Fishers and Hunters - the Continuing Saga of Christian Zionism
...the Jewish people today are in slavery to many false gods in America.... My prayer is that American Jewish people become aware of the bondages to these gods and break free from them.. They must make Aliyah (return) to Israel before greater judgment or plagues come upon America. The Jewish people in America must be freed from this slavery to materialism in all of its forms in order to escape to Israel. Because of the way the Jewish people have prospered and been blessed in America, this struggle is even greater than it was to leave Europe more than seventy years ago. This demonizing of "liberal or secular" Jews has become such an acceptable part of Christian Zionism that this rhetoric is now widely used by those Jewish leaders and writers who partner with them. This is apparently done without consideration of the danger to all Jews, left and right, secular or observant, as these slurs become more acceptable and are increasingly applied to any Jewish person that does not support the Christian Zionist agenda. Caroline Glick, deputy managing editor of the Jerusalem Post, attacked Jewish Democrats for allegedly "disinviting" Sarah Palin to speak at a rally protesting Iranian President Ahmadinejad's visit to the United Nations and implying that Democrats are putting politics ahead of Israel's safety. The title of her September 22 article went even further. "Our World - your abortion or your lives," could have come directly from the pages of Hess' book. Chapter three, titled "A Warning of Progressive Judgments on America" catalogues the sins of American society and the coming judgment of God, while ascribing much of this evil to Jews. Hess says on page 32 of the 2004 edition,
There is so much blood on American soil, it is a miracle we have not already been destroyed as a nation! Many secular, reformed and conservative Jews have encouraged abortion despite the fact that the killing of their future generations will affect the future of the Jewish people. There is little difference today between child sacrifice in the Old Testament and abortions today. Hess goes on to warn his "Jewish friends" of what will happen to them if they do not leave their attachments to the sins of the United States. He uses the now infamous fishers and hunters example, claiming that Christian Zionists are the fishers trying to encourage Jews to leave the United States and other countries around the world before the hunters come after them. There are echoes of John Hagee's "Hitler as God's hunter" sermon, also exposed in a video by Bruce Wilson. Hess states, starting on page 76,
People ask: Why did God allow the Holocaust in Europe? For years, a loving God warned the Jews to leave through Jewish Zionist prophets, but ninety percent of them refused to leave before it was too late! If more than ten percent of the Jews leave America before it falls or becomes a lesser power, it would be one of the first times in history. Zechariah 12:8 said that two thirds of the Jews in the world would be killed. One third of them, six million have already been killed in the Holocaust. I am concerned that six million more could be devastated in America unless they return soon. The book was first published in 1987 with six additional editions published in several languages. The warning of the coming wave of anti-Semitism if Jews do not flee their respective countries, is a common theme throughout much of apocalyptic Christian Zionism increasing in the last several decades. Incidents of anti-Semitism around the globe are excitedly reported and viewed as fulfillment of their prophecy and as authentication of the accuracy of their prophetic narrative. It was for this reason that those who held these particular end time beliefs in the 1930s and 1940s remained silent when Hitler's persecution of Jews became known. They viewed it as part of the prophetic plan and some even went so far as to participate in the publishing of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion because it appeared to closely parallel their own end time narrative and their personal view of Jews. For these apocalyptic Christian Zionists, "good Jews" are those who act in accordance to the role assigned to them in this end time drama while "bad Jews" or those that stay in their respective countries for reasons of greed, materialism, and other evils. Likewise, they view Jewish leaders who work in conjunction with Christian Zionists as doing God's will, while those Jewish leaders who resist their assigned roles in this apocalyptic drama are supposedly avoiding God's will due to their attachment to evil, usually described as being of a liberal or secular nature. Those Jewish leaders who veer from the Christian Zionist narrative become vilified as obstacles to God's will, regardless of their previous partnership. Hess' book has been used in Russia and Eastern Europe in coordination with extensive Christian Zionist efforts to encourage Jews to make aliyah as well as proselytizing Jewish communities. On page 86 Hess describes a vision:
