Katherine Harris, Sarah Palin Linked To Same Prayer Warfare Network
Bruce Wilson printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Sun Nov 02, 2008 at 11:55:26 AM EST
Katherine Harris became notorious for her role in the U.S. 2000 presidential election when Harris, then Florida's Secretary of State, ordered the Florida election vote recount shut down amidst numerous charges of election fraud and irregularity and with Al Gore trailing George W. Bush by only several hundred votes in the contest for Florida's electoral votes which ultimately went to George W. Bush and so determined the outcome of the 2000 presidential election.

A recording of an October 3, 2006 conference call [link to YouTube video with 3:26 segment from call] between Katherine Harris, then Florida U.S. Congressional Representative, and Florida evangelist Ken Malone [transcript of call], reported on in a November 4th, 2006 Tampa Tribune story because of remarks Harris made during the call which some took as anti-Jewish, indicates that Katherine Harris was then active in the same national Spiritual Warfare network which Sarah Palin has been associated with and may still be a member of.

Mounting evidence suggests John McCain's running mate Sarah Palin is deeply involved with a global religious movement bent on imposing theocracies around the world and whose top leader, C. Peter Wagner, has decreed to his followers it is God's will that a forcible, massive transfer of wealth, from the 'godless' to members of his movement, take place.

A recently released 36 page report (online / PDF / highlights) from an independent research team specializing Wagner's movement includes details on what appear to be virulently anti-Catholic and anti-Jewish statements from, and activities carried out by, top leaders of C. Peter Wagner's New Apostolic Reformation.

Sarah Palin joined the Wasilla prayer group of C. Peter Wagner apostle Mary Glazier in 1989, Glazier told Wagner and his top New Apostolic Reformation leaders on July 13, 2008 [link to YouTube video with audio of Glazier's statement].

Another Wagner apostle, J. lee Grady, has confirmed Palin knew Glazier and joined Glazier's prayer group. A third Wagner apostle, Jan-Aage Torp, has stated that Palin is currently still in Glazier's prayer group which, in the 1990's became part of C.. Peter Wagner's U.S. Spiritual Warfare Network.

In a November 4, 2006 story titled "Harris' Prayer Call Stirs Concerns," By William March and published in The Tampa Tribune, March noted that Katherine Harris 'has made past comments that raised questions about her religious sensitivity.'

Evangelist Ken Malone was serving as a Florida director for C. Peter Wagner's U.S. Strategic Prayer Network which Harris appeared to be participating in as of October 3, 2006. One of Malone's organizational counterparts at the time, Mary Glazier, served as Alaska Director for the U.S. Strategic Prayer Network (now re-named as the Global Apostolic Prayer Network). According to Glazier's own testimony Sarah Palin, at 24, joined Glazier's Wasilla, Alaska prayer group in 1989, shortly after (according to Glazier) 'God began to speak to her [Palin] about entering into politics.'

Mary Glazier is one of 500 apostles in C. Peter Wagner's International Coalition of Apostles (ICA). As described in an October 25, 2008 New York Times story, YouTube Videos Draw Attention to Palin's Faith, another ICA apostle, Charisma Magazine editor J. Lee Grady, confirmed to New York Times reporter Laurie Goodstein that Palin had known Glazier and been in Glazier's prayer group.

A third ICA apostle, Oslo based Norwegian evangelist Jan-Aage Torp, wrote an excited entry on September 6, 2008 for his blog with the heading, "Palin is a Prayer Warrior and Pentecostal !" and Torp stated, in the post, that Sarah Palin was still active in Mary Glazier's prayer network. In an October 2008 appearance on Focus on the Family head James Dobson;s radio show, Sarah Palin thanked prayer warriors across America for their efforts.

William March's November 2006 Tampa Tribune story centered on a statement made by Katherine Harris, during the October 3 conference call conversation in which Harris discussed a prayer initiative with Florida evangelist Ken Malone. During call, Harris declared a prayer that God would 'bring the hearts and minds of our Jewish brothers and sisters into alignment.'

March's story went on to cover background on Ken Malone's ministry:

"[Harris'] Oct. 3 comments about Jews took place during an 'Awaken the Nation' conference call prayer service held by Ken Malone, senior pastor of Lighthouse World Outreach in Davenport.

His Web site says the ministry has an 'apostolic governmental' role and seeks to 'shift the government and courts of our nation.' Florida, he says, is a 'forerunner to the nation' in that mission.

Malone's organization has set up a series of telephone prayer services that involve people he refers to as 'prophetic intercessors' and 'prophetic teachers.' "

In the conference call, Katherine Harris made the dominionist entreaty and prayer to God that 'Father, once again, once again, we'll rejoice with Your son and bring this nation into alignment with Your government, with Your Kingdom principles and authority.' Harris also cited evangelists who, directly under C. Peter Wagner, constitute the highest level leadership in Wagner's global organizations and networks: Chuck Pierce, Cindy Jacob and Dutch Sheets.

