combatting the incipient fascism of our times.

by Russ Bellant on Sat Nov 08, 2008 at 06:30:33 AM EST

Then maybe it should be !

Best, Bruce

by Bruce Wilson on Sat Nov 08, 2008 at 12:59:12 PM EST

I think that fleshing this out into an analysis, even a provisional one, about the reasons why the media keeps missing the boat on particular stories like NAR and the wider problem of misunderstanding or ignoring the religious right in general, would be very worthwhile.

by Frederick Clarkson on Mon Nov 10, 2008 at 03:59:57 PM EST
You've fought aspects of the problem, individuals who influence the discourse in dishonest ways.

by Bruce Wilson on Tue Nov 11, 2008 at 05:04:33 PM EST

I arrive on here all the time and am floored with the fresh information here! You are

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