One day when I was praying, I saw a vision of a train leaving the station. The locomotive was the Lord leading the exodus form the "land of the north" (Jeremiah 16:15). The attached cars represented the Jewish people from all the other cities and nations, immediately following the locomotive. It is time for the Jewish people to get on the train coming out of Russia and the Ukraine, but also for them to get on the cars from New York, Los Angeles, Miami, Chicago, Boston, Baltimore, Philadelphia, Washington, DC, San Francisco, Cleveland, Paris, Beunos Aires, London Capetown, Toronto, Montreal, Budapest, Sydney. Train , cars, and planes are bringing His people home to Israel! Like John Hagee, Hess and other Christian Zionists have included anti-Semitic memes in their sermons and writings that encourage the view of Jews as the manipulators of the financial system. The introduction to Let My People Go was written by the late David A. Lewis, founder of a previous organization called Christians United for Israel. From the introduction:
Very frankly, if I were a Jewish person, I would take Tom Hess message very seriously. Having a love for Israel and the Jewish people, it would give me deep pain for some of my Jewish friends to leave these shores and make aliyah to Zion. I think, however, that the pain of staying could conceivably be worse. I do recall that the Jews of Germany were saying that it couldn't happen right up until the time of the unleashing of the Holocaust. After 911, the USA will never be the same. Also, if we should see a financial collapse in America, there will be a search for a scapegoat. The history of western civilization demonstrates that the scapegoat usually, if not always, turns out to be the Jew. The other news story of the week referred to in the introduction to this article, was the anointing of the Sarah Palin by three pastors including Thomas Muthee of Kenya. During the anointing ceremony Muthee expresses the need for Christians to take control of government and society. While discussing the need for Christians to take over the seven "Kingdoms" Muthee says,
The second area whereby God wants us, wants to penetrate in our society is in the economic area. The Bible says that the wealth of the wicked is stored up for the righteous. It's high time that we have top Christian businessmen, businesswomen, bankers, you know, who are men and women of integrity running the economics of our nations. That's what we are waiting for. That's part and parcel of transformation. If you look at the -- you know -- if you look at the Israelites, that's how they work. And that's how they are, even today. So, what is the intersection of the above two stories? Both Tom Hess and Thomas Muthee are major figures in the New Apostolic Reformation, the movement featured in the series of articles on Palin's Churches and the Third Wave.
Several previous articles in this series featured Muthees' role in the Transformations videos that have been used to advertise the ideas of possessing cities for "true" Evangelical Christianity through spiritual warfare. Muthee's story of saving Kiambu, Kenya for Christianity by expelling a witch is a one of four stories on the first Transformations video. See link here. Tom Hess is one of several Apostles residing and working in Israel who are part of C. Peter Wagner's International Coalition of Apostles. These 500 Apostles from 42 countries around the world are at the top layer of the international network. Hess, along with other Apostles in the International Coalition of Apostles, are well known for their promotion and assistance to the Messianic Jewish branch of the Christian Zionism through support for the Messianic movement in Israel and in the United States. Other Apostles in ICA include Melva Beacham of Christian Friends of Israel, and Daniel Juster of Tikkun International in Israel. Charisma Magazine, which celebrates Messianic Jewish growth and evangelization in Israel is published by Stephen Strang of Strang Publishing, and Strang is also a member of Wagner's International Coalition of Apostles, as is Charisma editor, Lee Grady. Strang also serves as a director of Region Six of John Hagee's CUFI or Christians United for Israel. The above quotes from Let My People Go were taken from the 2004 edition. A 2003 edition was published by Morningstar Publishing. (Notice the glowing endorsements by Rabbi Joshua O. Haberman and Zalman Shoval, former member of the Knesset at the previous link.) Morningstar Ministries, founded by Rick Joyner, has close ties with Wasilla Assembly of God and its Master's Commission program documented in previous articles and videos. Link here to master document with links to the series of articles and videos. The book is marketed at Morningstar