At the time, Ken Malone and his wife Cheryl Malone were serving as Apostolic Coordinators for the Florida division of the U.S. Strategic Prayer Network (originally founded as the U.S. Spiritual Warfare Network) and Mary Glazier was Malone's organizational counterparts in her capacity as Alaska director for the U.S. Strategic Prayer Network.

On July 13, 2008, Mary Glazier, at a gathering of New Apostolic Reformation leaders outside of Seattle, told C. Peter Wagner and others present that Sarah Palin had joined Glazier's Wasilla Prayer group  at 24, after "God began speak" to Palin about entering politics. Glazier was then working to elect AIP Party candidate Walter J. Hickel to the Governor's seat. As Glazier told Wagner and leaders in is movement,

"There was a twenty-four year old woman that God began to speak to about entering into politics. She became a part of our prayer group out in Wasilla. Years later, became the mayor of Wasilla. And last year was elected Governor of the state of Alaska. Yes! Hallelujah! At her inauguration she dedicated the state to Jesus Christ. Hallelujah! Hallelujah!" - Mary Glazier

Currently posted on Mary Glazier's Windwalkers International ministry web site, in glowing testimonials, to her ministry and her leadership and listed as advisers to Glazier's ministry, are names of the same top leaders of the New Apostolic Reformation that Katherine Harris mentioned in her October 3, 2006 conversation with Ken Malone: Cindy Jacobs, Dutch Sheets and Chuck Pierce.

It is not known whether Palin was active in Glazier's prayer group at the time, but evidence suggests Palin may well have remained in the prayer warfare group, which was in the 1990's incorporated into C. Peter Wagner's national and international prayer warfare networks.

In a September 10th, 2008 op-ed Charisma Magazine editor J. Lee Grady called Palin a "bold Holy Ghost filled woman" and wrote that when he heard of John McCain choice of Palin, he "was reminded of the biblical story of Deborah, the Old Testament prophet who rallied God's people to victory at a time when ancient Israel was being terrorized by foreign invaders." Using terminology common to the New Apostolic Reformation, Grady titled his September 10 piece "Sarah Plain and The Deborah Anointing".

As described in Laurie Goodstein;s New York Times story, Mary Glazier declined to talk with Goodstein about Glazier's relationship with Sarah Palin. But J. Lee Grady confirmed to Goodstein that Palin had known Glazier and been in Glazier's prayer group.

Another of Wagner's ICA apostles, a personal friend  of Wagner's who calls C. Peter Wagner a "spiritual father", Norwegian Pastor Jan-Aage Torp excitedly wrote in a September 6, 2008 post on his blog,

"Sarah Palin er bønnegriger og pinsevenn!"  ("Palin is a Prayer Warrior and Pentecostal!")

Torp went on to state in the post  that Sarah Palin is currently a member of a prayer network under C. Peter Wagner and Mary Glazier and called it "interesting" that American media hadn't paid much attention to the relationship. Mary Glazier declined to talk with New York Times reporter Laurie Goodstein about her relationship to Palin, as did Palin, the McCain campaign generally, and pastors and religious leaders directly associated with Sarah Palin.

Laurie Goodstein's October 25, 2008 New York Times story, YouTube Videos Draw Attention to Palin's Faith, concurred with much of the research done since early September 2008 by the New Apostolic Reformation Research Team, which has extensively documented Sarah Palin's numerous ties to the New Apostolic Reformation movement. Goodstein's story did not name the movement but verified Sarah Palin's association with religious leaders who practice "spiritual warfare" and, as Goodstein accurately detailed,

spiritual warfare "adherents believe that demonic forces can colonize specific geographic areas and individuals, and that "spiritual warriors" must "battle" them to assert God's control, using prayer and evangelism. The movement's fixation on demons, its aggressiveness and its leaders' claims to exalted spiritual authority have troubled even some Pentecostal Christians."

Goodstein went on to note that Sarah Palin had (in the summer of 2008) "delivered an enthusiastic graduation speech for a class of young spiritual warriors in June at the Wasilla Assembly of God, the church in which she was raised." Goodstein's story went on to mention that Palin, as Alaska governor, had appointed a spiritual warfare advocate to an Alaska State suicide prevention council, a story first covered by this author.  

Most significantly of all Laurie Goodstein's story recognized Thomas Muthee's international stature as a celebrity, to millions internationally, because of his role in a globally distributed instructional video series promoting "spiritual warfare" concepts:

"Bishop Thomas Muthee, the Kenyan preacher shown on the YouTube video anointing her as she ran for governor, is celebrated internationally as an effective spiritual warrior who led a prayer movement that drove a witch out of his town in Kenya. The removal of the witch, Bishop Muthee says, resulted in a drop in crime, alcoholism and traffic accidents."

