Discussion of Palin's Beliefs Goes Mainstream
Frederick Clarkson printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Sat Oct 25, 2008 at 02:17:24 PM EST
Laurie Goodstein, a reporter for The New York Times today raised the fair question of what Sarah Palin believes, given her long history of involvement with churches and with individuals of the New Apostolic Reformation movement.  The question goes largely unanswered, since Palin and the McCain campaigns refused to talk about it, as did others -- at the direction of the McCain campaign. What's more, in an interview with David Brody of Pat Robertson's Christian Broadcasting Network, intended to clear up what she believes in light of the controversies, Palin spoke only in generalities.

The article focuses on two videos, (one of them taken last June), that surfaced on You Tube (and havee been much discussed here at Talk to Action) showing her involvment with NAR Bishop Muthee. In one case, she is being "annointed" by Muthee and in the other she is praising the Kenyan religious leader who has repeatedly found his way halfway around the world to a church in a small town in Alaska -- in at least one instance to perform a ritual that featured Sarah Palin. It is obviously more than a coincidence -- and just as obviously epitomizes a profound series of relationships that the media and the political world seem to be mostly loathe to explore.  Excerpts from Goodstein's article on the flip.