and Rick Joyner has contributed to another book authored by Hess titled "Restoration of the Tabernacle of David." The latter book also features entries by Mike Bickle, formerly of Kansas City Prophets and now IHOP or International House of Prayer and the IHOP Israel Mandate. See information on the Israel Mandate here. Others with entries in Hess' book include Rabbi Boris Grisenko of the Jewish Messianic Congregation in Kiev; Avner Boskey of Final Frontier Missions in Israel; and Ana Mendez, previously featured in other articles in this series. (Mendez was part of a group of inner circle Prophets and Apostles who traveled to the Himalayas for an intensive spiritual warfare battle against the Queen of Heaven. Mendez later stated that she believed their efforts may have helped to kill both Princess Diana and Mother Theresa, both whom they believed were influenced by the demon they were fighting.) See link to her testimony here. As documented in previous articles in this series, The New Apostolic Reformation is not waiting around idly for the Rapture, the rebuilding of the Third Temple, the coming of the antichrist, or any of the things that we normally associate with the Christian Zionist narrative. The New Apostolics have altered the theology to enable them to be the spiritual warriors who take the United States and the world, including Israel, for the Kingdom, in the here and now, in this generation. They are the "sword of the Lord," or "Joel's Army" and they believe they have the mandate to wage the war on evil before the Rapture so that Jesus returns to claim a purified and triumphant church. The urgency of the imminent return of Jesus is still there and frequently the Rapture is left in the narrative, but this belief is melded with the conviction that they have the mandate to begin the ultimate battle with evil now, in the present, and in the earthly realm. Link to previous article "Lions in the Pews." This continuing shift in theology also means a shift in Christian Zionism, as well as a change in their assigned role for Jews in this particular permutation of the end time narrative. What does this mean for the future of the relationship of Christian Zionist and those Jewish and Israeli leaders who have partnered with them? What are the expectations now for all the Jews that Christian Zionists have tried to frighten into making aliyah? If there is no need for "unconverted ethnic Jews" in Israel for the end time drama in this narrative, what does it mean for Jews who refuse to convert? What does it mean when major Apostles and Prophets of the New Apostolic Reformation are organizing prayers for Jerusalem in cities around the globe, including Pentecostal megachurches in Germany? If they believe they have a mandate to build their Apostolic kingdom on earth now, through a partnership of Apostolic Christians and Messianic Jews, what exactly are they attempting to accomplish when millions of people worldwide gather to pray for the peace of Jerusalem?
These questions will be addressed in Part Two. Below are quotes relating to the Jewish Messianic Restoration of Israel and the coming Kingdom of the New Apostolic Reformation.
From the Knesset Christian Allies Caucus The International Day of Prayer for the Peace of Jerusalem will take place this year on October 1, 2006 at 9:00AM at Migdal David, inside Jerusalem's Jaffa Gate and is hosted by Reverend Robert Stearns' Eagles' Wings and Dr. Jack Hayford's King's College and Seminary. Since the KCAC's inception in 2004, our caucus has pledged its support to this annual international initiative. Through this event, tens of thousands of Christians throughout the world pray and demonstrate their desire for the strength and well-being of Israel annually each October. Robert Stearns and Jack Hayford co-chair the Day of Prayer for the Peace of Jerusalem beginning in 2002. They now claim participation of 200,000 churches in 175 nations. From Jack Hayford's King's College and Seminary mentioned in above announcement: "Dear Fellow Talmid-Yeshua, Disciple of The King!The King's Jewish Voice providing a seminary for Messianic Rabbis to be trained in the "Anointed Spirit-filled" Christianity of the Apostolic movement and to evangelize other Jews. The Kings Jewish Voice is part of Jack Hayford's Kings Seminary. About Tom Hess and the All Nations Convocation The theme of the convocation was "Thy Kingdom Come." Tom Hess, as part of the first evening, felt that when Israel was reborn in 1948, there was also a paradigm shift toward the King retuning and The Kingdom being restored to Israel...After the Six Day War in 1967 the Jews began coming to their Messiah and there are now more than 300,000 Messianic Jews. While the majority of these are in the USA, the numbers in Israel have doubled in the last five years and continue to grow steadily...Following 11 days of teaching, prayer, and all of the above, 17 buses left for prayer journeys