Thomas Muthee is in fact one of a handful of leaders, clustered around Muthee's personal friend C. Peter Wagner, who have pioneered the development of "spiritual warfare" concepts, terminology and methods.

Muthee has held several top leadership positions in Wagner's organizations and networks including serving, in the late 1990's, on the International Advisory Board of the World Prayer Center. That Center was founded in the mid 1990's as a joint effort of C. Peter Wagner and Ted Haggard, founder of the Colorado Springs New Life Church and later the head of the National Association of Evangelicals.

While Thomas Muthee was on that World Prayer Center board, an expedition authorized by Wagner and planned by Mexican former Voodoo priestess, now a Christian evangelist, Ana Mendez, went to Mount Everest to battle what Wagner and others in his movement have described as a global demonic spirit, centered over Everest, that blocks the prayers of Catholics and members of other religions from reaching God. That  Spiritual Warfare expedition, as claimed in writings by Wagner and Mendez, may have contributed to the death of Mother Theresa.

On October 16, 2005, Kenyan evangelist Thomas Muthee blessed and "anointed" Sarah Palin as a political leader, in a religious ceremony held at Palin's church of over two decades, the Wasilla Assembly of God.

Prior to the ceremony, Muthee made a short speech in which he exhorted his listeners to carry out a holistic program, for the implementation of a Christian theocracy, that is being developed and promoted by leaders in C. Peter Wagner's organization, under the brand name "Seven Mountains". In his speech Muthee called for "God's Kingdom" to "infiltrate" key sectors of society such as business and finance, schools and education, media and entertainment, and politics and government.

The Seven Mountains program is an extension of ideas popularized in the "Transformations" series of instructional videos, on "spiritual warfare", "spiritual mapping" and "prayer warfare" that have, according to some estimates, been viewed by two hundred million people around the world, in seventy different countries.

The first video in the "Transformations" series came out in 1999 and only a year later, although most Americans were (and still are) unaware of the video series' existence, Sarah Palin in 2000, then Mayor of Wasilla, Alaska, borrowed a Transformations video from her former Wasilla Assembly of God pastor, as noted in an October 25, 2008 story by AP reporter Garance Burke.

The message of the video borrowed (and presumably watched) by Wasilla mayor Palin was this:

Society can be transformed by mapping strongholds of demons, witches and "spirits of witchcraft", and through driving those out through "spiritual warfare". The result will be the almost complete cessation of crime and addiction, almost 100%  Christian church membership, the growth of farm vegetables to enormous size, and a miraculous reversal of environmental degradation.

In an October 22, 2008 appearance on Focus on The Family head James Dobson's radio show, Sarah Palin thanked "our prayer warriors across the nation."

As I recall, J. Lee Grady came out of Maranatha, a shepherding discipleship cult headed by Robert Weiner. Maranatha was very politically active, putting followers into political campaign action across the country. Weiner was/is Council for National Policy.

I appreciate Bruce's continuing efforts to report this story.

by Russ Bellant on Sun Nov 02, 2008 at 05:02:15 PM EST

Bob Weiner is an Apostle in Wagner's International Coalition of Apostles, as are many of the people who have been leaders of the numerous entities that formed the "neo-Pentecostal" or, as it is called by those who document the movement for evangelical missions purposes, "neo-Charistmatic" movement.  Rice Broocks, also formerly of Maranatha appears to have tried to publicly distance himself from Wagner and has built his own empire, but is still is listed on boards, etc.  Some other notables in the ICA list of Apostles include Jane Hansen of Women's Aglow, Dennis Peacocke, Dick Eastman, Bill Hamon,and Stephen Strang.

C. Peter Wagner found a way to bring together these numerous strands and organizations of neo-pentecostalism  and bring them together as a cohesive and very powerful movement.

by Rachel Tabachnick on Mon Nov 03, 2008 at 10:21:40 AM EST

Tom Hess is on all the lists that I have seen of the Council for National Policy. He is also an Apostle on Wagner's ICA.  Hess is head of the Jerusalem House of Prayer for All Nations and runs one of the many Christian Zionist entities in the New Apostolic Reformation which are used to access Jews and proselytize in Israel and Eastern Europe and provide Messianic Jewish support systems internationally.

by Rachel Tabachnick on Mon Nov 03, 2008 at 10:34:54 AM EST

Grady was part of Maranatha in the Weiner years. Weiner was overtly theocratic and profoundly influenced by Reconstructionism.

by Frederick Clarkson on Mon Nov 03, 2008 at 03:09:25 PM EST

Harris studied under Francis Schaeffer, for those who like historic continuity.


_ _ _

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Sarah Palin is the most dangerous treat to American Democracy today.  Thank you Bruce for your continueing focus on this subject.

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