to various parts of Israel. Every bus met with local Messianic believers to support and encourage them.From Heal New Zealand newsletter, 28 November, 2006 Tom Hess is the founder of JHOP, Jerusalem House of Prayer for all Nations. He also founded the All Nations Convocation Jerusalem and the Worldwide Watch Jerusalem 24/7 Link here and here. JHOP has a relationship with IHOP (International House of Prayer) and their Israel Mandate. The International House of Prayer is committed to seeing the nation of Israel walking in their full destiny at the end of the age. Our primary role is to pray for and partner with Messianic Jews who are living in Israel. The operation and visitation of the spirit in Israel is a vital part of releasing the great end-time harvest among the nations (Ezekiel 36:23-36). However, this full release will only come as a result of a body of believers who are committed to a life of night and day prayer living a fasted lifestyle. All of the quotes below are excerpts from the website of Bob Colver of Morningstar Ministries: Prophet/Pastor/Author Rob DeLuca of Auckland, New Zealand delivered this word on God TV the evening of June 8, 2008, which was at Sunrise in Israel. He then called upon those in the audience of Jewish descent to come to the stage to be anointed and commissioned to fulfill their destiny, and stand in the gap for impartation to go to Israel. This is a transcription of his message to Israel.Bob Colver states on his site that “he has been involved in the Prophetic movement since 1987. He has been a part of the MorningStar ministries in Charlotte, N.C.and Fort Mill SC since 1996 in Conferences, Schools of Prophetic Ministry, and the MSM Correspondence Course.” Chuck Pierce referred to in one of the above quotes is the heir to C. Peter Wagner’s Global Harvest Ministries. C. Peter Wagner is the Convening Apostle of the International Coalition of Apostles. From Dan Juster, Tikkun Ministries, In November, I had the privilege of speaking at Dr. Jack Hayford's annual pastoral leadership conference. Jack Hayford is a preacher with great depth and balance. If you have heard his story, then you know that even though he had no intention of leading a mega church, God established one under his leadership…Tikkun Ministries From Revive Israel,Tel-Aviv / Jerusalem Revive Israel Ministries is led by Asher and Betty Intrater. Revive Israel Ministries is affiliated with Tikkun International. The Tikkun International Board consisting of Dan Juster, Don Finto, Eitan Shishkoff and David Rudolph functions as an apostolic oversight and accountability board for Asher and Betty. In Israel, Asher and Betty work in partnership with Ari and Shira Sorkoram and Eddie and Jackie Santoro.Revive Israel at tips for witnessing at the bottom of the site.) The Intrater have “apostolic covering” or oversight from Dan Juster, one of C. Peter Wagner’s Apostles in the International Coalition of Apostles. From “Overcoming Evil in the Last Days” by Rick Joyner: The Jew is the embodiment of the humanistic spirit. They are a barometer of Humanity - embattled within and without. As Paul said, “From the standpoint of the gospel they are enemies for you sake…” (Rom. 11:28). They were hardened, or made hard to reach, for the sake of the gospel. This is, the Jew represents the "acid test" of our message. Until we have a gospel that will make the Jew jealous, we do no really have it right.This means not only having it right doctrinally, but practically in the way that it changes us and that we reflect it in our preaching of the gospel. Perhaps this is why we are exhorted to preach the gospel to the Jew first, because when we preach to the Jew, we will quickly find out the quality of our message.From “Confronting the Enemy” by Rick Joyner: Paul asserts that the hearts of Jews were hardened so that they would not accept the gospel until it was time for them to be grafted back into the tree which God had planted He also declares that if the cutting off of the Jews for a time resulted in blessings for the Gentiles, the greatest blessing of all will be their being grafted back in, which is, “life from the dead.” This nothing less than victory over the last enemy.From August 1994 Morningstar Ministries Rick Joyner is head of Morningstar Ministries. Morningstar was the publishing house for Tom Hess’ 2003 edition of Let My People Go. Wasilla Assembly of God, the Master’s Commission program, and Ed Kalnins, have a close relationship with the leadership of Morningstar. In May 2008 Kalnins brought back an anointing from Rick Joyner to his Wasilla church and delivered this anointing during the service on May 25, 2008. He later anointed Sarah Palins on June 8th at the One Lord Sunday Service.
Fishers and Hunters - the Continuing Saga of Christian Zionism | 7 comments (7 topical, 0 hidden)
Fishers and Hunters - the Continuing Saga of Christian Zionism | 7 comments (7 topical, 0 hidden)